View Full Version : Rally Rancho Cucamonga

Ole Glory
03-14-2010, 11:02 PM

Support American Workers Rally: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

WASHINGTON, DC: As TENS OF THOUSANDS of Open Border Extremists, Faith Groups and Illegal Aliens - Families, Faith & Unions http://reformimmigrationforamerica.org/ - march and commandeer the Lincoln Memorial Sunday, March 21, 2010 in the name of lawbreaking...


Pro-law enforcement supporters:

TAKE a public stance in opposition to amnesty,

Sunday, March 21st at 2pm, Rancho Cucamonga, CA

BRING your biggest American Flag -


consider purchasing a new, big, bright American Flag for this rally.

Signs will be available or bring your own sign.

Most important - bring your flag.

MARCH to a nearby freeway overpass, during the rally

RAFFLE win a neat raffle prize

SIGN a No Amnesty petition to Obama, Pelosi and Reid

NETWORK with your fellow pro-law enforcement advocates as illegal aliens march on our hallowed Lincoln Memorial, Washington, DC

Candidates Running For The California Assembly 63rd District Have Been Invited To Attend

NO Amnesty - Support American Workers Rally

We will stage one block north of the 210 Freeway - easy access for our march to the overpass



March 21:

during the Illegal Alien March on Washington, DC




Sidewalk Rally

In front of the Shopping Center

North of the 210 Freeway

Haven Avenue & One Block North of the 210 Freeway

6351 Haven Ave,

Rancho Cucamonga, California

DIRECTIONS: From the 210 Freeway

exit north (toward mountains)

arrive at rally site within one block drive

Numbers USA - S.T.O.P. Amnesty events Fri March 19, Sat March 20, Sun March 21 and Mon March 22 - sign up for alerts at: http://www.numbersusa.com

We The People California's Crusader http://californiascrusader.com/

Patriotic Army Mom
03-15-2010, 08:21 AM
I plan on being there. Pray my car keeps going.

Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 12:39 PM
I plan on being there. Pray my car keeps going.


Great seeing you again. I'm glad you made the long drive safe and sound. I hope you had a better drive home. People just drive to fast, then S%^$# happens. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. You are a true American Patriot.:cool:

Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 12:44 PM
Letters to the editor
[email protected]
[email protected]

Click on the link below to read the article
Pro-immigration protested in Rancho Cucamonga
Group holds rally against amnesty
Jannise Johnson, Staff Writer
Created: 03/21/2010 06:47:01 PM PDT

RANCHO CUCAMONGA - More than 30 people gathered at Haven Avenue and Alta Loma Drive on Sunday afternoon in a counter-protest to a pro-immigration rally in Washington, D.C.

Members of We the People California's Crusader held signs and waved American flags as passing motorists honked in support of denying amnesty to the millions of illegal immigrants in the country.

Sam Zeieioman, founder of the Web site derailamnesty.com, asked those gathered if they remembered 1986, when a proposal to grant amnesty to 1 million illegal immigrants was proposed.

He went on to say that nearly 25 years later, conservative estimates have the illegal population at 10 million and the problem is growing.

Don Kurth, mayor of Rancho Cucamonga, speaks during an rally against amnesty for illegal immigrants on Sunday.

The rally organizers, including Raymond Herrera of We The People California s Crusader, asked motorists to sign a petition against amnesty. (Micah Escamilla/Correspondent)

"The best reason to oppose amnesty is that it doesn't work," Zeieioman said.

Raymond Herrera, founder and spokesman for the group, and his fellow demonstrators urged motorists to sign a petition opposing amnesty, which will eventually be sent to President Barack Obama.

Rancho Cucamonga Mayor Don Kurth also spoke to those gathered.

Kurth, a physician, said the number of illegal immigrants who get medical care is putting a strain on the medical system.
"Doggone it. How come Mexico with huge (amounts) of natural resources ... doesn't take care of its own people," Kurth said.

Kurth also referenced the generosity and compassion of Americans when it comes to helping those in other countries during natural disasters. He urged those in attendance to remember that compassion, but also to take care of the problems in this country first.

"At some point, you have to draw the line," he said.

Kurth is running for the 63rd Assembly District seat.

At the end of the demonstration, participants gathered on the grass near Walgreens for a group picture.

For more information on Herrera's group visit www.californiascrusader.com.

Read more: http://www.dailybulletin.com/news/ci_14726890#ixzz0ivp5pcnq
Contact Information
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We The People California's Crusader http://californiascrusader.com/

Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 12:50 PM
Video Derailamnesty.com SZinWLA

"While illegal alien supporters descended upon our nation's federal govt. center today, by the tens of thousands, immigration law enforcement advocates demonstrated against amnesty in the country's illegal immigration epicenter, Southern California.

Ray and Robin are to be congratulated for orchestrating another quality Inland Empire event. Many familiar faces were in attendance today including Ole Glory, PatrioticArmyMom and Newt the Minuteman, along with a slew of others.

This first video clip I just finished editing is of the two featured speakers who decried the ills of our nation's border dilemma."

Mayor Don Kurth and Chuck Wilder: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNvBoPoTCyg

Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 12:53 PM
Video Derailamnesty.com SZinWLA.

"We The People's "No Amnesty" Rally in Rancho Cucamonga (Video)"

The Rally: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDNEXqdkGdE

The Critics: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS3oF10hC-A

Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 05:28 PM
Rancho Cucamonga No Amnesty,
Support American Workers Rally
March 21, 2010, Rancho Cucamonga, CA
We The People California's Crusader http://californiascrusader.com/





Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 05:32 PM
We The People California's Crusader http://californiascrusader.com/





Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 05:36 PM
We The People California's Crusader http://californiascrusader.com/





Ole Glory
03-22-2010, 05:40 PM
We The People California's Crusader http://californiascrusader.com/





03-22-2010, 06:55 PM
Oh it was much fun in the IE yesterday. Those who failed to attend missed out! Lots of traffic and lots of public support.

