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Immigration Topics relating to the subject of US Immigration

View Poll Results: How do you feel about "streamlining" legal immigration?
Absolutely not, we need a moratorium on legal immigration. 4 66.67%
No, the current system of legal immigration needs more restrictions and less allowances. 1 16.67%
No, the current system works OK and needs no adjustment. 0 0%
Yes, we need to make it easier to immigrate to the US. 0 0%
Yes, we need to make it possible for anyone who is not a criminal to come to live in the US. 0 0%
None of the above statements represent my point of view. 1 16.67%
Voters: 6. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-26-2009, 09:43 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Default How do you feel about "streamlining" legal immigration?

Nobody in their right minds who wants to do something about illegal immigration wants to see amnesty. But a more subtle problem in confronting those who endorse illegal immigration is the issue of legal immigration. Naturally, those softest on illegal immigration also support "streamlining" legal immigration. They want to make it easier to come to this country and live here. Nevermind whether this means citizeship, just let them come legally and live here as long as they want.
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Old 11-26-2009, 01:58 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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If anyone chooses the last option where "None of the above statements represent my point of view." it might be insightful if you post what your point of view is that differs from the other statements.
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"legal immigration", amnesty

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