View Full Version : Meg Whitman knowingly employed illegal immigrant as maid, Gloria Allred charges

09-29-2010, 02:25 PM
Meg Whitman knowingly employed illegal immigrant as maid, Gloria Allred charges
A former housekeeper for Meg Whitman claims the Republican governor candidate knew she was an illegal immigrant but continued to employ her, according to her attorney Gloria Allred.
Allred said Whitman caused the worker to "feel exploited, disrespected, humiliated, and emotionally and financially abused." The worker alleges Whitman knew she was here illegally but did not act on it until she decided to run for governor last year.
Whitman attorney Tom Hiltachk told reporters Wednesday: "This person was initially hired by Meg Whitman in November 2000. She filled out standard [Internal Revenue Service] forms and Department of Justice forms and presented her Social Security card and California driver's license. She filled out immigration forms that stated under penalty of perjury that she was a lawful resident."

09-29-2010, 05:20 PM
This is beginning to look like a big scam. This employee of hers is quite obviously a liar. She tendered fraudulent documents to obtain employment, and kept up the facade for years. this seems to me to be BS about Whitman abusing her, and there seems to be no proof of that at all.
I'm not pro-whitman or anything, but I'm quite fed up with illegals claiming victimhood after having willingly perjured and forged in addition to living here illegally. Right now, I think it should be our position that we protect the American first, and that is whitman. If it turns out she had some knowledge, then we deal with that as we would anyone else that hired a single ineligible worker. But in the meantime, the illegal who forged and perjured seems to be self admitted at this point, and should be on her way to detention before breakfast.

09-29-2010, 05:23 PM
The illegal was weeping and wailing about how badly she was treated. As much as I hate Whitman, this illegal is really laying it on too thick.

09-29-2010, 06:22 PM
The illegal was weeping and wailing about how badly she was treated. As much as I hate Whitman, this illegal is really laying it on too thick.

I agree. This smells of a conveniently concocted and slightly premature "October Surprise."

Besides, Juanita The Illegal Maid is not what should upset Californians about Whitman: http://derailamnestydotcom.blogspot.com/2010/09/maid-is-not-issue.html

09-29-2010, 08:12 PM
This is supposed to be what will kill Whitman. I hope the maid will be deported as soon as possible and in the mean time she should be in jail. The voters should deal with Whitman for many other things.

09-29-2010, 09:33 PM
This is supposed to be what will kill Whitman. I hope the maid will be deported as soon as possible and in the mean time she should be in jail. The voters should deal with Whitman for many other things.

There is some sort of philosophical moral to this story. That border hopper was getting $23 an hour. Tell me to my face that an American wouldn't have gladly taken the job with that compensation (w/ or w/o care mileage fees).

See folks? Nothing good comes from treating illegal aliens well.

09-30-2010, 07:31 AM
There are two things that bothers me about this story. I'd like to believe that Whitman's been set up here, but she claims that the illegal maid voluntarily came to her and told her she was illegal in order not to be a political liability in Whitman's run for governor. What? I'm sorry, but I find it more credible that Whitman really did get the letters from the Social Security Administration and chose to ignore them until she decided to run for governor, at which time she decided she had damn well better fire the maid since it was bound to come out that she was illegal. The other thing is how it was known by anyone other than Whitman that she got the letters from the SSA.

09-30-2010, 07:47 AM
There's one thing that bothers me about this story. I'd like to believe that Whitman's been set up here, but she claims that the illegal maid voluntarily came to her and told her she was illegal in order not to be a political liability in Whitman's run for governor. What? I'm sorry, but I find it more credible that Whitman really did get the letters from the Social Security Administration and chose to ignore them until she decided to run for governor, at which time she decided she had damn well better fire the maid since it was bound to come out that she was illegal.

Getting a no-match letter does not mean you get to fire the employee without being liable for damages under employment laws. Believe it or not, an employer is pretty much required to take the documentation that an employee provides as factual proof until something is returned from the state or feds stating otherwise. So this lying illegal could have been outed by the no-match letter, and then returned with yet another fraudulent SSN, and meg would be beholden to accept it until that one was disproven. That system was a ridiculous as any other federal program, and you have a willing participant in the fraud right in the federal government.
I'm not sayin' meg is in the clear here, but the first thing we have to default to is that our system is conducive to illegals, and second that we have lying, scamming illegals heavily vested in it. Our first concern should be to deport the liar of a foreigner, second we need to beat down the system that wasn't knocking on megs door after they supposedly knew where she was, how long she was there, and what she was doing. Meg wouldn't have stood a snowball's chance in hell of hiring an illegal, let alone keeping one had the feds and the state not been voluntarily helping the illegal work, stay here, or at least shirking their jobs in enforcing the law.
Let's remember what our goals are, and who our protected class is. California born Americans.

09-30-2010, 08:00 AM
I added this list part before your reply, and that is how does anyone know that Whitman got those letters from the SSA? This casts doubt on Gloria Allred's position as well. Of course there's no question that the illegal maid should be deported, it's a question of what Whitman knew and when she knew it.

