View Full Version : SOS Protests United Farm Workers At State Capitol
06-17-2011, 12:22 AM
The United Farmworkers Union tried to flex a bit of muscle at the state capitol today, and SOS was there to kick a little sand in their faces. The rally they had started at 9:30 at a local park, but didn't get to the capitol until 12:30. I got there a few minutes after that with a small sign that read:
I was immediately engaged by two or three cops who said they had concern for my safety, and mentioned that I should look around and see that I was outnumbered. They also insisted on my ID, which I did comply with, but only because I do want them to know who I am, and that I'm not afraid of the ID boogeyman. I also warned them that a lesser man might sue them over a violation of the 4th amendment.
Next, we have Darryl Steinberg, senate pro-tem, walking directly by us and an illegal vendor. I felt compelled to point out the underground economy right in front of the state capitol, and his own uppity nose
But a few moments after Darryl walked by, he was up on the stage pandering to the poor downtrodden farmworker
And lastly, after one of those "we were here first" types came over and started yelling at me, several cops and CHP moved in to...get this...threaten to arrest me for...get this...what I was saying (1st amendment speech)
Not only did they threaten to arrest me for exercising a constitutional right, but also tried to insult my intelligence several times. I stood on both principle and legal precedent this time. What gets me is that the other guy was the one who came over and started the BS, and he was ushered away. I didn't challenge the guy to a fight or anything, but it's me they spend all their effort on. Not to keen on these cops right now. Also pointed out the illegal vendors twice, but got no response from them on it...nothing
06-17-2011, 06:52 AM
I wish I could hire at least four people to help you. We all know the position of the police. They are so damn lazy, they would rather quiet you so they can ride around and smile at the UFW members.
This is some of what we had when we were in the Streets here in So Cal. We could not set a foot off the side walk and the Animals could yell any thing at us....and they did .Now will some one tell I cannot call some one an Animal?
The officer tells you that you are out numbered, well don't we all know that? I can't tell you how long I I have known that. One time when we were in down town LA, I was standing no more than 10 feet when I spotted an officer filming US.
Thanks for doing a good and lonely job. Anyone out there want to help AG?
Patriotic Army Mom
06-17-2011, 09:39 AM
Great job!
06-17-2011, 03:06 PM
I wish I could hire at least four people to help you. We all know the position of the police. They are so damn lazy, they would rather quiet you so they can ride around and smile at the UFW members.
This is some of what we had when we were in the Streets here in So Cal. We could not set a foot off the side walk and the Animals could yell any thing at us....and they did .Now will some one tell I cannot call some one an Animal?
The officer tells you that you are out numbered, well don't we all know that? I can't tell you how long I I have known that. One time when we were in down town LA, I was standing no more than 10 feet when I spotted an officer filming US.
Thanks for doing a good and lonely job. Anyone out there want to help AG?
You're so right Rimo, AG needs some help. I seems as though everyone is frozen in place and only want's to watch. We can all see why somethings are happening, this is a perfect example of it; because no one is stepping up at the local level. It seems that everyone is working the political angle and expecting our politicians or the Tea Party to represent them. But as you heard on one of those videos, the politician was promoting the illegals and telling them he understood how hard it was and was in their corner.
I'd love to organize some street level activism, but who would show up? Ask yourself that. If anyone would actually step up and dedicate some volunteered time, and actually follow through with it, I'd work on a rally or protest. But it's the follow though that I wonder if it will happen. Just saying isn't preforming.
AG could sure use some help, any help. Hello!!!!
06-17-2011, 09:46 PM
I don't know how many people picked this out of the video, but that one mexican saying we do not have the power, but they do, should take a look at the press coverage they got
Practically zilch
The way I see it is that the UFW is slipping in control and popularity, and this bill is a way for them to bolster their influence among their own obviously reluctant members.
06-18-2011, 12:34 AM
I don't know how many people picked this out of the video, but that one mexican saying we do not have the power, but they do, should take a look at the press coverage they got
Practically zilch
The way I see it is that the UFW is slipping in control and popularity, and this bill is a way for them to bolster their influence among their own obviously reluctant members.
Two sentences on page 4. Wow. Is that an honorable mention?
06-18-2011, 08:01 AM
The action of the police is exactly why there needs to be a legal fund.
The opposition has sued everyone into submission, why not join the bandwagon and have civil rights enforced for everyone? The officer's invocation of PC 415 was clearly a stretch:
415. Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment
in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, a fine of
not more than four hundred dollars ($400), or both such imprisonment
and fine:
(1) Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or
challenges another person in a public place to fight.
(2) Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another
person by loud and unreasonable noise.
(3) Any person who uses offensive words in a public place which
are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction.
Of course, it would help if there are some numbers.
This is some of what we had when we were in the Streets here in So Cal. We could not set a foot off the side walk and the Animals could yell any thing at us....and they did .Now will some one tell I cannot call some one an Animal?
A person can be an animal by virtue of behavior. I might refer to people who yelled obscenities and insults, spat, and beat on women exercising first amendment rights in So Cal racist assholes rather than animals.
