Who is helping ?
I heard today that Senegal has offered to create a state for Haitians who want to return to Africa.
So far this is the only entity that I have heard of who has stepped forward.
Has anyone heard from the Black community other than Michelle Obama who is asking for donations of gulp gee whiz, ready for this - $10 - ten - TEN dollars. Jesus that may break the bank !!
I didn't hear from the Congressional Black Caucus or the NAACP or the black police officers benevolent society or Reverend James Manning or Jeremiah Wright or Martin Luther King, Jr. Or Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson or Brown University.
Or from Oprah or Danny, or Magic Johnson or the Williams tennis sisters, or the Hollywood blacks or Tiger Wood, Or Shak or the pro-football and basket ball players or whats his name the boxer, boxers, or the Michael Jackson family or OJ Simpson !!!.
Or the Mexican Government !
Last edited by wetibbe; 01-18-2010 at 09:49 AM.