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Old 12-10-2009, 06:46 AM
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Default California School District Board Backs Down On Gays

Bay schools phase out gay-friendly curriculum

ALAMEDA, Calif. -- The school board blinked.

Under the duress of a lawsuit and threats of recall, the Alameda Board of Education has voted to phase out an elementary school curriculum it adopted in May to prevent anti-gay bullying.
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Old 12-10-2009, 09:01 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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I have been aquainted with a few homosexuals and with only a few exceptions, they have all been bullies themselves. They cannot be trusted to conduct themselves civilly with heterosexuals. My guess is that this whole gay-friendly curriculum is just another opportunity for gays to poison and push around their heterosexual school mates. Their parents know better too.
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Old 12-10-2009, 09:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
I have been aquainted with a few homosexuals and with only a few exceptions, they have all been bullies themselves.
They probably would have been bullies in any environment or from and sexually based platform. I've known many in the aformentioned gay classification, and have found that the majority are pretty damn passive really. But give them a hero, speaker or advocate to rally behind and they will act just as any other group who feel they have been dismissed, disrespected, or ignored.
My complaint about what's happening with gays, is much the same as what is happening with illegals in that we have politicians promoting the agenda above others. They simply feel they have a powerful force that they can control or mis-use for their benefit by soliciting and pandering to them in the hopes of combining them all into one big voting pool and power base.
A lot of us end up then taking out our frustrations on the gays, illegals, or what-have-you instead of the manipulating bastards that cause it.
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Old 12-10-2009, 11:23 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
They probably would have been bullies in any environment or from and sexually based platform. I've known many in the aformentioned gay classification, and have found that the majority are pretty damn passive really. But give them a hero, speaker or advocate to rally behind and they will act just as any other group who feel they have been dismissed, disrespected, or ignored.

My complaint about what's happening with gays, is much the same as what is happening with illegals in that we have politicians promoting the agenda above others. They simply feel they have a powerful force that they can control or mis-use for their benefit by soliciting and pandering to them in the hopes of combining them all into one big voting pool and power base.
A lot of us end up then taking out our frustrations on the gays, illegals, or what-have-you instead of the manipulating bastards that cause it.
The problem is that taking out your frustrations is appropriate if your immediate problem is the target of your frustration. In this illegals and homosexuals are all too frequently justifiable targets for frustration. Aggression has many different faces and what looks passive is not always passive. Posing as a victim is an excellent way to bully somebody if you can manipulate somebody into being an aggressor. In which case the aggressor is really the victim, but to the observing authority being manipulated (or applied, if the authority is complicit) the aggressor is guilty. I've seen this a lot. It's a classical strategy that works on the international front as well.

The invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany was precipated by a fraud in which the Nazis claimed that Germans were being persecuted inside Poland. They posed as Poles and used murdered prison camp inmates to stage what looked like an assault on a radio station, in the Gleiwitz incident. We see a similar fraud on a grand scale being commited now on the Serbs by Albanians and Croations in the Balkans initiated during the breakup of Yugoslavia.

It all suggests that if you are politically weak in such a vastly corrupted world, you are especially pressured to self discipline. Look where such discipline is unneccesary and you will see political power at the bottom of what is going on. Muslims are able to operate as freely as they do as terrorists because politically weak countries and populations are intimidated out of the fear of being accused of bigoted persecution. But Muslim countries that influence the UN and other international observers are wealthy and powerful.

The same thing with illegals everywhere. They have license to go and squat where ever they want, do what ever they want in the spirit of the worse kind of contempt and if people stand up to smack them down, there is some powerful political voice ready to snap them into better behavior.
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Old 12-10-2009, 01:28 PM
Don Don is offline
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"Bullying" of gays and illegals? Are you kidding? What bullying are you talking about?

Years ago, Gov. Pete Wilson vetoed some bill and the gays showed up at a press conference and threw tomatoes and other things at him. Later that day on the TV news, they showed a roadblock set up by gays where they randomly pulled people out of their cars and beat them up because they were "frustrated" over the veto of the bill. These were random motorists! This was on TV! Amazing that TV reporters could stand around and cover this stuff for TV but that no police ever showed up to arrest the gays or protect their victims from random violent attack.

[We saw the same thing in the Rodney King riots in 1992 where live TV showed that truck driver and other people getting the Hell beaten out of them while the cops were hiding at Parker Center. Later I saw TV footage that showed Police standing by while looters went in and out of stores.]

