View Full Version : 12-15-09 / Laura Ingraham & Tea Party Friends MARCH.

12-11-2009, 09:39 PM
I rec'd email on this, Laura Ingraham WILL be attending, she has been promoting this event.


http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001VLboNz7kWENea-oatRyI9pxDerQnAZfEHf4SJ7i72Qg1nZ7GpF8tIDM_s31lIhDt LFO9QlvPUXxSup6DUaK54Avkmwe3VsO-GA6uxlWBwHDKVdmx_DJhtPX5K5X5nVRqrnFtrG-DvPE%3D


It's been several weeks since we added new registrants from our website to our email distribution list. Today we had a chance to get caught up on that task, so for several thousand of you this is your first direct message from us. Welcome to Tea Party Patriots!

We appreciate your patience with us. Despite the best efforts of Speaker Pelosi and others to paint us as a wealthy, corporate financed machine, we remain a truly grassroots organization with limited resources but unlimited energy and passion. It is through the support, hard work, and donations of hundreds of thousands of average Americans that we continue to grow and exert historic influence on the American political process. (Click here to donate much needed funds to help us with logistics and organization.)

It is time, once again, to flex our muscle and exert that influence to hold the line in our fight against the government takeover of healthcare. The Senate is busy working on the details of a government run healthcare bill and they would like to pass it as quickly as possible. Some of them are under the false impression that we've given up and gone away just because they haven't heard much from us in the past few days. And those Senators who have not made a final decision on how to vote are in danger of leaning in the wrong direction. We must remind them that our steadfast opposition to a government takeover of healthcare is as strong now as it has been all along.

So here's the plan. On Tuesday, December 15 at 8:45 AM thousands of us will meet in Washington, DC at the fountain in Upper Senate Park (click here for a map). From there we will march to the Senate offices, go inside, and demonstrate our opposition to the government takeover of healthcare. We call this plan "Government Waiting Rooms". The intention is to go inside the Senate offices and hallways, and play out the role of patients waiting for treatment in government controlled medical facilities. As the day goes on some of us will pretend to die from our untreated illnesses and collapse on the floor. Many of us plan to stay there until they force us to leave. A backup location for this demonstration will be announced if they block us from entering the offices.

We need as many of you as possible to be there to make our point loudly and clearly. Please make plans to attend. We know it's a sacrifice to do this right before Christmas. But throughout history American Patriots have made far greater sacrifices than this to protect our liberty. Now the burden (and the honor) falls on us.

If you plan to attend please do four things.

1.) Use your cell phone to send a text message with just the letters "TPP" to 67292.

2.) Second, fill out the form at the following website (http://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDhad3VoVVRKenFRd3VTQkZqQjBfY0E6M A).

3.) Ask everyone you know to donate money to help us cover the logistical costs of organizing this protest by CLICKING HERE TO DONATE.

4.) Ask everyone you know to come to DC with us on the 15th and join in the fight.

If you cannot attend, you can still help by DONATING MUCH NEEDED FUNDS to help us fight the government takeover of healthcare. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.


Tea Party Patriots
1025 Rose Creek Dr, 620-322
Woodstock, GA 30189

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in Washington and at future events around the country.

Patriotic Army Mom
12-12-2009, 08:00 AM
Hope it turns out great!

12-13-2009, 02:28 PM

12-13-2009, 08:22 PM

Passion to Action Weekly... & To Do List...
http://campaign.constantcontact.com/render?v=001zcvTRfzfKBFF2a6B64Nkfne0W6Hg7O_cLdd4Lr 1XLF3akuLdRE32dbQOxVfz0ynZ_uKDmlCgCbBvxUZkDQ5cMKKn KHFQ0W9JvzV-evlNmkaAFitK3-N0OfZKjuDdD60zNZqvCR_mIrI%3D

Call the Targeted Senators, tell them to vote no on health care. Remind them that between 51 - 56% of Americans do not want this bill and they represent us, We the People.

Targeted Senators
Sen. Blanche Lincoln, Arkansas
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4843, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1371

Sen. Ben Nelson, Nebraska
DC Office Number: 202-224-6551, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0012

Sen. Mary Landrieu, Louisiana
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5824, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9735

Sen. Joe Lieberman, Connecticut
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4041, DC Fax Number: 202-224-9750

Sen. Michael F Bennet, Colorado
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5852, DC Fax Number: 202-228-5036

Sen. Mark Pryor, Arkansas
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2353, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0908

Sen. Robert Byrd, West Virginia
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3954, DC Fax Number: 202-228-0002

Sen. Jim Webb, Virginia
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-4024, DC Fax Number: 202-228-6363

Sen. Mark Warner, Virginia
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2023, DC Fax Number: 202-224-6295

Sen. Jon Tester, Montana
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-2644, DC Fax Number: 202-224-8594

Sen. Mark Begich, Alaska
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-3004, DC Fax Number: 202-224-2354

Sen. Evan Bayh, Indiana
DC Office Phone Number: 202-224-5623, DC Fax Number: 202-228-1377

12-15-2009, 07:26 PM
I just happened to catch the video from this on C-Span a little while ago. There was a great crowd with great speakers, and Laura Ingraham was totally on fire! I just hope the Democratic senators are paying attention, but I'm not holding my breath.

Patriotic Army Mom
12-16-2009, 07:52 AM
They probably put ear plugs in. Great job Laura!

12-16-2009, 08:03 AM
They probably put ear plugs in. Great job Laura!
One of the speakers was talking about how some of the senators were putting their phones on busy so they wouldn't get any calls from the public. They're really representing us, aren't they? Is this unbelievable or what?