Originally Posted by Twoller
"I could tell you several stories where I saw it personally, and a few where I was within the group where one or more gays were and thus ended up on the recieving end of one of the angry mobs."
Again, you are making some reference to an angry mob. Do you really understand what an angry mob is? It is a lot more than two or three people jumping on somebody. It is a riot. If you really are aware of some angry mob attacking homosexuals, then that is news and needs a reference. Even without a reference, an angry mob should evoke some solid memories about a place and a time.
I happen to know for a fact that many homosexuals like to make overt sexual displays for the explicit purpose of aggravating people. I have heard them discuss this and express amusement at the consequences -- at least when it doesn't lead to violence. Also known in San Francisco as "scaring the tourists".
Most of this happened 20 to 30 years ago, and there was not the availability of internet back then, so it's pretty hard to support. I suppose I could give it some thought and get back to you with more specifics.
In the meantime, I can concede that there have been angry mobs on both sides of the gay issue. On the quantity thing, I'd still have to say I've been there. I've been in the midst of what was probably around 100 people, but how many were inciting or spectating as opposed to how many were actually throwing things, kicking and punching, or otherwise assaulting, it's a little hard to say when you're just trying to stay in one piece and get out of the area. From memory, it seems like all of them since no one seemed to be asking for restraint.