09-30-2010, 09:11 AM
I watched that interview with Allred and the Invader this morning. It was just plain sicking. Gloria Allred is the scum bag of the legal profession. If my attorney hugged and fondled me the way Gloria does her clients, I would fire her.

$23 an hour and Meg could not find an American who would do the work? I kinda of believe Meg is lying and for sure the Invader is.
I hope everyone will keep us posted and see what happens to the Invader.

09-30-2010, 10:42 AM
I have one big question. It has been stated by the Social Security themselves that they do not send out those no-match letters to any employer who has less than 100 no-match employees. They never sent them to employers with less employees, and even those that did employee large numbers weren't sent the no-match unless a large number of their employees were no-match.

The maid was hired through an employment agency, so was the no-match sent to the employment agency? Some of those employment agencies ask a flat fee upfront, and others expect a percentage of the employees pay for a specified length of time. So after 9 years, was the illegal still associated with the employment agency, or was she not?

When I listened to the 37 min. interview with Allred I noticed Allred refused to answer whether the illegals had used false documents or signed anything stating she was a citizen, although Allred was asked at least 4 times. Finally Allred said she wouldn't answer that question.

When asked why the illegal, if she had been so abused, didn't just quit and work somewhere else. Allred first responded that it is hard to find a job in this economy, and then that not everyone can simply go get another job. Well, for 8 of those 9 years the illegal worked for Whitman, the economy was very strong, and for an illegal to get another maid job here in California is by far easier than for a citizen. So Allred is really lying on that one and as she said it she groped for an answer.

It wouldn't surprise me if Whitman had known or at least had some inkling that she was an illegal. But she may have just figured "don't ask, don't tell" and that made it ok.

At the time the illegal went to Whitman and revealed that she was an illegal she was asking for help from Whitman and her husband. She obviously thought that she had little to fear in telling the Whitmans.

There is far more to this than the illegal is saying. What was really annoying while watching the interview of the illegal and Allread, was the constant crying from the illegal. Her being fired was over a year ago, yet she's still crying! What a show!!! Who should be crying is the US citizen who was out of a job and would have take a maid job at $23 an hour in a heart beat.

No one asked Allred how the illegal and her illegal husband were supporting themselves and their illegal kids today, and it was so sickening to hear Allred continue to claim how brave the illegal was for stepping forward. Hell, those illegals have nothing to fear, it is we citizens who are the ones at risk from being sued by the likes of Allred and any other low life attorney. What scum.

09-30-2010, 11:11 AM
Great analysis Jean. I also figure that Nutmeg knew she was dealing with an illegal from day one. The illegal is putting on a great show for "cash" and nothing else.

While Nutmeg is probably a ruthless, wealthy, predator and an undoubtedly
reprehensible liar it is obvious that the illegal "victim" and Allred are executing a shakedown of the billionaire.

So one more of these darlings that Obama wants to bring out of "the shadows" is now blatantly attempting, with the help of a crooked lawyer, to have an effect on a gubernatorial election. How much more out of "the shadows" can this get?

My guess is that the illegal rodent doesn't care if she is deported because she expects with a degree of certainty to go back to her beloved Mexico with a few of Nutmeg's millions. Why else would she risk deportation?

Nutmeg has been courting these illegals and their crooked votes.
Enjoy Meg!!! You nasty b**ch!

09-30-2010, 11:13 AM
I have one big question. It has been stated by the Social Security themselves that they do not send out those no-match letters to any employer who has less than 100 no-match employees. They never sent them to employers with less employees, and even those that did employee large numbers weren't sent the no-match unless a large number of their employees were no-match.

That's interesting. Casts even further doubt on Gloria Allred's story. I believe I read that Ms. Allred is claiming to have copies of the letters. I guess we'll see.

09-30-2010, 11:17 AM
Great analysis Jean. I also figure that Nutmeg knew she was dealing with an illegal from day one.
I think Jean had it right. Whitman may not have actually known, but it was probably a case of "Don't ask, don't tell."

09-30-2010, 11:48 AM
Now the Allred camp is saying there was a form letter sent from the SSA to the Whitmans which was filled out by Whitman's husband, who gave a copy to Nicki and threw out the original, unbeknownst to Meg, and that Nicki has given her copy to Gloria. Still doesn't add up. On another note, William Gheen of ALIPAC is now calling for the arrest of both Nicki and Meg. :D

09-30-2010, 12:02 PM
Now the Allred camp is saying there was a form letter sent from the SSA to the Whitmans which was filled out by Whitman's husband, who gave a copy to Nicki and threw out the original, unbeknownst to Meg, and that Nicki has given her copy to Gloria. Still doesn't add up. On another note, William Gheen of ALIPAC is now calling for the arrest of both Nicki and Meg. :D
LOL, I just saw that. Folks over there are not happy with this.

09-30-2010, 02:13 PM


We have received a lot of very passionate emails that disagree with ALIPAC's position that both illegal aliens and employers of illegal aliens such as Nikki Diaz and Meg Whitman should be held accountable in courts of American law.

