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Old 12-05-2014, 12:03 PM
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Default You'll love this letter, it lays out the truth

This is a letter written to our town newspaper. There are both Hispanics and Whites, Democrats and Republicans that applaud this letter. It has spread like wild fire.
While I was interviewing one of the school board members (education is saturated with the far left) and asked from the other side of the room what he thought of the letter, he responded "It was terrible " I then said, "I thought it was perfect" He walked over to me and asked, "You didn't think it was racist?" I responded NO, and he continued to blather how racist it was. Well at that point I began to get a bet angrier by the second. I can tell you, I didn't just let it stop at that. I gave the whole Board a big piece of my mind, and let them know what failures they are and exactly where that failure stems from just as the letter states. I'm media, so they legally have to let me attend every meeting. I'm there to report on what they're up to, not be their friend. If they do something right, I report it, if they screw up, I report that too. Our whole school district is in what is called "Program Improvement" and after three consecutive years of PI, the state take over the district removing the board and what ever staff they want.

Here's the letter;

To the Editor:
Regarding the recent Fillmore school board elections, which were thoroughly covered in these pages, it seems to me that none of the candidates proposed new methods of improving test scores and graduation rates. We're tired of hackneyed plans that include hiring “better” teachers and throwing more money at the schools. No one seems to be interested in confronting the “elephant in the room”: the fact that the students spend the vast majority of their lives outside of the classroom and that this is where they get the vast majority of their education.
Problem #1 A foreign language is predominantly spoken at many Fillmore homes. This means very few books, magazines or TV programming in our national language, let alone discussions that can expand vocabularies and introduce ideas that are pertinent to life in America. Sending a kid to kindergarten when he or she can’t speak English? Really?
Problem #2: Home cultures that foster a lack of assimilation into American society with its concept of upward mobility through education. The culture that's imported from most third-world countries doesn't emphasize class mobility, personal responsibility or pursuit of excellence. I’d like to know how many kids have parents that are doctors, engineers, accountants or other professionals. Any?
Problem #3: Parental role modeling that is linked to the foreign model of a huge subclass of virtual peasants being overseen by a powerful central government. The theme that parents are foreigners (in spirit, if not by citizenship) living in a foreign country instead of being fledgling Americans who are adopting the ways of their new country.
Problem #4: The creation of a Fillmore society in which an immigrant can live very comfortably without dealing with American ways. Ballots are written in foreign languages even though competence in spoken and written English is required for citizenship. It's been made very easy for families to live their lives without knowing a word of English and for all intents and purposes to live a Latin American lifestyle while enjoying the benefits of American wealth, culture, education and a welfare society.
Basically, we can't have a school district with foreign language-speaking, poorly educated families with little interest in assimilation into the American way of life and then expect to have their children excel academically and prosper economically. Given the environments most of these kids are coming from, how can we expect more than bottom test scores and few high school graduates? Happy talk from prospective politicians and school board members can’t change the realities of the students’ world outside of school. The solution is going to be hugely difficult, but failing to address the cause of the problem isn't a good way to get started with fixing it.
Tim Imhoff

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 12-05-2014 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 12-06-2014, 01:18 PM
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This is a response to the preceding letter I posted. It is from a school counselor at FUSD. I guess she thought her sarcasm would shut up and stifle any conversation on the subject. What I find amazing is these same people in education with Phd.'s go on sabbaticals to foreign countries to study the culture for 6 months and write their peer reviewed papers for publication which everyone in academia just applauds and hold up as gods word.

It's different when the same thing is seen through academic eyes I guess. But someone who experiences contact with a specific group and first hand experience every day for 30 or 40 years, maybe more, well according to academia, they haven't the comprehension to understand what is happening. Academia is so full of themselves, some have more education than their intelligence can absorb.

To the Editor:
This comment is in response to Mr. Tim Imhoff's letter to the editor last week:

Mr. Imhoff,

It pleases me to know that there is someone in town so vastly informed and experienced in the Mexican culture.

I must say, though, I am very disappointed that you did not take the opportunity to run for the FUSD Board or Fillmore City Council.

I hope to meet you one of these days so that I might become as enlightened as you obviously are about my Mexican culture and the rest of the world.

Most impressed,

Norma Pérez-Sandford

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 12-06-2014 at 01:23 PM.
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Old 12-07-2014, 08:02 PM
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So, which "Mexican culture" is this Norma Perez-Sanford from the Fillmore Unified School District speaking of?

The one from Mexico in which in a very few might have any idea of whom and of what great historical significance to Mexico they were: Octavio Paz Lozano, Octavio Paz Solorzano, and Ireneo Paz Flores concerning the Porfiriato, The Mexican Revolution, and 20th century Mexico. But all without a doubt know - and often recalled with a falling over belly laugh - beyond the BS of the old black and white Mexican films just exactly who and what Gavino Barrera was and all about all those bastard children he left in his wake the length and breadth of Mexico. His legendary sexual exploits seems to far eclipse any of his Revolutionary war involvement in the public imagination...

...Or the "Mexican culture" exhibited by American "university Mexicans" who know exactly what Elena Poniatowska and Carlos Fuentes ate for lunch while discussing the positive societal merits of Che Guevara the day before "The Buried Mirror" was published... while playing the ongoing, incredibly stupid "I'm more authentically ethnic than you are" game is the most popular pocho activity on just about any University of California campus.

How about the REAL Mexican culture in which quite a number know that Cinco de Mayo might have something to do with the French but are not sure of what it was...

...Compared to the contrived in America "Mexican culture" in which the American booze holiday named "Cinco de Mayo" evolved around the late 1960's amid much spin and outright fabrication concerning the May 5th 1862 Battle of Puebla - including conflating the (not formed until 1867 in the final months of the war) - "American Legion of Honor" with the 1862 action.

Just which "Latino activist's" ass does Perez-Sanford wear for sombrero anyway?

BTW, I stayed for a while in Fillmore while working in Ventura. From my observations from there and many other "immigrant communities" throughout California, as well as working with Mexican nationals from 1974 on, the letter writer's assessments are right on the mark.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


Don't drink and post.

"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-07-2014 at 09:09 PM.
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Old 12-08-2014, 10:59 AM
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This attitude of so many "people of color" as they like to be called now, is that if you're not one of their tribe you have no right to an opinion. But of course they have every right to your tax dollars.

There's an old saying that says "You can't see the forest through the trees." Well there's a great deal of truth to that. So often we're so close to a situation we just can't see it as it is. Everyone has something they don't recognize in themselves that others are aware off.

Many of the problems of today both in schools and in society are being shielded or not exposed and dealt with by those that profit from it. FUSD, like all the other school districts in California, gets an additional 50% in funding for every ESL student. The total FUSD revenues for 2014-15 school year is $34,200,816 with expenditures at $35,417,144 (the $1,216,328 deficit is expected to decrease to $123,327 at the end of the 2015-16 academic year). Presently there are 3,773 students enrolled in FUSD, which averages a cost of $9,387 per student per academic year (9 months). This breaks down a cost of over $1,000 per month per student or $245 per week per child.
Areas with less ESL students and area with less poverty are receiving less than $7,000 per academic school year. Yes, it pays to keep them poor and speaking Spanish in California.
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