It's amnesty time folks. Time to fight back!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

We should really hold a demonstration outside an upcoming So. Cal. Meg Whitman event. We'll get lots of attention and it will press her on her McCain-Obama-Bush-Kennedy-esque stance on illegal immigration.

Patriotic Army Mom
03-22-2010, 07:06 PM

Great seeing you again. I'm glad you made the long drive safe and sound. I hope you had a better drive home. People just drive to fast, then S%^$# happens. Looking forward to seeing you again soon. You are a true American Patriot.:cool:
I was in Heaven with all of you. It was a weekend of rallies for me. We had a big one in Apple Valley also on Saturday. Made it home and my car worked just like it should. Many accidents all day lone on the 15 South. Wow! Newt was there also. See you all in the streets next time. Happy to see you again Ole Glory!

03-23-2010, 10:46 PM
Letters to the editor
[email protected]
[email protected]

Click on the link below to read the article
Pro-immigration protested in Rancho Cucamonga
Group holds rally against amnesty
Jannise Johnson, Staff Writer
Created: 03/21/2010 06:47:01 PM PDT

Since the article was placed online, many people have commented at the paper's website. Here are some of their remarks:

Attorney - Chino Hills
Immigrants will be legalized within the next 10 years. There is no other solution. Deporting them is impossible. A few at a time, sure. Good luck with that. I believe last year, they deported more than ever. Did it make a difference? Deport the felons, legalize the rest so that they can pay their penalty fee and begin paying state income tax, and federal income tax.
Other than those two, they pay sales tax, property taxes and most other taxes.
You people who don't like the fact that white America is becoming less white, swallow the pill or leave, because it has become a reality.

Joeslick - Diamond Bar
The race? The race of criminals, just look at the toilet they call Mexico. My parents immigrated here from Europe, but they did it the legal way, they followed all the rules, they didn’t come here demanding the rules be different for them.
Requiring immigrants to follow the rules isn’t racist as some cry, laws are laws, get over it.


Joseph Kowalski - AOL
Thirty people from Rancho Cuca Monga protesting against 50,000 people from Washington and New York. I wonder who will win this argument? Get a life yokels the time is here to inject some cojones into this economy and bring America back. You lazy hillbillies can't do it. Let those who are higher in the evolution tree do it.

Eileen - Pomona
THANK YOU for standing up! How can amnesty pass when 20 million Americans are looking for a job?

Orale - Rancho Cucamonga
WOW!! 30 people. Sorry a s s rally If you ask me. Times have changed people. Mix of races across this country. i agree with most of you here saying that illegal is illegal. I am of Mexican decent and am damn proud of it, but first, I am an American with culture. Thats what is missing from you lame a s s racist bastards that make all these stupid comments. In the East Coast the "whites" are separated by culture.. Italian, Irish, Jewish ect.. and are proud of it. Here in So Cal. We have a bunch of ignorant a s s gueros!!! Respect your ancestors pendejos. Realize that this country was founded by immigrants trying to escape their own phucked up counrty.

COB - Rancho Cucamonga
Illegal imagration is destroying our state and our country. They are not working class people, they are free loaders looking for a hand out from our government / tax payers. They are taking away from my kids.

GetRidOfThem - Riverside Change the law. Make coming here a felony instead of a midemeanor. Set up local illegal immigration courts. Charge all illegals as spies. Shoot a few for spying. They'll go away on their own.

Ole Glory
03-24-2010, 08:28 AM
What part of ILLEGAL don't they understand.:mad:

03-24-2010, 08:57 AM
What part of ILLEGAL don't they understand.:mad:

The "il" part:mad:

03-24-2010, 09:12 AM
"GetRidOfThem - Riverside Change the law. Make coming here a felony instead of a midemeanor. Set up local illegal immigration courts. Charge all illegals as spies. Shoot a few for spying. They'll go away on their own."

Now you're talking. Use military tribunals to summarily deal with issues involving foreign nationals illegally in the country. This actually has a constitutional and legal basis going all the way back to the U.S. Civil war. Round ups of illegal aliens are certainly possible. When large numbers of American citizens are rounded up for dissenting against our Bolshevik government, people will see that round ups indeed are possible. Unfortunately it may be to late by then.

03-24-2010, 08:07 PM
"... Charge all illegals as spies. Shoot a few for spying. They'll go away on their own."

...When large numbers of American citizens are rounded up for dissenting against our Bolshevik government...

It seems that conspiracy theory and far right extremism do indeed go together.

03-24-2010, 11:15 PM
It seems that conspiracy theory and far right extremism do indeed go together.

Conspiracy theory and political extremism, in general, commonly go together.

The Far Right has, among other things, the Bilderberg Group and Barry Soetoro. The liberal extremists have the CIA selling drugs in So. Central L.A. and fraudulent computerized ballot machines in Ohio (also among other things). And people from both sides of the apex of the political pendulum have all manner of interesting notions about 9/11.

03-25-2010, 09:27 AM
Conspiracy theory and political extremism, in general, commonly go together.

The Far Right has, among other things, the Bilderberg Group and Barry Soetoro. The liberal extremists have the CIA selling drugs in So. Central L.A. and fraudulent computerized ballot machines in Ohio (also among other things). And people from both sides of the apex of the political pendulum have all manner of interesting notions about 9/11.

The open borders lobby pretty much calls anyone that wants immigration law enforced an extremist, and our claims about the infiltration of mexico into America, illegals getting welfare and other benefits, illegalls' taking American jobs, etc., a conspiracy theory.