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Old 11-19-2014, 03:39 PM
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Default What's your opinion on how to deal with Obama's amnisty?

What do you think the Congress should do to stop Obama? I would love to see him impeached, but that's not going to happen. The next best thing would be to cut the funding.
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Old 11-19-2014, 08:42 PM
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Congress could pass a few laws that nullify his order(s). I think that's what they'll do in January. In the interim, they will file suit and take it to court, which would also likely result in nullification. In both scenarios, congress would reassert their rightful lawmaking power, and reign in the presidential overreach.

At the same time, they should complicate every move the president makes that isn't directly related to the security and necessity of the US. His nominations, requests for funding, confirmations. In addition, the congressional republicans should show the president just how repugnant a branch of the government can be when it disregards the protocols and limitations of the body. So Boehner should schedule meetings with foreign government heads of countries such as Russia, North Korea, China, etc, and begin talks of their own, even negotiations. Leaving the president out entirely, save for notifying the oval office of each trip in advance, and issuing a report after. This would belittle and dismiss obama, as he has done to congress. That sheethead would be met with embarrassment when he contacted heads of state for trade and diplomatic missions.

Last edited by Ayatollahgondola; 11-19-2014 at 08:44 PM.
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Old 11-20-2014, 10:55 AM
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I don't know the ends and outs, but I believe Congress could do plenty to make Obama's presidential life very miserable over the next two years if they so desire. However, if Obama does unilaterally impose amnesty, I believe he will cause the nation irreparable harm in many ways, not the least with polarization not seen since the decades leading up to the Civil War.

But, extreme polarization is deemed necessary in the progressive playbook to achieve political goals.

I had a fun thought, not a snowball's chance in hell of it happening, but I unleashed it on my elected representatives (all Democrat) with mixed reactions:

"I'm only about half joking with this. Congress should defund the Presidential air fleet, Air Force One, the helicopter, and all the rest. That way he won't be embarrassing the nation with his personal presence in foreign countries. Besides, by staying in Washington, he could walk across the street to consult Congress before committing the nation to toothless, lopsided deals which serve only to immediately damage our economy while the other party (China) has 15 or 20 years to decide whether or not to do their part. Besides, treaties are to be ratified by the Senate, not unilaterally consummated by the president. And, if the president administrates it by fiat through the EPA without consulting Congress, Congress should move to defund the EPA until the proper role of Congress concerning international agreements is fully understood by the President.

Furthermore, the president should regard border security in the same vein that he regards white house security. If he carries out his threat to unilaterally impose amnesty White house security should be defunded - his secret service moved 40 miles away from the White House and instructed not to do their jobs, just as as happened with the Border Patrol in respect to the border. The White House perimeter fence should be removed as a message.

Congress needs to step up and compel the president to consult and work with Congress concerning consequential issues."

Congressman Ruiz' office responded as they always do with any subject I have presented, they listen for as long as I ramble on. It really feels as though I am being enveloped with soothing waves of empathy. However, I'm cynical enough to believe that most of what I present hits the proverbial round file.

Feinstein's aides tend to get cranky if more than half of a talking point is presented, although they have been getting better about taking calls which may not agree with the Senator's personal political beliefs. They let me express my above message.

I normally don't even mess with contacting Senator Boxer's office, it's like trying to convey a thought to a moon rock. The local aide actually listened without the usual suggestion to contact the White House. However, the nub who answered the phone in Washington actually interrupted and talked over me with all the spin arguments about the Senate immigration bill, and informed me - the constituent who was expressing a concern - that the Senator disagreed with me. That's a lot of petty bureaucrat chutzpah.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Old 11-20-2014, 03:27 PM
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Every person who voted for Obama, especially the second time, should be those who pay the price of Obama's actions. I, myself, really don't want anything to do with them. If they're that stupid or ignorant, then I don't want to waste my time with them in any way. Elections have consequences and as a result they need to stay away from me.

As far as stopping Obama, I don't care what it would take. Nothing's off the table. And I mean NOTHING!!!!
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Old 11-20-2014, 09:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post

As far as stopping Obama, I don't care what it would take. Nothing's off the table. And I mean NOTHING!!!!
I think we have to be somewhat realistic about why none of the things, including but certainly not limited to things far more drastic than mere impeachment - such as a fully understandable Praetorian guard moment - have been done to truly stop Obama from his divisive, serial, lawless arrogance.

Look no farther than a visual of Joe Biden subbing for Obama during that recent international nut ball fest in China and consider that Obama was embarrassing enough.

Picture Gaffeman Joe wearing one of those goofy Star Trek looking Chinese suits while rubbing elbows with Vlad the Russian and offering to help as Vlad makes the faux pas of draping a shawl around the Chinese Grand Poobah's wife, just prior to Gaffeman Joe's turn to make a speech in which he is to offer giving away the proverbial American farm.

Then Gaffeman Joe makes his way to the front of the room, stepping on everyone's toes as he stumbles to the isle.

Standing behind the podium Gaffeman Joe starts with the obligatory global warming biz, then forgets where he's at and launches into a wild eyed, incoherent rant about the war on women and how he's going to chase RNC Reince Priebus and his Republican minions all the way to the gates of hell.