Many of those who have written say that we should not have called for Whitman's arrest because she has claimed to the media that she was duped by the illegal alien and that she has documents to prove that she was misled.

Others say that we should not have called for the arrest of Meg Whitman despite her pro Amnesty positions because she faces a very liberal challenger in the race for Governor of California.

Here is our official response to these concerns.

As a large and diverse national organization, we realize that we will not all agree on every aspect of the illegal immigration issue. If anyone wants to withdraw their support for ALIPAC over a disagreement on one issue, that is their American right. However, clearly over a period of time the illegal aliens will win possession of America if too many people are willing to do that. We all need to stay unified on the grounds we do agree upon, regardless of minor disagreements over a candidate or two or an event or smaller issue.

ALIPAC is not condemning both Diaz and Whitman, although it is fairly understood by all parties involved that Whitman did hire an illegal alien for 9 years and that is a violation of existing federal law.

ALIPAC has called for arrests so that the courts can make the proper judgments on guilt or innocence in these matters. ALIPAC, the media, and California voters are not in the proper position to weigh Whitman's documents, claims, and alibis.

To accept her mere claim of innocence without a trial would be similar to advocating that OJ Simpson not be charged with murder because he came out and told the press he did not do it after evidence suggested he did.

Whitman being a Republican, or a better or worse candidate than Jerry Brown, should not triumph over our value for the lost principle of the Rule of Law in America. There are already many very wealthy and powerful people and corporations that don't believe they should abide by our existing border and immigration laws either. Should we allow them to continue to operate without concern of enforcement because some people support that?

The Rule of Law means that all Americans or people on American soil are treated equally under the law and that nobody is immune to the law because they are wealthy, in the media, poor and downtrodden, white, black, brown, yellow, male, female, Republican, Democrat, or third party.

ALIPAC supports the restoration of the Republic and the Rule of Law in America.

These goals will never happen if Jerry Brown or Meg Whitman succeed with their mutual plans to turn millions of illegal aliens into new voters.

If the Whitmans and the Browns of America succeed with their Amnesty agenda, the political wishes of most of the people reading this message will never matter in America again. Millions of American voters like us will be replaced and America will fall.

The slaughter of thousands of innocent Americans each year and the theft of millions of our jobs and hundreds of billions of our tax dollars will escalate and there will be no peaceful political solution for these problems.

While ALIPAC is calling on law enforcement and the courts to do their appropriate jobs in the Diaz and Whitman case, the most likely outcome is that both will be given special treatment just like President Obama's illegal alien aunt Zeutinin Onyango.

In closing, for those of you that are tempted to leave our email list because ALIPAC said something critical about a Republican candidate you want to support, please consider this. Did id occur to you that Republican candidates across America are hearing of this and they are thinking two things?

One, they are wondering if their employees are legal and they may take action to fix that.

Two, the message of Meg Whitman and John McCain to all Republicans should be clear and if it is not clear we need you ALIPACers to make it clear to them.


We hope that all of you will stand with ALIPAC in our call for both Whitman and Diaz to be treated equally under the law. The evidence that they both have violated America's existing border, immigration, and labor laws must be analyzed in the appropriate venue which is a court of law.

We hope that all of you will stand with ALIPAC in support of the principle of the Rule of Law and our mission to save American lives, jobs, wages, security, property, and sovereignty from illegal immigration and from those like Whitman and Diaz that are fostering and encouraging the problem.

My door, email box, and phone line is open to each of you that support our mission if you would like to speak with me further about these important issues.


William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Post Office Box 30966, Raleigh, NC 27622-0966
Tel: (919) 787-6009 Toll Free: (866) 703-0864
FEC ID: C00405878

Feel free to comment online at...

09-30-2010, 03:06 PM
But in the meantime, the illegal who forged and perjured seems to be self admitted at this point, and should be on her way to detention before breakfast.
Guess again. ICE has basically said they don't give a crap about her since she's not a violent or wanted criminal. I figured she'd get a pass like the vast majority of them.

09-30-2010, 03:13 PM
I also should add that Allred stated that the Whitmans received more than one no-match letter and that they know that because Nikki said she saw the other letters in the Whitmans trash. Now, this is on the word of the illegal.

Whitman is saying that the illegal presented the bogus CDL, SS#, and filled out the forms stating she was here legally to both the Whitmans and the agency that the illegal was working with. Whitman also stated that she was told the CDL was legit but said to ask the DMV. So how did the illegal get a legit drivers license?

Whitman said she announced her candidacy in Feb 2009 and that the illegal was fired in June 2009 after she told Whitman her legal status. Whitman said her present maid was hired though the same agency.

09-30-2010, 06:28 PM
I hate Whitman and swore I would never vote for another double talking RINO.

That being said, Allred contends that the misrepresentation of Whitman's husband about never having seen the SS letter should be imputed to Whitman and that Whitman "lied" and is unfit for high public office on that ground.