I had a friend in the DA's office in Fresno County in the 1980's who told me about some local gay militants read letters to the editor of the local newspaper and targeted the writers for vandalism, threatening calls, threats against their children, etc, if they disagreed with the gay agenda. That's right. Threatened their children too. People who wrote letters to the editor received anonymous telephone calls from gays threatening to rape and sodomize their children! This was 20 years ago.

Look at them now. We see Gay "activists" combing the lists of political donors to anti-gay poiltical activism and targeting those people at their homes, businesses and jobs. These people are savages and they're not the victims of anything.

When have you ever seen mobs of straights come out into the streets and attack gays? We have a caste system in this country and gays are on the top rung. They make up 5% of the population and they now dictate to the remaining 95% of us. They can do anything and they're immune from criticism, because disagreeing with Gays is "hate speech."

I'm sick of hearing about "bullying" of gays. Nonsense. It's the gays who are the bullies. Just listen to their "leaders" and read their websites. They're the ugliest, most vicious bunch of savages you'll ever see. I"ve seen their "leaders" on TV and the radio and they were all thugs who defended violence and terrorism against people who disagreed with them. These people are savages.

Last edited by Don; 12-10-2009 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 12-10-2009, 07:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
When have you ever seen mobs of straights come out into the streets and attack gays?
Well, yes actually.
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Old 12-10-2009, 07:53 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Well, yes actually.
You've seen mobs of straights attack homosexuals? That sounds like news. Where did you see that? You've actually seen "mobs"?
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Old 12-10-2009, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
You've seen mobs of straights attack homosexuals? That sounds like news. Where did you see that? You've actually seen "mobs"?
It did make news most of the time. Some of the events happened right here in Sac, but I witnessed some in other towns too.
Most of us humans witness two men or two women carressing or holding each other as a hetero couple would, and we turn away or maybe even run away, but there's a segment of society that takes it upon themselves to make a forceable impression on them in the hopes of permanently discouraging it I suppose. One or two of those types of people can have a coercive effect on several of their friends, and this is amplified whenever alcohol is involved. Years ago, when something along those lines happened, the news reported it as a altercation minus the sexual reference, mainly because there would be no sympathy for the gays anyway. In later years it became more fashionable to ID the gays.
One instance that really disgusted me in the 80's was some women walking in "Take back the night" event here were holding each other as they walked, and some big guy took offense and whacked one of them...on camera. He was egged on by some buds who were all throwing beer bottles and yelling insults at them. They weren't having sex in public for christs sakes. I don't like gays per se, but I sure don't like beating them into submission either.
I could tell you several stories where I saw it personally, and a few where I was within the group where one or more gays were and thus ended up on the recieving end of one of the angry mobs.
Angry mobs are not a good thing.
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Old 12-11-2009, 07:12 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
It did make news most of the time. Some of the events happened right here in Sac, but I witnessed some in other towns too.

Most of us humans witness two men or two women carressing or holding each other as a hetero couple would, and we turn away or maybe even run away, but there's a segment of society that takes it upon themselves to make a forceable impression on them in the hopes of permanently discouraging it I suppose. One or two of those types of people can have a coercive effect on several of their friends, and this is amplified whenever alcohol is involved. Years ago, when something along those lines happened, the news reported it as a altercation minus the sexual reference, mainly because there would be no sympathy for the gays anyway. In later years it became more fashionable to ID the gays.

One instance that really disgusted me in the 80's was some women walking in "Take back the night" event here were holding each other as they walked, and some big guy took offense and whacked one of them...on camera. He was egged on by some buds who were all throwing beer bottles and yelling insults at them. They weren't having sex in public for christs sakes. I don't like gays per se, but I sure don't like beating them into submission either.
I could tell you several stories where I saw it personally, and a few where I was within the group where one or more gays were and thus ended up on the recieving end of one of the angry mobs.

Angry mobs are not a good thing.
"I could tell you several stories where I saw it personally, and a few where I was within the group where one or more gays were and thus ended up on the recieving end of one of the angry mobs."

Again, you are making some reference to an angry mob. Do you really understand what an angry mob is? It is a lot more than two or three people jumping on somebody. It is a riot. If you really are aware of some angry mob attacking homosexuals, then that is news and needs a reference. Even without a reference, an angry mob should evoke some solid memories about a place and a time.

I happen to know for a fact that many homosexuals like to make overt sexual displays for the explicit purpose of aggravating people. I have heard them discuss this and express amusement at the consequences -- at least when it doesn't lead to violence. Also known in San Francisco as "scaring the tourists".
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Old 12-11-2009, 09:31 AM
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Default Obama, This Is What You Call School Safety?
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