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Partners In Propriety SOS program to encourage businesses, government, and private organizations to operate lawfully, and in compliance with all codes and laws

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Old 05-21-2011, 08:12 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Default Partners In Propriety Plans

As part of the Partners In Propriety program, SOS will begin contacting a few entities up here where the program will begin. There are several opportunities, but one I'd like to revisit is our old stomping grounds so-to-speak, Home Depot. The agenda would be something like this. We contact several above board labor providers that will work with us by being an instant on-call replacement for day labor. We set up a spot near the day laborers with signs advertising the insured, documented, available services of the companies that partner with us. We contact the individuals or businesses that hire as they come in by asking them if they would like a safe, legal, and above board labor alternative. We give business cards of the company we partner with, and even make a phone call to get the thing rolling for them.

Where we set up, we'll have a banner made that shows our program name and SOS's name. My thinking is that this will give home depot and the local authorities less reason to be opposing us. It will also marginalize the day laborers themselves because we will be pointing out the need for proper hiring practices more than we will the whole illegals thing, and how it will benefit the whole community, including that of businesses. We will first ask HD to partner with us as well, but we'll have to have our other partners in place first. I'll be contacting labor ready and a couple others next week to start

Might sound a bit corny at first, but we need to try something new.
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Old 05-21-2011, 08:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
As part of the Partners In Propriety program, SOS will begin contacting a few entities up here where the program will begin. There are several opportunities, but one I'd like to revisit is our old stomping grounds so-to-speak, Home Depot. The agenda would be something like this. We contact several above board labor providers that will work with us by being an instant on-call replacement for day labor. We set up a spot near the day laborers with signs advertising the insured, documented, available services of the companies that partner with us. We contact the individuals or businesses that hire as they come in by asking them if they would like a safe, legal, and above board labor alternative. We give business cards of the company we partner with, and even make a phone call to get the thing rolling for them.

Where we set up, we'll have a banner made that shows our program name and SOS's name. My thinking is that this will give home depot and the local authorities less reason to be opposing us. It will also marginalize the day laborers themselves because we will be pointing out the need for proper hiring practices more than we will the whole illegals thing, and how it will benefit the whole community, including that of businesses. We will first ask HD to partner with us as well, but we'll have to have our other partners in place first. I'll be contacting labor ready and a couple others next week to start

Might sound a bit corny at first, but we need to try something new.
I like the idea of providing an alternative to illegal labor.

Are you speaking of something like temporary services like manpower and such which take a cut of the wages in return for providing a job?

The attraction of illegal day labor is the cheap labor (stating the obvious) paid under the table to evade legally required employer costs, such as workers comp. The insurance companies are forcing quite a bit of stuff which is frankly quite stupid on legal employers in a bid to reduce injury and other claims, which increase costs.

However, those who hire day labor are taking a gamble, there is probably not a male Mexican national alive who will tell a prospective employer he doesn't know how to do a particular job. There's lots of schlock work done by foreign nationals working for contractors, I assume a lot of it has to do with who will screw it up the least - but the key for most is cheap.

So, there will probably need to be tactful education of the public on this part as well as the fallacy that the most desirable labor is the cheapest, and alternative labor to illegal day labor will need to be skilled and conscientious for whatever job they are sent out on.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Old 05-21-2011, 09:07 AM
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Yes sir, and there's more to the plan, although it's a work in progress, some portions are already cast, but not disclosed yet.
One thing though is that we'll be passing out information to the day laborers on how to make claims against the businesses that hire them, and we'll be sure to make that known to the employers.
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Old 05-21-2011, 02:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Yes sir, and there's more to the plan, although it's a work in progress, some portions are already cast, but not disclosed yet.
One thing though is that we'll be passing out information to the day laborers on how to make claims against the businesses that hire them, and we'll be sure to make that known to the employers.
Worker's comp, minimum wage, and payroll cheaters and skimmers will be the biggies. Safety issues as well, for example every employee is entitled to one quart of cool, clean drinking water every hour and some sort of shade to take breaks under. The provision of sanitary facilities may apply in some cases. Time and a half is due for more than eight hours a day and 40 hours a week, which is modified in a 4-10 schedule. Double time is due after 12 hours.

I don't know how general it is, but in my trade OSHA requires two employees on every crew to be certified in first aid and CPR, it may extend to the construction trades and other employment as well.