Interesting idea. Hillary Clinton signed the tax returns that later turned out to be bogus and paid the Cinton's back taxes. That return was under oath under penalty of perjury. Moreover, when the Lewinsky scandal broke, Hillary went on TV, denied the allegations about a "relationship" between Bill and Lewinsky and attributed the false accusations to a "Vast right wing conspiracy." Subsequent events showed that Bill and Hillary lied. (1) Are Bill's lies imputable to Hillary; and (2) Do they disqualify her from high public office?

09-30-2010, 06:33 PM
I hate Whitman and swore I would never vote for another double talking RINO.

That being said, Allred contends that the misrepresentation of Whitman's husband about never having seen the SS letter should be imputed to Whitman and that Whitman "lied" and is unfit for high public office on that ground.

Interesting idea. Hillary Clinton signed the tax returns that later turned out to be bogus and paid the Cinton's back taxes. That return was under oath under penalty of perjury. Moreover, when the Lewinsky scandal broke, Hillary went on TV, denied the allegations about a "relationship" between Bill and Lewinsky and attributed the false accusations to a "Vast right wing conspiracy." Subsequent events showed that Bill and Hillary lied. (1) Are Bill's lies imputable to Hillary; and (2) Do they disqualify her from high public office?

Unfortunately, perjury is becoming an acceptable form of testimony in American politics. It's also becoming pretty trivial in the courts.

10-01-2010, 04:50 AM
As a New Yorker I am surely staying out of any debates about California's next Governor. Our own race is nasty enough. However, this accusation by Meg Whitman's maid needs comment.

According to the news, which is sometimes questionable, the maid is accusing Whitman of abuse and underpayment.

According the Meg Whitman she hired the maid through an employment agency and whose papers appeared legitimate even though they were obviously counterfeit as we now are hearing.

The maid was paid $23 per hour !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An ICE letter was sent warning about a mismatch of social security number or other data. But to whom. It was confidential and may have been sent to the maid. We don't as yet know.

Guys and Gals - I believe Meg Whitman when she says this isn't true. The maid, like so many others, is a pathological liar, unscrupulous, a-moral, law breaker, parasite. *( I will hide my real feelings ).

It is so sad that Gloria Allred will parade her in front of TV cameras and foist this scam on the American people. The maid should be tossed back across the border without further ado. How sick is our system that will tolerate this type of scofflaw, law breaker into our court system to besmirch, slander and defame anyone.

10-01-2010, 06:18 AM
You can see the actual letter here:


10-01-2010, 09:02 AM
I can't copy and paste from Gloria Allred's statement because of the pdf format, so I'll quote this directly:

"Meg Whitman should be ashamed and embarrassed that she has lied, but I am so proud of Nicky. She is the hero in this story. She is the courageous Rosa Parks of the movement to win respect and dignity for Latinas and others in the workplace."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The Rosa Parks of the movement? What movement, the one which encourages people to sneak into the country illegally, lie about their immigration status, and then go boo-hoo when they get found out and terminated in accordance with the law? What planet is Gloria Allred living on?

10-01-2010, 04:21 PM
It's becoming disturbing. I think Allred has actually done Whitman a favor with conservative voters. With her hyper-liberal advocacy of Juanita The Illegal Maid (Rosa Parks, "illegal alien" is offensive, "no criminal," etc.), she's actually generating sympathy/support for Whitman from the Right that really wasn't there before this telenovela broke out.

10-01-2010, 07:00 PM
How about a "Deport Nicky" rally at Gloria;s office?

Allred Maroko & Goldberg
6300 Wilshire Blvd #1500
Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone Number (323) 653-6530
Fax Number Not Available
e-mail Not Available

10-01-2010, 07:09 PM
How about a "Deport Nicky" rally at Gloria;s office?

Allred Maroko & Goldberg
6300 Wilshire Blvd #1500
Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone Number (323) 653-6530
Fax Number Not Available
e-mail Not Available
Pick a date and I'll work on it. Most can only attend on week ends, but the best time to go at her is during the week. This is a fantastic idea. Let's do it. I can start sending out announcements this week if we can come up with a date and time.

10-01-2010, 07:46 PM
Looks like they have a little metered parking in front

I'll do whatever I can to facilitate

10-01-2010, 10:13 PM
Pick a date and I'll work on it. Most can only attend on week ends, but the best time to go at her is during the week. This is a fantastic idea. Let's do it. I can start sending out announcements this week if we can come up with a date and time.

I know the weekdays are better, but it is so hard to get our people there. I know it is good to give people advance notice, but I think we need to act soon. And we should get word to Gloria that there will be a protest, I think she loves attention so much she might come out on a Saturday.

10-01-2010, 10:18 PM
I know the weekdays are better, but it is so hard to get our people there. I know it is good to give people advance notice, but I think we need to act soon. And we should get word to Gloria that there will be a protest, I think she loves attention so much she might come out on a Saturday.Well I know the sooner we act on this the better. We could consider next Saturday or the following Saturday either is fine with me. This would not really take huge numbers to be effective, but they would help. This one I'm willing to invest in even if only a few show.

10-02-2010, 01:23 AM
I know the weekdays are better, but it is so hard to get our people there. I know it is good to give people advance notice, but I think we need to act soon.

