03-05-2011, 09:54 AM
Save Our State to counter-protest at student pro-taxation event in Sac
Good day everyone,
Students from across the state will be marching to the state capitol on Monday, March 14th to lobby against education cuts and fee increases. Nobody wants cuts of course, however these protests are aimed at also supporting the extended tax increases proposed by Brown's administration and democrat lawmakers inside the capitol. In addition, these marches have also traditionally linked themselves to the DREAM act legislation inside the capitol which supports illegal alien benefits. Save Our State is organizing a counter-protest of this event, and the thrust of our effort will be at educating the kids about the incredible amount of taxpayer money that goes towards educating illegals and the children of illegals. Our aim is to offer an alternative to education cuts for American students, and that is to support legislation that keeps taxpayer funds for citizens only. In addition, we will be pointing out to them that the we oppose the exhorbitant salaries being siphoned off by school administrators.
The place we hope to be counter-protesting is 9th street at Capitol ave, in the center divide lawn area on the western side of 9th street, This places us to one side of the school marchers with Capitol ave as a buffer.
The march is scheduled for 10:00 am, and to end at the state capitol sometime around noon.
I want to stress that I have notified the city authorities as to our plans, and although they have been pretty compliant in the past, the use of that area is not assured yet, since there may be road closures by the police and/or CHP
I will issue advisories about this by tomorrow.
I also want to stress that we don't want to generate hostility towards these kids. We want to reach out to them with signs and words to convey our thoughts about the evils of increased taxes, and support for illegals
If you can make it, please contact me
[email protected] (mhtml:{86A1DC1D-6896-4FA7-AFB9-B7F5EE0529B9}mid://00000442/!x-usc:mailto:[email protected])
Here is the permit for the students:
Start Date: 3/14/2011 End Date: 3/14/2011
Permit#: 2010-0666 Status: Approved
Organization: California State Student Association
Activity:College Students will march from Activity Items: ***Follow Up Needed***
Raley Field to the State Capitol to
rally for higher education.
Speakers may include students,
administrators, and legislators.
Location: West Steps and Traffic Circle Participants 5000
Setup Time: 8 :00 AM Start 11:00 AM End 1 :30 PM
Contact: Olgalilia Ramirez
Comments: *** Must contact West Sac PD & Sacramento PD for permits for the event to take place.***
Admitted illegal alien student body president Pedro Ramirez is plugging this event, and it's a sure thing it will include DREAM act proponents. I'll be organizing a counter protest in a strategic location that I hope to get approval for early next week.
Our message will be clear, and in line with our main agenda:
Tax Dollars are being gobbled up by illegals in our schools. If you want taxpayer support; quit supporting giving our money to illegals!
Good day everyone,
Students from across the state will be marching to the state capitol on Monday, March 14th to lobby against education cuts and fee increases. Nobody wants cuts of course, however these protests are aimed at also supporting the extended tax increases proposed by Brown's administration and democrat lawmakers inside the capitol. In addition, these marches have also traditionally linked themselves to the DREAM act legislation inside the capitol which supports illegal alien benefits. Save Our State is organizing a counter-protest of this event, and the thrust of our effort will be at educating the kids about the incredible amount of taxpayer money that goes towards educating illegals and the children of illegals. Our aim is to offer an alternative to education cuts for American students, and that is to support legislation that keeps taxpayer funds for citizens only. In addition, we will be pointing out to them that the we oppose the exhorbitant salaries being siphoned off by school administrators.
The place we hope to be counter-protesting is 9th street at Capitol ave, in the center divide lawn area on the western side of 9th street, This places us to one side of the school marchers with Capitol ave as a buffer.
The march is scheduled for 10:00 am, and to end at the state capitol sometime around noon.
I want to stress that I have notified the city authorities as to our plans, and although they have been pretty compliant in the past, the use of that area is not assured yet, since there may be road closures by the police and/or CHP
I will issue advisories about this by tomorrow.
I also want to stress that we don't want to generate hostility towards these kids. We want to reach out to them with signs and words to convey our thoughts about the evils of increased taxes, and support for illegals
If you can make it, please contact me
[email protected] (mhtml:{86A1DC1D-6896-4FA7-AFB9-B7F5EE0529B9}mid://00000442/!x-usc:mailto:[email protected])
Here is the permit for the students:
Start Date: 3/14/2011 End Date: 3/14/2011
Permit#: 2010-0666 Status: Approved
Organization: California State Student Association
Activity:College Students will march from Activity Items: ***Follow Up Needed***
Raley Field to the State Capitol to
rally for higher education.
Speakers may include students,
administrators, and legislators.
Location: West Steps and Traffic Circle Participants 5000
Setup Time: 8 :00 AM Start 11:00 AM End 1 :30 PM
Contact: Olgalilia Ramirez
Comments: *** Must contact West Sac PD & Sacramento PD for permits for the event to take place.***
Admitted illegal alien student body president Pedro Ramirez is plugging this event, and it's a sure thing it will include DREAM act proponents. I'll be organizing a counter protest in a strategic location that I hope to get approval for early next week.
Our message will be clear, and in line with our main agenda:
Tax Dollars are being gobbled up by illegals in our schools. If you want taxpayer support; quit supporting giving our money to illegals!