But it really gets weird when Gaffeman Joe stops yelling about Republicans and starts having a genial conversation with people no one else sees, but after a while his invisible buddies piss him off and Gaffeman Joe snaps. With the whole world watching live Gaffeman Joe, with dark eye sockets, glassy eyes, yelling with demon voices at invisible malefactors, unzips his fly and pisses into the front row of international dignitaries.

If terrorists of any persuasion really want to do the American nation far more harm than Obama can ever dish out all by his own wickedly creative self, they will do something that will result in Gaffeman Joe becoming the clearly insane leader of the free world.

And that's probably why Gaffeman Joe was invited to be Obama's running mate in spite of the obvious need to keep him locked up in a rubber closet. He's the best defense against American offense Obama has.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 11-20-2014 at 10:05 PM.
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Old 11-21-2014, 01:57 PM
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Biden isn't any worse than Obama and Obama IS NOT any better than Biden, not one bit better! Look at how low Obama has put us in the world standing. Biden could have even done better! Biden puts his foot in his mouth, but Obama's agenda is a danger to the country. No one is going to convince me at this point that Obama is a better choice. At least Biden isn't a Muslim in sheep's clothing! Biden's idiocy is part of his person. I don't think he's as deceitful as Obama. Obama is an equal to Hitler in his danger and isn't worth the air he breaths.
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Old 11-21-2014, 03:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Biden isn't any worse than Obama and Obama IS NOT any better than Biden, not one bit better! Look at how low Obama has put us in the world standing. Biden could have even done better! Biden puts his foot in his mouth, but Obama's agenda is a danger to the country. No one is going to convince me at this point that Obama is a better choice. At least Biden isn't a Muslim in sheep's clothing! Biden's idiocy is part of his person. I don't think he's as deceitful as Obama. Obama is an equal to Hitler in his danger and isn't worth the air he breaths.
You're taking me too seriously.

I busted my gut laughing while putting that ridiculous lampoon of Biden together, I saw every microsecond of it in my head. I've occasionally mulled over why Obama would oddly pick someone like Biden to be vice president, it strangely makes sense that he wanted a poison pill to exact revenge for removal from office.

I really did work with a guy you had to keep busy or he'd start partying with his invisible friends, then cuss them all out. I saw the black eye sockets and heard the demon voices on many occasions, which scared a lot of people who didn't know him. Which was too bad, because he was a good journeyman and a nice guy who had some problems he couldn't shake off. Unlike "Gaffeman Joe" in the caricature above, He never pissed on anyone.

And yes, Obama is a serious danger to the nation. We've discussed many times about how there ever came to be such a thing as people voting for a president like they pick a face book "friend". It's a travesty.

Hopefully Obama has finally over reached one time too many and the public backlash pounds down progressive ideology just like it did in the aftermath of Woodrow Wilson's administration.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 11-21-2014 at 09:10 PM.
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Old 11-25-2014, 10:29 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default My input.

Since the invitation was posted it seems to behoove me to at least respond.

At the same time I must attenuate my innermost feelings in respect for the integrity of this website. That means that I cannot express my true feeling in toto and unload . I'm extremely outspoken otherwise.

The Ferguson debacle is demonstrative of the latent, hidden from view, human black scum, that occupies our Nation. These embarrassing dysfunctional racists adequately have come out of the shadows and shown their true colors.

I don't want to further elaborate.

I'm a person of action, not diatribe. I've implemented same with network partners who are mobilizing big time silently and under the covers.

Enough said.
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Old 11-28-2014, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post

The Ferguson debacle is demonstrative of the latent, hidden from view, human black scum, that occupies our Nation. These embarrassing dysfunctional racists adequately have come out of the shadows and shown their true colors.

I don't want to further elaborate.

Enough said.
There are lots of angles to Ferguson, not the least that Brown's death is being used by several agendas.

The more obvious is that people like Sharpton make a living fomenting racial hatred and those like Obama and Holder politically exploit racial division.

Black outsiders used Brown for an excuse to loot and burn, the white anarchist and progressive "occupy" type of outsiders who egged them on are trying to fabricate links between a vague notion of capitalism, black poverty, and police brutality for polarization to be exploited towards a political end. They decimated the economic viability of many of Brown's neighbors and Martin Luther King's legacy was thoroughly pissed on by those people.

Same with Obama's executive order for amnesty. It has several aims such as: creating infighting among Republicans in Congress over how to respond as well as hopefully provoking them into a rash, politically destructive over reaction; using a group perceived to be monolithic to a political end, that group will eventually bite the Democrat party white leadership in the ass for being used as a political chess piece; regaining control of national political narrative; reasserting a failed, lame duck presidency; ultimately it is a cynical first cannon shot in a take no prisoners war to regain Democrat control in Washington via the 2016 elections.

In the end, it's not at all about blacks, whites, racism, police brutality, Latinos or immigration of any type: those issues and peoples are a means to an end, bridges over obstacles to get to a political destination, something to be walked on and used, tools to be taken out of the garage for a job and then put back until the next time they are needed.

Obama, Holder, Sharpton, black looters, white inciters, the Democrat party at large could could care less about the situations and solutions for those issues and peoples, they bank on the assumption that what one appears to do is more important than what is actually done. And 50 years since Johnson's "Great Society" was kicked off, some of those chess piece people just might be waking up
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 11-28-2014 at 01:57 PM.
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