It should probably be next Saturday or not at all. The nature of news cycles is that they pass quickly. Something else is likely to be the flavor of the week with the media two weeks from now.

10-02-2010, 02:53 AM
Last night on Fox news Gretta took on Gloria Allred and just pummeled her, kicker her arse all over the ball park, beat her up, shredder her and hung her out to dry. I have never seen Gretta so vicious !!!!!

Gloria waived a letter from The Government, to The Whitman's, informing them that there was an SS mismatch. Mr. Whitman made a notation on the bottom; " Nikki please check this out".

Gretta said this proves that the Whitman's didn't know what was going on, and that Mrs. Whitman did not deal with it and wasn't implicated in the note. !! Mr. Whitman says he doesn't recall it.

The maid WAS fired !!!

Gretta went on to browbeat Gloria telling her that she had hung a sign on her client - DEPORT ME - and provided proof that the maid was a liar, counterfeited documents and committed perjury.

I hope my California friends do promote the deportation of this maid ! She is another Elvira Arello.

10-02-2010, 04:53 AM
I watched that interview with Allred and the Invader this morning. It was just plain sicking. Gloria Allred is the scum bag of the legal profession. If my attorney hugged and fondled me the way Gloria does her clients, I would fire her.

$23 an hour and Meg could not find an American who would do the work? I kinda of believe Meg is lying and for sure the Invader is.
I hope everyone will keep us posted and see what happens to the Invader.

It's just speculation on my part, but Gloria Allred has always struck me as being inclined towards lesbianism...

$23.00 an hour and no American citizen takers? It's because illegals have become wedged into American employment and Americans don't fit into the foreign work environment - so when employers do hire Americans the Americans tend to get run off in one fashion or another by illegals.

Go figure.

The issue of "Meg and the Mex" is just a political circus which would never come about if it hadn't of been for politics. My thought is to take Whitman, Brown and Chelene along with the California legislature and maroon them on an Island naked with knives as their only possessions, then come back in about ten years to see who survived their hacking and cannibalizing one another.

Any bets?

10-02-2010, 05:09 AM
It's just speculation on my part, but Gloria Allred has always struck me as being inclined towards lesbianism...

I don't know about that, however she does have a daughter who is an attorney. Her name is Lisa Bloom. I was shocked when I found out they are mother and daughter. Lisa comes off as pretty regular.
Some times it seems to take people a while to find out who they are. After several years of marriage and a couple of children, that Huffington man discovered that he was gay.
I am not using first names because I don't know how to spell them. I will attempt the wife, Arrianna Huffington.

10-02-2010, 05:18 AM
Unfortunately, perjury is becoming an acceptable form of testimony in American politics. It's also becoming pretty trivial in the courts.

The law only applies to American citizens only if...

One is not a celebrity

Not affluent enough to hire an attorney who's good at working the system

It's a sham.

It seems unmitigated outrageous behavior is almost idolized in those who have public recognition.

10-02-2010, 05:26 AM
I can't copy and paste from Gloria Allred's statement because of the pdf format, so I'll quote this directly:

"Meg Whitman should be ashamed and embarrassed that she has lied, but I am so proud of Nicky. She is the hero in this story. She is the courageous Rosa Parks of the movement to win respect and dignity for Latinas and others in the workplace."

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The Rosa Parks of the movement? What movement, the one which encourages people to sneak into the country illegally, lie about their immigration status, and then go boo-hoo when they get found out and terminated in accordance with the law? What planet is Gloria Allred living on?

Rosa Parks was a tired American citizen who didn't want to move to the back of the bus as expected at much risk to herself and became a symbol of the civil rights movement.

Nikki is an illegal entrant used as a chess piece in a political cat fight.

Apples and carp.

10-02-2010, 05:53 AM
Well I know the sooner we act on this the better. We could consider next Saturday or the following Saturday either is fine with me. This would not really take huge numbers to be effective, but they would help. This one I'm willing to invest in even if only a few show.

I agree and thanks so much for the offer to organize. I am willing to do what ever I can to help except 'be' there. I wish you could get at least 50 people to show up but 5 would be better than no one.

10-02-2010, 07:02 AM
Ok, so the questions are:

If we do it Saturday the 9th, who can make it?...as opposed to:

Thursday or friday the 7th or 8th on a weekday?

I doubt this is going to blow over by the following week or weekend, but unless it changes the numbers, or the extra time is needed to prepare signage and send out notices, maybe there's no need to wait

10-02-2010, 07:24 AM
Last night on Fox news Gretta took on Gloria Allred and just pummeled her, kicker her arse all over the ball park, beat her up, shredder her and hung her out to dry. I have never seen Gretta so vicious !!!!!

Gloria waived a letter from The Government, to The Whitman's, informing them that there was an SS mismatch. Mr. Whitman made a notation on the bottom; " Nikki please check this out".

Gretta said this proves that the Whitman's didn't know what was going on, and that Mrs. Whitman did not deal with it and wasn't implicated in the note. !! Mr. Whitman says he doesn't recall it.