However, if a person is referred to as an animal or an asshole by virtue of skin color rather than behavior, or judges all by the behavior of some, that's an entirely different thing. It can be done and is done all the time on both sides concerning illegal immigration, but it's clearly wrong and harms the cause of addressing illegal immigration on our side by distracting from the real issue - the issue becomes race rather than illegal immigration. And, groundless allegation of racism often works. Why give "them" ammunition to shoot you out of the saddle?
I'd love to organize some street level activism, but who would show up? Ask yourself that. If anyone would actually step up and dedicate some volunteered time, and actually follow through with it, I'd work on a rally or protest. But it's the follow though that I wonder if it will happen. Just saying isn't preforming.
This is the absolute truth. I sometimes question my own presence here. I've been to a minimum of rallies under the old SOS, and if I do attend any I won't do it under my screen name or refer to it on the board as having attended - I don't want to be identified.
Other than the camera I donated and infrequent attendance, my "contribution" to SOS has been on the screen. I'm involved with other things in the political realm, as I view it Illegal immigration will require a political solution. Anyhow, that's how the opposition got to the point of hypocritical power they have attained; almost fifty years of relentless political activity.
I do believe in SOS, and I do greatly appreciate Davi and Jean.
06-18-2011, 09:45 AM
Hey AG great work you've done as usual. I am not very surprised by what police reaction you got. I got the same in Crawford Texas, Los Angeles and a few other cities and states. There are some good cops but they will turn on you when ordered to do so.
The illegals which we may point out to them engaging in loitering or selling services or food items without a license are untouchable. The cops will not bother with them.
It hurts to see our countrymen treated like trash by "our" policemen.
That is why police are not trusted by citizens anymore. They have been turned into revenue and citizen control agents. They are no longer perceived to be the heroes we thought them to be when we were kids.
These days cops are around to control the populace as required by government.:mad::mad::mad:
06-18-2011, 12:32 PM
415. Any of the following persons shall be punished by imprisonment
in the county jail for a period of not more than 90 days, a fine of
not more than four hundred dollars ($400), or both such imprisonment
and fine:
(1) Any person who unlawfully fights in a public place or
challenges another person in a public place to fight.
(2) Any person who maliciously and willfully disturbs another
person by loud and unreasonable noise.
(3) Any person who uses offensive words in a public place which
are inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction.
The courts have already interpreted disturbing the peace violations in relation to 1st amendment speech. Simple exercise of speech, even that which is offensive to others, is still protected. If I was loud, so were they, and they were using electically amplified sound; I was not. My speech was aimed mainly at the public, and that turd who came over was willfully disturbing me then.
No! These cops were out of bounds with their threats in relation to my speech and my rights.
06-18-2011, 01:18 PM
The courts have already interpreted disturbing the peace violations in relation to 1st amendment speech. Simple exercise of speech, even that which is offensive to others, is still protected. If I was loud, so were they, and they were using electically amplified sound; I was not. My speech was aimed mainly at the public, and that turd who came over was willfully disturbing me then.
No! These cops were out of bounds with their threats in relation to my speech and my rights.
Perhaps you misinterpreted me.
The cops were entirely out of bounds, they are used to dealing with people who don't know their rights.
If they did arrest you and you didn't know your rights, they might get away with false arrest as well as an attempt by the DA to force you into a plea bargain were you essentially plead guilty in exchange for your freedom. Then they have their claws in you and you can't take it back. And if you don't have an attorney to cut through the crap they will grind you up.
I was in that sort of situation before, I've described it several times.
Not meaning to wear it out...
In 1994 I was framed in San Bernardino County on a 3 year felony charge by a non - LEO individual who knew how to work the system. I was arrested, and my apartment searched without a warrant. I spent a month in jail with $250,000 bail waiting for I didn't know what. The "Public Pretender" the court furnished me informed me that he didn't know why they were holding me because they had no evidence, but I could take a plea bargain on a lesser charge and walk that night. Otherwise I would remain in jail until a trial was held. He obviously didn't care either way.
Having served on a jury, I felt that a trial could be a crap shoot. If I were convicted, I would lose my very good long term job as well as spend three years in jail, and since all my possessions were either in storage or a rented apartment, I would have nothing left but the clothes I was arrested in if I were to be found innocent. If you can't pay your rent because you're in jail and can't take care of business, they sell everything you left behind - including the vehicle in your parking space.
Besides, nothing will change the fact that by pleading to a lesser charge, in the eyes of the courts, Law enforcement and just about everyone else I plead guilty to the original charge, and there were easily violated probation terms to keep me on the hook.
That's how the DA gets a high conviction rate to parade before the voting populace, by shoving plea bargains into frightened people's faces who don't know their rights and have no resources to access legal backing with some teeth. As well, the prosecutor also doesn't mind lying to the defendant to get the accused to accept a plea bargain when the prosecutor doesn't have a case, which may work if the defending attorney is incompetent, uncaring, on the judge's payroll, or all of the above.
The pro illegal immigration activists have gotten to the generally protected status they have precisely because they not only became aggressively politically active, but they created resources to punitively sue police officers and the governments who employ them for violation of civil rights. I believe that's exactly why those cops treated you the way they did, they have been conditioned by the courts to take the side of the so called "downtrodden".
I believe that there should be likewise protection for anti illegal immigration activists.
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