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Old 11-05-2010, 07:33 PM
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Default Riots Starting In Oakland After Mersehle Sentence

Picked it up from the scanner. :

Monitoring the OAKLAND RIOT CONTROL at downtown Oakland. Dispersing very very crowds. Broadway + 14th ST shut down. Reports of OPD Officer down on 6th AVE. Stabbings reported on E 32ND (9:43 CDT)



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Old 11-05-2010, 08:04 PM
Don Don is offline
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Blacks rioting in Oakland? What's the big deal about? It would be weird if they didn't riot.

I hope they burn the whole God damned city down. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!
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Old 11-05-2010, 08:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Blacks rioting in Oakland? What's the big deal about? It would be weird if they didn't riot.

I hope they burn the whole God damned city down. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!
I take it you do not like Oakland
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Old 11-05-2010, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Blacks rioting in Oakland? What's the big deal about? It would be weird if they didn't riot.

I hope they burn the whole God damned city down. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!
Did you stop to think about this:

If the whole town was burned down, there wouldn't be anywhere in Oakland for "them" to live.

So there would be a good chance that they might move into your neighborhood, maybe even next door.

Better brush up on baking welcome pies.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Old 11-06-2010, 06:19 AM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Did you stop to think about this:

If the whole town was burned down, there wouldn't be anywhere in Oakland for "them" to live.

So there would be a good chance that they might move into your neighborhood, maybe even next door.

Better brush up on baking welcome pies.
Blacks got into habit of burning things down and rioting in the 1960's because they were rewarded with welfare and other public benefits provided by dull witted whites who were unwilling to shoot looters but were OK with becoming indentured servants to the feral non-white minorities of this country and paying them welfare not to riot, loot and burn.

White attitudes are changing. The old refrain about "poverty, injustice, racism, Jim Crow" blah, blah, blah is wearing thin. Half a century of Negro whining and crap and set asides, affirmative action, welfare, grants, Black Studies, etc., have been enough for most whites. I saw the attitude of whites harden a little bit after the 1992 Rodney King riots and a lot after the OJ Simpson debacle. Now you have a Negro President and attorney general who do not think whites should even have the right to vote, as reflected in their dismissal of the Black Panther Voter intimidation case. Black "intellectuals" , such as Mary Frances Berry (a Clinton appointee to the "Civil Rights Commission") openly proclaim the doctrine that the civil rights laws do not apply to white people.

Now we have the Mexican invasion and hordes of third world primitives demanding their "rights."

Most whites put on the happy face in public because they don't want to be called "racists," but most have had their bellies full of whining Negro and now whining Hispanic crap and they will say so behind closed doors and in the voting booth.

Most rank and file whites are hanging on by their fingernails and they're getting sick of being indentured servants to the protected, feral "minorities" for whose benefit they have to work and pay taxes.

The more TV footage of burning cities and bloody massacres the better. It's not the 1960's anymore.
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Old 11-06-2010, 06:43 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Blacks got into habit of burning things down and rioting in the 1960's because they were rewarded with welfare and other public benefits provided by dull witted whites who were unwilling to shoot looters but were OK with becoming indentured servants to the feral non-white minorities of this country and paying them welfare not to riot, loot and burn.

White attitudes are changing. The old refrain about "poverty, injustice, racism, Jim Crow" blah, blah, blah is wearing thin. Half a century of Negro whining and crap and set asides, affirmative action, welfare, grants, Black Studies, etc., have been enough for most whites. I saw the attitude of whites harden a little bit after the 1992 Rodney King riots and a lot after the OJ Simpson debacle. Now you have a Negro President and attorney general who do not think whites should even have the right to vote, as reflected in their dismissal of the Black Panther Voter intimidation case. Black "intellectuals" , such as Mary Frances Berry (a Clinton appointee to the "Civil Rights Commission") openly proclaim the doctrine that the civil rights laws do not apply to white people.

Now we have the Mexican invasion and hordes of third world primitives demanding their "rights."

Most whites put on the happy face in public because they don't want to be called "racists," but most have had their bellies full of whining Negro and now whining Hispanic crap and they will say so behind closed doors and in the voting booth.

Most rank and file whites are hanging on by their fingernails and they're getting sick of being indentured servants to the protected, feral "minorities" for whose benefit they have to work and pay taxes.

The more TV footage of burning cities and bloody massacres the better. It's not the 1960's anymore.
My, but you are ignorant. I wish you would crawl under a rock and take your race hate with you.

I am not for any riots because they do nothing to solve the problem, especially with people such as you.

I wish you had to endure the hardships that the Black/Negro of the last over 200 years have had to endure.
Do you even know what the Oakland riots are about? I doubt that you do, the only thing is it is a Negro/Black.
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Old 11-06-2010, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Blacks got into habit of burning things down and rioting in the 1960's because they were rewarded with welfare and other public benefits provided by dull witted whites who were unwilling to shoot looters but were OK with becoming indentured servants to the feral non-white minorities of this country and paying them welfare not to riot, loot and burn. .
But I remember seeing non-white residents and shop owners protecting their property with rifles during those riots. In addition, it is all races who pay the tax bill, so blacks, asians, hispanic, etc are all paying themselves not to riot?
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Old 11-06-2010, 06:44 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Blacks got into habit of burning things down and rioting in the 1960's because they were rewarded with welfare and other public benefits provided by dull witted whites who were unwilling to shoot looters but were OK with becoming indentured servants to the feral non-white minorities of this country and paying them welfare not to riot, loot and burn.