The maid WAS fired !!!

Gretta went on to browbeat Gloria telling her that she had hung a sign on her client - DEPORT ME - and provided proof that the maid was a liar, counterfeited documents and committed perjury.

It was an absolute joy to behold! Gloria got the smackdown of her life! Here's a link:

10-02-2010, 07:54 AM
It was an absolute joy to behold! Gloria got the smackdown of her life! Here's a link:

Gloria was smoked by Greta.

I'm not so sure about the smack down of her life though - doesn't Allred's nose look like it's been broken? It points north when she walks west.

10-02-2010, 07:58 AM
Gloria was smoked by Greta.

I'm not so sure about the smack down of her life though - doesn't Allred's nose look like it's been broken? It points north when she walks west.
I thought it was always pointing left!

10-02-2010, 08:49 AM
This whole thing stinks "brown". Allred has been a supporter and contributor to Jerry Brown since his first foray as governor.

It looks like this is going to backfire on her. For one thing Gloria Allred isn't well thought of in the state. Since the story broke, Whitman has gone up 5 points to Jerry Brown's one.

The maid's complaint that since she was fired she hasn't been able to find a job might have more to do with her illegal status than anything Whitman did. I'm not persuaded that a no match letter proves that Whitman knew that the maid was illegal because no match letters come up all the time. I've gotten no match letters on myself. Someone keyed in a typo.

If Meg Whitman wants to make this go away, she should get an attorney who will tell Gloria Allred that there is no chance for an out of court settlement and the case is going to trial. Gloria Allred has never been inside a courtroom. She has never taken a case to trial. When it gets that far she finds a referral. Good luck with finding a referral on this one.

10-02-2010, 08:54 AM
If Meg Whitman wants to make this go away, she should get an attorney who will tell Gloria Allred that there is no chance for an out of court settlement and the case is going to trial. Gloria Allred has never been inside a courtroom. She has never taken a case to trial. When it gets that far she finds a referral. Good luck with finding a referral on this one.
That would be great for Whitman. She could come out smelling like a rose, and Gloria would be even further discredited. The last time she pulled something like this which was when Arnold was first running for Governor it also ended up going nowhere. Rosa Parks, my ass!

10-02-2010, 09:00 AM
Allred has another problem even if the maid isn't deported, even if the Bar doesn't take any action for ethics violations because she exposed her client to criminal penalties, Allred's public disclosure of the maid's private facts regarding her illegal status has cut off any responsibility Whitman might have had MIGHT have had for the maid's inability to find other employment. There is a tailor made case against Allred that the maid would have found a job if her illegal status hadn't been plastered all over the media.

10-02-2010, 10:08 AM
Allred has another problem even if the maid isn't deported, even if the Bar doesn't take any action for ethics violations because she exposed her client to criminal penalties, Allred's public disclosure of the maid's private facts regarding her illegal status has cut off any responsibility Whitman might have had MIGHT have had for the maid's inability to find other employment. There is a tailor made case against Allred that the maid would have found a job if her illegal status hadn't been plastered all over the media.
Kind of funny isn't it, making sure the whole world knows your client is in the country illegally.

10-02-2010, 11:13 AM
Gloria Allred is kind of a white Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton. They make their money the same way, by intimidating and threatening.

10-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Pick a date and I'll work on it. Most can only attend on week ends, but the best time to go at her is during the week. This is a fantastic idea. Let's do it. I can start sending out announcements this week if we can come up with a date and time.

If you are going to do something, let me know soon. I can email 3 people who may be able to be there. Right now that is all I can think of. Only one of these three people have ever posted here so they will need an email to know about it.

10-02-2010, 02:20 PM
Allred has worked with and on Browns campaigns in the past!


10-02-2010, 02:58 PM
Gloria was smoked by Greta.

I'm not so sure about the smack down of her life though - doesn't Allred's nose look like it's been broken? It points north when she walks west.Wow ilbegone you notice that too. Her nose is so bent to the right it looks like she slept on it and it stayed that way.

I need to have a consensus within the next 24 hrs as to whether to do this this Saturday or the next. More time will give me more time to get the word out and the possibility of others being able to make arrangements to attend. But I do believe time is of the essence in this case and the sooner the better. I don't have a problem with a small turn out on this one and could be just as effective if it's still the media flavor of the minute, but how do the rest of you feel. Can any of you make it next Saturday or anytime in the near future?

We could also protest both next Saturday and the following Saturday. What do you think?

10-02-2010, 03:44 PM
Wow ilbegone you notice that too. Her nose is so bent to the right it looks like she slept on it and it stayed that way.

So I was right, it is bent to the left if you're looking directly at her.:D Word now has it that a lot of people who were leaning towards Brown are now switching their vote to Whitman just because of Gloria's shenanigans.

As far as the rally goes, it seems like it would be good to have it on a weekday when there's a chance Gloria could be in her office. I realize a lot of people aren't available to do rallies during the week, and I just happen to be off work this time, but I don't think a weekend rally would have the same effect.

