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Old 05-18-2014, 11:07 PM
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Default Volunteer For The Polls This Year; Earn Money too

I will be working at the polls this primary election. I encourage everyone who has an interest in honest elections, election propriety to volunteer also. Not only do you get to actually participate in the election process, but you get money for it too. It's not much in comparison to the hours required to work, but I can tell you it's a welcome change to be paid for community activism for a change. All who complain about voter fraud should be jumping at the chance to be involved to this degree, and have their fears either erased or justified...or something in between.

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Old 05-19-2014, 08:17 AM
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I did that about 10 years ago. But today you have to speak Spanish or they won't use you; at least where I live it's required.

I am glad I did it. It really showed me how the process works. We first met for about 3 hours at the Reagan Library, for which we were also paid. It isn't much but I would have done it for free. My only drawback was getting up so early.
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Old 05-19-2014, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
I did that about 10 years ago. But today you have to speak Spanish or they won't use you; at least where I live it's required.

I am glad I did it. It really showed me how the process works. We first met for about 3 hours at the Reagan Library, for which we were also paid. It isn't much but I would have done it for free. My only drawback was getting up so early.
I don't think it is a requirement to speak spanish. They did ask, but I just said I only wish to speak English. They do need bilinguals, but I don't think they can demand every pollworker be that, lest they would be discriminating. There isn't THAT many spanish speaking only voters that they need to require every worker be spanish speaking. You can ask to see the records that show the demographics.
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Old 05-19-2014, 08:49 AM
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
I don't think it is a requirement to speak spanish. They did ask, but I just said I only wish to speak English. They do need bilinguals, but I don't think they can demand every pollworker be that, lest they would be discriminating. There isn't THAT many spanish speaking only voters that they need to require every worker be spanish speaking. You can ask to see the records that show the demographics.
Well, as you know, where I live it's 75% Hispanic and many are voting. Northern California is still unsaturated, but it's coming.
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Old 05-19-2014, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Well, as you know, where I live it's 75% Hispanic and many are voting. Northern California is still unsaturated, but it's coming.
the registrar would like to convince us that there is a bigger need for spanish/bilingual ballots than there actually is. We have a large population of spanish speakers, but also equally large is Hmong, russian, punjabi, arabic. Truth is, we are saturated with foreigner speakers period, because the government hires the carp out of them, and this is a government town
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Old 05-19-2014, 10:00 AM
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But today you have to speak Spanish or they won't use you; at least where I live it's required...

...Well, as you know, where I live it's 75% Hispanic and many are voting...
The registrar would like to convince us that there is a bigger need for spanish/bilingual ballots than there actually is.
Couple things here:

1) Racial composition doesn't determine language. Too many people on all sides confuse race with language and nationality, some do it deliberately to obscure and conflate the notions of citizen and illegal foreigner.

2) Too many times I have had the experience to, as one example among many, be behind someone at the counter in the Doctor's office who demands in Spanish to have an interpreter then speaks fluent English in the waiting room among their like complected companions.

A friend had taken her brown skinned, Spanish surnamed sister to the hospital. While they were waiting for medical assistance, someone burst into the room and with much linguistic enthusiasm began inquiring as to the nature of the problem. My friend said to her sister - in English - "do you need an interpreter?" Sucked all the wind out of the balloon, so to speak.

I believe much of the "preferred language" stuff is just so much bullshit. The local Home Depot has the silly policy of having their bilingual employees wear buttons that say "Yo hablo Espanol". I've been toying with the idea of having a button made up that I can wear in the store which says "I speak English".

It doesn't seem to me that there would be much difficulty (regardless of whatever language in which one thinks) in drawing a black pen line completing the arrow pointing to the name of the selected candidate and electronically selecting a candidate is not unlike selecting a choice for cash back or not while using a debit card at the supermarket checkout, and it should be expected that the voter has explored the issues before going to the voting booth. It's very self evident that there is a line for signing your name, and the presence of the voting booth is clear. Just how much of the obvious is there to be genuinely explained to anyone who has not just stepped out of a lifetime, isolated jungle life? I believe it's a requirement to speak and understand English in order to obtain citizenship and therefore would be an unofficial requirement to vote.

I live in a mail in ballot district only. How does one observe and verify in that environment?
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Last edited by ilbegone; 05-19-2014 at 10:43 AM.
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Old 05-28-2014, 08:02 PM
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Old 05-29-2014, 09:17 AM
Patriotic Army Mom Patriotic Army Mom is offline
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Great job!
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