White attitudes are changing. The old refrain about "poverty, injustice, racism, Jim Crow" blah, blah, blah is wearing thin. Half a century of Negro whining and crap and set asides, affirmative action, welfare, grants, Black Studies, etc., have been enough for most whites. I saw the attitude of whites harden a little bit after the 1992 Rodney King riots and a lot after the OJ Simpson debacle. Now you have a Negro President and attorney general who do not think whites should even have the right to vote, as reflected in their dismissal of the Black Panther Voter intimidation case. Black "intellectuals" , such as Mary Frances Berry (a Clinton appointee to the "Civil Rights Commission") openly proclaim the doctrine that the civil rights laws do not apply to white people.

Now we have the Mexican invasion and hordes of third world primitives demanding their "rights."

Most whites put on the happy face in public because they don't want to be called "racists," but most have had their bellies full of whining Negro and now whining Hispanic crap and they will say so behind closed doors and in the voting booth.

Most rank and file whites are hanging on by their fingernails and they're getting sick of being indentured servants to the protected, feral "minorities" for whose benefit they have to work and pay taxes.

The more TV footage of burning cities and bloody massacres the better. It's not the 1960's anymore.
I do not know if the rioters were black or not. I have black acquaintances that I cherish. They are intelligent, thoughtful, productive human beings. I do not have a racist bent to me in any way but I agree with your post which is included above.

Most people that I speak with feel as you, and I, do. We are simply tired of all of it. I would, however , throw in the white welfare trash that will never work for a living in also.
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Old 11-06-2010, 09:58 PM is offline
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Originally Posted by Eagle1 View Post
I do not know if the rioters were black or not. I have black acquaintances that I cherish. They are intelligent, thoughtful, productive human beings. I do not have a racist bent to me in any way but I agree with your post which is included above.

Most people that I speak with feel as you, and I, do. We are simply tired of all of it. I would, however , throw in the white welfare trash that will never work for a living in also.

There is a major division in this country. It is becoming more pronounced, and it is becoming less and less a matter of skin color. America has progressed to the point where there are at least a number of "successful" people from all groups.

The distinction/separation in the early 21st century is now one of taxpayers (the April 15 variety) and folks with their hands out. On one side we have people who pay for the upkeep of the system, and on the other we have people who rely upon the system to pay for a portion of their upkeep. Will you see more blacks and dark-skinned Latinos in the latter group? Sure, but it's not that overwhelming or monolithic anymore.

As the middle class shrinks, and fewer people are forking over to provide for universal preschool, financial aid for illegal alien college students, higher health insurance premiums to cover Obama's scheme to transfer lots of medical services to the formerly uninsured, the real separation is who is paying and who is receiving.

Not being white just isn't the obstacle or economic class predictor is used to be.
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Old 11-07-2010, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Blacks got into habit of burning things down and rioting in the 1960's because they were rewarded with welfare and other public benefits provided by dull witted whites who were unwilling to shoot looters but were OK with becoming indentured servants to the feral non-white minorities of this country and paying them welfare not to riot, loot and burn.

White attitudes are changing. The old refrain about "poverty, injustice, racism, Jim Crow" blah, blah, blah is wearing thin. Half a century of Negro whining and crap and set asides, affirmative action, welfare, grants, Black Studies, etc., have been enough for most whites. I saw the attitude of whites harden a little bit after the 1992 Rodney King riots and a lot after the OJ Simpson debacle. Now you have a Negro President and attorney general who do not think whites should even have the right to vote, as reflected in their dismissal of the Black Panther Voter intimidation case. Black "intellectuals" , such as Mary Frances Berry (a Clinton appointee to the "Civil Rights Commission") openly proclaim the doctrine that the civil rights laws do not apply to white people.

Now we have the Mexican invasion and hordes of third world primitives demanding their "rights."

Most whites put on the happy face in public because they don't want to be called "racists," but most have had their bellies full of whining Negro and now whining Hispanic crap and they will say so behind closed doors and in the voting booth.

Most rank and file whites are hanging on by their fingernails and they're getting sick of being indentured servants to the protected, feral "minorities" for whose benefit they have to work and pay taxes.

The more TV footage of burning cities and bloody massacres the better. It's not the 1960's anymore.

You are conflating at least two issues - black American citizens whom you give exactly the same attributes to each and every one, and " the Mexican invasion and hordes of third world primitives demanding their 'rights.'" In both cases you appear to be making racial inferences.

The first is a complex American social problem which can't be legislated away or deported. So, what is your solution? You can't wish it away or bitch about it ad nauseam without being part of the problem.

And in the second, judging from many of your previous posts, just who is a part of "the Mexican invasion"? Just who is who by your definition in the so called "Latino community" and how much of the "problem" is deportable?

This is difficult to sum up in a few words.

There was a long history in America which culminated in the civil rights movement, and Rosa Parks became much more than a tired woman on a bus who didn't move to the back of the bus as dictated racial pecking order.

Likewise, there were no illegal aliens who suddenly woke up on a Thursday morning in Los Angeles in 1958 and suddenly decided to become race baiting "Latino activists" on a playful whim.

On the one hand you are correct about the racial pendulum swinging past the civil rights goals of equality and equal opportunity and there are way too many "activist" who are to young to even remember the seventies busy getting even with the wrong people for a whole litany of real and fabricated pre 1960 wrong doing, and
I believe for the most part that contemporary allegations of racism and class animosity are largely bullshit and used as justifications for either failure or a minority drive for racial supremacy.

However there are still complex social problems. Do you any solutions besides;

The more TV footage of burning cities and bloody massacres the better.
It does seem you want racial strife. To what end?
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 11-07-2010 at 11:35 AM.
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