10-02-2010, 05:11 PM
So I was right, it is bent to the left if you're looking directly at her.:D Word now has it that a lot of people who were leaning towards Brown are now switching their vote to Whitman just because of Gloria's shenanigans.

As far as the rally goes, it seems like it would be good to have it on a weekday when there's a chance Gloria could be in her office. I realize a lot of people aren't available to do rallies during the week, and I just happen to be off work this time, but I don't think a weekend rally would have the same effect.I agree with you Phil that doing it on a weekday would be the best, but how many would show? I don't have a problem with a weekday this coming week, so if we can get a handful of people, I'm more than willing to get the word out. We just have to decide very soon.

10-02-2010, 08:17 PM
This whole thing has got me thinking about whether Gloria Allred herself employs a housekeeper, and if so what her immigration status is. Could be worth investigating.

10-03-2010, 11:08 AM
This whole thing has got me thinking about whether Gloria Allred herself employs a housekeeper, and if so what her immigration status is. Could be worth investigating.

Not really. She's obviously pro-illegal alien. She's never stated she objects to undocumented workers. That's in contrast to Whitman.

What Doug McIntyre says about all this:

Doug McIntyre: Hypocrisy confuses real issues for state

By Doug McIntyre, Columnist
Posted: 10/02/2010 04:56:32 PM PDT
Updated: 10/02/2010 05:04:19 PM PDT

Our state is circling the drain with double-digit unemployment and a staggering $19 billion deficit but the focus of the governor's race is now on one illegal immigrant housekeeper, or to be more specific, "When did Meg Whitman know her housekeeper was illegal?"

Housekeeper Nicky Diaz's tearful photo-op, orchestrated by political assassin Gloria Allred, plunged the Governor's race from a debate on job creation and governmental reform into the abyss of immigration hypocrisy.

Nobody's hands are clean.

There's not the slightest indication Whitman cared one wit about illegal immigration prior to her run for office. Her "tough" stand is actually malleable, depending on which audience she's speaking to at the moment- tough on KFI, soft in East L.A.

But if Whitman loses to Jerry Brown, the only thing she'll have to show for her $119 million gamble are streak-free windows and dust bunny-free sofas.

For $119 million Whitman could have had Manny Ramirez beat her rugs.

Whitman stated categorically that neither she nor her husband, Dr. Griffith Harsh III, had ever received a letter from the Social Security Administration warning their housekeeper may be in the country illegally. But Allred has a 2003 letter with Dr. Harsh's handwritten notation, "Check on this." And now Whitman's

story is changing. Anybody remember what the meaning of "is, is?"
But California's Democrats are even bigger hypocrites than Whitman.

The Democrats have opposed every single substantive border enforcement proposal ever made, while supporting amnesty and sanctuary policies that actively encourage human smuggling and the importation of massive poverty.

They talk endlessly about work place enforcement and then have a cow on those freakishly rare occasions when ICE actually conducts a workplace raid.

The Federal Government has refused for decades to enforce our nation's immigration laws, but Jerry Brown's camp suddenly expects Meg Whitman to be Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Diaz outed herself as an illegal immigrant with a fraudulent driver's license and stolen Social Security number, but don't hold your breath waiting for the housekeeper to be deported. This isn't about immigration. This is about winning in November.

Yet, so much of what's gone wrong in California is about immigration, which is why a trivial incident like "Housekeeper-Gate" is also vital.

The financial burden of providing social services to millions of the Third World's poorest has contributed mightily to California's catastrophic deficits, our above the national average unemployment, and skyrocketing rates of poverty and illiteracy. We arrived at insolvency one illegal housekeeper at a time.

California can't be saved unless the next Governor cleans up this mess.

Doug McIntyre's column appears in the Los Angeles Daily News on Wednesdays and Sundays. You can reach him at dncolumnist@dailynews.com.

10-03-2010, 12:56 PM
Would anyone be interested in protesting Allred's office this Thursday? Or maybe this Saturday? Give me some response on this. I just don't want to be there all by myself, it's not safe.

10-03-2010, 02:23 PM
How about a "Deport Nicky" rally at Gloria;s office?

Allred Maroko & Goldberg
6300 Wilshire Blvd #1500
Los Angeles, CA 90048 Phone Number (323) 653-6530
Fax Number Not Available
e-mail Not Available

Ok, so the questions are:

If we do it Saturday the 9th, who can make it?...as opposed to:

Thursday or friday the 7th or 8th on a weekday?

I doubt this is going to blow over by the following week or weekend, but unless it changes the numbers, or the extra time is needed to prepare signage and send out notices, maybe there's no need to wait

I need to have a consensus within the next 24 hrs as to whether to do this this Saturday or the next. More time will give me more time to get the word out and the possibility of others being able to make arrangements to attend. But I do believe time is of the essence in this case and the sooner the better. I don't have a problem with a small turn out on this one and could be just as effective if it's still the media flavor of the minute, but how do the rest of you feel. Can any of you make it next Saturday or anytime in the near future?

We could also protest both next Saturday and the following Saturday. What do you think?

