What do you call a man who shoots someone in a mall, a school, a business, or a public place? Answer = A Gunman.
What do you call a transgender person who does the same?
Answer = Well, you tiptoe around it for now, but definitely not a gunman.
Gotta love it when the media stumbles on their own bias. The media hates guns, hates self-defense too. They love gays and transgenders now though. Now we get to see what happens when one of their chosen underdog demographics also becomes one of their chosen favorite whipping boys. On a sacramento light rail train several days ago, a man was shot to death for no apparent reason stated at this time, and the shooter has been identified as a transgender person. The media has been capitalizing on these events to demonize guns, by instead of calling them criminals, calling them gunmen. This way, the public gets a subliminal message that guns are bad as well as the perpetrator. But now we have them showing their bias in regards to this event, because they have to be careful not to put transgender persons in some negative light. Calling them gunmen might seem insensitive,. that's a term reserved for actual men who use guns in a crime.
What's an editor to do here. this is a transgender person. An underdog of society, bullied from birth, and in need of special protection and reserve. Log this one in memory folks, the war on gun rights is a war of words too.