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Old 04-08-2012, 05:29 PM
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Default As tide of illegal immigrants goes home, will US economy suffer?

As some of you know I live in an agricultural area and know first hand what is true and what is just bogus spin by the growers, their supporters, the politicians and the open borders crowd. I've been inside the homes of the laborers, listened to the businesses that are promoting the invasion and partnered up with Mexico. Unless you've seen it first hand it's hard to believe the deception these people will go to promote this crap.

As tide of illegal immigrants goes home, will US economy suffer?
The illegal immigrant boom has fizzled; and as Mexican migrants go home, the question is whether it will drain the labor pool and hurt the US economy.
Legal laborers – mostly Mexicans – picked winter lettuce near Somerton, Ariz., in February 2009. As more legal and illegal immigrants stay home, there is concern about how it will affect the US labor pool. This is part of the cover story project in the April 9 issue of The Christian Science MonitorWeekly magazine.
Melanie Stetson Freeman/Staff
The steady stream of immigrant workers who used to line up at Tim Dunn's Arizona farm, ready to pick vegetable seed crops like black-eyed peas and garbanzo beans, has mostly dried up. "We just don't see people walking up, looking for jobs like they used to," he says. Now he has to pay a labor contractor to find enough people to tend his 2,200 furrowed acres under the harsh Sonoran sun near Yuma, in the southwestern corner of Arizona. (wow, you mean the guy has to do what other employers do?)
The dwindling supply of labor available to Mr. Dunn illustrates a significant shift in migration from Mexico, which has caused illegal immigration to drop to its lowest levels.(If there weren’t too many to begin with, why were they standing at HomeDepot or on street corners? Why aren’t those “Mexicans” working in the fields?)
Even as states loudly debate new immigration restrictions – including Arizona's proposed armed, all-volunteer state militia to keep Mexicans from sneaking across the US-Mexican border – research suggests the illegal immigration has slowed. (Whose research and who funded it?)
The migration explosion that since the 1970s had pushed (notice the choice of words here, “pushed”) millions of men, women, and children into the United States has fizzled, says Douglas Massey, a sociologist at Princeton University and codirector of the long-term, binational Mexican Migration Project. (Gee, you think there’s any bias there?) "We're at a turning point, and what unfolds in the future remains to be seen. But I think the boom is over." (No what is over is this country can not afford to support all these invaders and their offspring)
Mr. Massey's research shows that after the US recession hit, the illegal population fell from about 12 million to 11 million, where it has hovered since 2009. (About 60 percent of the illegal population is Mexican.) (But no one can say “Mexican” it’s not politically correct)
Similarly, Homeland Security estimates released in March suggest that while the number of unauthorized immigrants living in the US grew 36 percent between 2000 and 2011, from 8.5 million to 11.5 million, that growth plateaued in 2010 and 2011. (But, that doesn’t mean that the invaders left, no they’re still here and sucking up what ever is left)
"With no change in either direction, we're roughly at a net zero," says Massey, and adds that it's something unseen since the late 1950s. (No we’re not, we’re sinking deeper in the hole every day due to the cost of those that are here still)
The 2004 movie "A Day Without a Mexican," in which the state of California grinds to a halt when Mexican laborers suddenly disappear, satirized a thesis that is now a subject of real-life debate among experts. (Experts? Are you kidding? These are promoters, pure and simple)
What if the workers that farmers, hotels, and restaurants have relied on for decades (did you get that? “Relied on for decades” as though we are a third world country that didn’t have a work force for those industries that the illegals have saturated and now maintain total control over) don't come back? Will crops rot, beds stay unmade, and dirty dishes pile high in restaurants? (What a crock of crap. Those wages have been suppressed to a point where you almost lose money trying to work there especially if the job requires driving to get there. Illegals are now supplied cut rate transportation here in Calif.)Those sectors can't outsource labor; so will they slow, downsize, and will that create ripple effects across the already straitened US economy? (Oh, how these open border supports want to scare you, gee the sky is falling)
Experts (again, “experts” who are they? Who pays them) agree that illegal immigration has declined sharply in recent years and cite the overall lack of work as the main reason many Mexicans choose to stay home.
But the big debate is how permanent the trend is. Most experts expect the flow to return once the US economy rebounds. (Not so fast there, people are waking up to the cost put right in the taxpayers lap, not the employers) But some say there are other factors at play that could keep Mexicans home, including more access to legal US work visas, border enforcement efforts on the US side and drug-war insecurity on the Mexican side, demographic shifts in Mexico, and growing economic incentives there. (You see, they don’t talk about the amount still here and how to get them out, as though we have not choice in that matter)
The shrinking labor pool already is having an impact in agricultural fields scattered throughout the US, some say.(Who is “some” and what do they have to gain by claiming that?) For example, a University of Georgia report projects that, when 2011 figures are tallied, the state economy will show a $391 million loss due to farm labor shortages.(There isn’t a mention of the savings in social services or education and that’s billions) Georgia is one of several states that – following Arizona's footsteps – recently passed laws aimed at illegal immigration. Farmers across the country are experiencing near-term crop losses and scaling back operations, confirms Libby Whitley, president of Mid-Atlantic Solutions in Lovingston, Va.(What does her job pay her to do? And if she doesn’t or isn’t needed, she’s out of a job) Her company handles visa applications for 600 employers who use temporary legal workers, mostly from Mexico.