It seems that the thing that matters anymore in bureaucratic eyes is not an employee's ability to do a job, but that the employee is certified for a particular task. Forklift operators come to mind, as well as certain employees working for an electrician outfit. There are penalties to be paid for not using certified employees, and it seems that there is an general attempt to make employment idiot proof while putting the burden on the employer to make it so. However, some "certification" is often a very brief dog and pony show which doesn't demonstrate employee skill level, but gets the company off the hook for accidents in exchange for an employee signature as "proof" that the employee is in fact "qualified". As well, there are courses which teach to the test for state qualification testing.

It seems that an OSHA 10 certification might apply broadly across the trades.

Driving trucks requiring a commercial driver's license legally requires a ten year work history, pre employment and random drug tests, employee permission for prospective employer to receive information from former employers concerning drug tests and other employee information legally forbidden for other types of employers to either seek or dispense.

Operating cranes and other similar lift equipment require a certification which is more meaningful. However, two or three years ago I saw an apparent group of foreign nationals working for a palm tree outfit who were utilizing an apparent 60 ton crane in a manner which violated much in the way of safety. The knucklehead operating the crane set up outriggers only on one side, and in the absence of any traffic control at all - not even flags and cones - repeatedly swung the counterweight into traffic. They were trying to remove a tree, and the lazy bastards didn't want to dig very much around the tree, so the "operator" beat the hell out of the boom by repeatedly swinging it against the tree in an attempt to break the roots, setting up a boom collapse (then or damage which would cause failure in the future) with probable injury and fatality. Fortunately, a Cal Trans employee came by and ran them off before someone got hurt, but they probably weren't turned in to Cal OSHA.

There is also wrongful termination. The odd thing is that California is a will to work state, which means that either the employer or the employee can cease employment at any time for no reason at all, and the employee is not guaranteed any hours at all. However, if an employee is fired, the employer had best have an employee policy which is communicated to the employees and enforced as well as keep accurate documentation which justifies the termination, or the employee can sue and win. For example, chronic tardiness is grounds for termination, whereas demonstrable personal dislike by a supervisor for an employee is not. I understand that the Labor Board keeps track of employers whose former employees contact the board concerning wrongful termination, and fines can accrue for a pattern of wrongful termination.

Of course, in these cash strapped times and the budget crisis cash employers would draw interest from the Franchise Tax Board, EDD (unemployment and disability "contributions") and a whole host of other governmental acronyms to collect due revenue - so long as it doesn't cost more to collect than to shine on.

On the other hand, as cut throat and fairly paranoid as Mexican and central American labor is, there may not be a lot of willingness to turn errant employers in without prodding by someone they might trust for free advice and I believe that would be from "Latino Advocates", not someone who is trying to kick them out of the country. But, it's worth a try.[/B]
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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Last edited by ilbegone; 05-21-2011 at 03:32 PM.
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Old 05-21-2011, 03:07 PM
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Duplicate post, see above.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 05-21-2011 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 05-22-2011, 06:26 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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I hope your plans pay off. Not to try and dampen your efforts but, I think there are many of our own legal citizens who will fight you.
Look at how we send donations to other countries when they are in need and what appeared to be not much interest in the TV program to collect donations for the floods in the south. Those people were destroyed just like Japan.
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Old 09-22-2011, 04:47 AM
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Old 09-22-2011, 11:09 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
... We contact several above board labor providers that will work with us by being an instant on-call replacement for day labor. ...

... We will first ask HD to partner with us as well, but we'll have to have our other partners in place first. I'll be contacting labor ready and a couple others next week to start

Might sound a bit corny at first, but we need to try something new.
This sounds great, but the whole thing hinges on whether you can find labor replacement or not. Who are the "above board labor providers" and why aren't they there already?

At the very least, it will point out who is doing the hiring and not just who is being hired. My thesis, again, is that this really has nothing to do with labor competition from illegals as much as it has to do with engineering the economy to benefit non-citizens at the expense of citizens. Most illegals do not speak English and the people hiring them must speak their language.

Let's guess that somebody is thinking of hiring homeless people. But nobody in his right mind is going to hire somebody who is homeless. Being homeless takes all your energy. You are not ready to work is you have to scrape just to find a place to sleep and need handouts to eat. This distinguishes the homeless from illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants don't come here unless they have assurances they have not just a job, but a place to stay at least. Once you have these things, food is the easy part.

But if there is employable labor out there that just needs some agent to get them work at the HD parking lots, it could work.
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Old 09-23-2011, 08:33 AM
Patriotic Army Mom Patriotic Army Mom is offline
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I like the idea!
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