Los Angeles Employee Rights Law Firm | Law Firm of Allred, Maroko ...
6300 Wilshire Boulevard - Suite 1500, Los Angeles, CA 90048, 323-302. Allred, Maroko & Goldberg is one of the largest employment law firms in California ... http://www.amglaw.com/http://www.amglaw.com/

6300 Wilshire Blvd is a couple of blocks east of San Vicente according to this Mapquest result http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Los+Angeles&state=CA&address=6300+Wilshire+Blvd+Ste+600

google map http://maps.google.com/maps?q=6300+Wilshire+Blvd+90048&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=6300+Wilshire+Blvd,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90048&gl=us&ei=N_uoTKbNNJOcsQPCjvTlDA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA

google street view http://maps.google.com/maps?q=6300+Wilshire+Blvd+90048&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=6300+Wilshire+Blvd,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90048&gl=us&ei=svyoTNeBL4vEsAP_2_n2DA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA#

google satellite map http://maps.google.com/maps?q=6300+Wilshire+Blvd+90048&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=6300+Wilshire+Blvd,+Los+Angeles,+CA+90048&gl=us&ei=svyoTNeBL4vEsAP_2_n2DA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBMQ8gEwAA

6300 Wilshire appears to be a high rise, about halfway in between 405 and 101/110 freeways west to east, closer to the 10 freeway to the south. Just east of Beverly Hills, just south of West Hollywood.

Appears to be limited opportunity for public parking, probably extremely congested during the week - particularly during "rush" hours.

Is anyone more familiar with the exact location? My limited familiarity with Wilshire is west of Beverly Hills and downtown LA. Wilshire BLVD around the 405 is a nightmare around 3:30 in the afternoon during the week. More information should be acquired concerning safe public parking and other logistics.

10-03-2010, 04:33 PM
I can make either Saturday. Probably not the weekday.

10-03-2010, 05:06 PM

In my experience, you won't get many answers/commitments to show up in this fashion. I've seen it happen several times. You ask for a head count. There's a lot of silence, and then a number of folks who didn't chime in show up on the day of the event. For whatever reason, the maj. of people don't usually publicly commit themselves on a thread. You can often get a straight answer, however, if you send them a PM or e-mail (not a mass e-mailing).

Just FYI.

Off the top of my head, I figure Glory and Newt are likely to show if given notice. Also, I'll ask Dennis. He contacted me a couple weeks ago and asked me to keep him abreast of any events.

10-03-2010, 05:39 PM

In my experience, you won't get many answers/commitments to show up in this fashion. I've seen it happen several times. You ask for a head count. There's a lot of silence, and then a number of folks who didn't chime in show up on the day of the event. For whatever reason, the maj. of people don't usually publicly commit themselves on a thread. You can often get a straight answer, however, if you send them a PM or e-mail (not a mass e-mailing).

Just FYI.

Off the top of my head, I figure Glory and Newt are likely to show if given notice. Also, I'll ask Dennis. He contacted me a couple weeks ago and asked me to keep him abreast of any events.

It's SOS tradition to ask for attendance in the threads. It'd be nice to have respose here, but it's not like making a reservation. We still take first come, first served at the door :)

10-03-2010, 05:49 PM
Thanks Borderwatch let's plan on this Saturday. I would prefer not too early in the morning, it's a bit of a drive. I would think around 11am would be good for me. What's that sound like to you?

10-03-2010, 08:12 PM
Thanks Borderwatch let's plan on this Saturday. I would prefer not too early in the morning, it's a bit of a drive. I would think around 11am would be good for me. What's that sound like to you?

Let's Roll!

10-03-2010, 09:09 PM
Let me know what you want in the scrolling marquis for starters.

10-03-2010, 09:41 PM
Let me know what you want in the scrolling marquis for starters.yes that's good to start. We'll talk.

10-04-2010, 04:38 AM
Robin is in.

10-04-2010, 07:02 AM
Not really. She's obviously pro-illegal alien. She's never stated she objects to undocumented workers. That's in contrast to Whitman.

Yes, but the point is it's still illegal, and as a lawyer she knows what the law is. I think it would be good to "out" her as someone who doesn't follow the law.

10-04-2010, 08:23 AM
Cannot make it - foot in cast for three more weeks. Give 'em h***.

10-04-2010, 08:31 AM
Cannot make it - foot in cast for three more weeks. Give 'em h***.

Kick another boyfriend to the curb?:D

10-04-2010, 08:33 AM
:D How did you know?????

10-04-2010, 08:40 AM
:D How did you know?????

It's a common injury in California, and most of the injured are happy to disclose the cause.

10-04-2010, 07:41 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnw2cCIJ50w (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnw2cCIJ50w)

10-05-2010, 06:12 AM
Little late on that one, Bri (see post #39).

10-05-2010, 06:16 AM
What I don't understand is why the Social Security Administration didn't follow up when they didn't get the original letter back, as Nicki kept it.

10-05-2010, 11:59 AM
What I don't understand is why the Social Security Administration didn't follow up when they didn't get the original letter back, as Nicki kept it.

Phil, you are far too old to be expecting competence from government workers.