In the more than a dozen states that require businesses to confirm employment eligibility through the Internet-based federal program E-Verify, employers are in a corner. (Did you get that? “In a corner” sure makes it sound like they’re such victims. Just gotta love the spin) "The em-ployers just really don't have an option," Ms. Whitley says. She adds that the farm labor workforce is 75 percent illegal. (What? 25% aren’t illegal? But I thought every single person in the field was a poor illegal just here to feed their families. I know citizens who’ve tried to get some of that work here in Calif and were denied)
Whitley has noticed growing interest in the H-2A visa program that brings in temporary seasonal farmworkers. But many employers still shun these visas, saying the program – which requires housing provisions and set wages – is too bureaucratic and costly. (Did you get that? Too costly. But here in California the taxpayer provided housing, medical, education, transportation, food, free or discounted utilities etc.) Advocacy groups long have maintained the program is fraught with employer abuse. (It’s taxpayer abuse!)
Massey says spot shortages are possible in sectors that employ large numbers of Mexican workers, particularly agriculture, but he believes that a gradual shift toward the use of guest workers may offset any potential labor deficiencies. (How are they guest workers when they pop out a kid every year and then claim hardship when its time to leave or are deported?)
Mexicans in growing numbers are securing visas that allow them to hold temporary US jobs legally, says Massey. "The workers that are coming into the United States are not just agricultural workers, they're workers in the non-agricultural sector, and increasingly, they're skilled workers." (As though we don’t have skilled workers. Human resources are afraid not to hire a minority over an American especially if they’re white and in some cases the computer kicks out all non minority applicants)
The US State Department reports a 53 percent increase in temporary visas for seasonal farm work issued between 2006 and 2010. (And how many had anchor babies during that time that we’re paying for everything especially education) And other visa categories are driving the expansion, too, including those for professional health and technology workers under the North American Free Trade Agreement.(This is a flood from the Philippines and Americans are complaining the HRs won’t hire them only the Philippine nurses, just heard about that today)
But even with the visas, the farm labor situation suffers, says David Dyssegaard Kallick, a senior fellow at the Fiscal Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank in New York "Those jobs really do seem to go begging when immigrants are pushed out, at least temporarily."
In the long run, Mr. Kallick says, the US labor market probably would adapt: "Maybe wages and working conditions would go up enough to make the jobs more attractive, or maybe some farms would close up shop. Basically, though, I don't think dishes wouldn't be washed in restaurants without immigrants to do it."(Gee, ya think! Is he saying the country would not come to a grinding stop? But that’s what we’re supposed to believe)
He says the flow of immigrants will return when the demand for workers is back, although "we're not anywhere near there" yet. (Hopefully we’ve learned our lesson and will not let this invasion continue)
"As long as the large wage differences between Mexico and the US exist, there will be incentives for people to endure the real risks of crossing illegally," says Judith Gans, (no, as long as we have a government that promotes the invasion and employers that cheat and lie) manager of an immigration policy program at the University of Arizona in Tucson. She says that as jobs do become available, the pressure on the border will correspondingly increase.
In the long term, the changes in Mexico and shifts in migration in all of Latin America may ease the pull north of the border, Ms. Gans adds. (If it didn’t, Gans wouldn’t have a job)
The impact of fewer illegal immigrants coming into the US will depend on how long it takes for the economy to bounce back, says Audrey Singer, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, a Washington public policy group. (Again, not a mention of the hoards of invaders still here)
"In the intervening time, a lot can happen in a place like Mexico, where unemployment is relatively low right now," she says. "Birthrates have dropped (but they soar here because they’re rewarded with entitlements) and the demand for workers has been rising. (Mexico’s economy has been doing good for years) For young people entering the workforce, it may mean more opportunities and less reason to leave." (Are they saying that the invaders don’t come here because they love the USA? Isn’t that the spin used to promote immigration, that they love this country? No the fact is most come to see what they can scavenge)
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