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Old 02-13-2010, 10:22 AM
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Cruisingfool Cruisingfool is offline
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If that's a birth certificate, I'll ...
New campaign helps people creatively express 'flushtration' over eligibility

New bid to unseal Obama's birth certificate
Challenge claims Hawaii waived privacy by talking about document

Obama flack laughs off birth certificate question
'It's on the Internet, Lester,' claims Gibbs at White House briefing

Media find eligibility billboard campaign irresistible
Effort to see Obama's document covered by the London Times

Birth certificate campaign tops $45,000
'This is the way the truth will win in the end,' says organizer

Americans vote with wallets to see Obama documents
$75K already given to 'truth and transparency' billboard campaign

Grand juries cite Obama for ineligibility, treason
Hundreds of 'presentments' being handed to prosecutors

Unwrapped! Birth certificate billboard No. 1
First sign erected in 'truth and transparency' campaign

Obama eligibility lawyer cites dangers from delays
'Every passing day impacts lives of Americans'

U.S. bonkers for Obama birth certificate billboards
Campaign strikes chord on presidential eligibility issue

U.S. Supreme Court

The 'Where's the birth certificate?' campaign
Would you like to see this billboard in your town?

How to get eligibility ruling from Supremes
Lawyer outlines strategy to prompt court decision

2nd congressman: Prove eligibility
Virginia representative signs onto plan to demand evidence

Eligibility attorney plans return to Supreme Court
Says, 'I will be filing until I get an answer'

Eligibility case defendants don't want to answer now
Lawyer for Obama, Congress says representation decision unmade

Is Obama campaign cash quashing eligibility suits?
FEC shows more than $1 million paid to top law firm since election

Join 445,000 others in seeking citizenship proof
Petition demands verification of Obama's eligibility

Orly Taitz announces new blog
California attorney behind Obama eligibility lawsuits moves battle to fresh website

Did state election papers include eligibility perjury?
Campaign seeks investigation by attorneys general of documentation

Kentucky elections officer wants eligibility investigated
Refers matter to state attorney general for review

See where '' takes you on Internet
What does website using president's childhood moniker mean?

'Twittered' eligibility case lawyer faces threat of sanctions
Team defending Obama, Biden warns of 'costs, expenses, fees'

Orly Taitz (WND photo / Chelsea Schilling)

Meet fierce blonde behind Obama eligibility lawsuits
Soviet Union survivor: President spits in face of every U.S. citizen

Doubt about Obama eligibility spreads
Writer concedes 'ambiguities' weren't 'satisfactorily resolved'

What about the hospital of his 'birth'?
Hawaii moves to make Obama childhood home national landmark

Analyst warns eligibility could become flashpoint
'It is morphing now to include members of the armed forces'

Supreme Court asked to cooperate with FBI
Attorney investigating Obama's eligibility reports cyber attacks

The ultimate special report on eligibility
Why millions still demand proof Obama is constitutionally fit for office

Eligibility judge backs off sanctions threat
Instead 'reprimands' attorney representing military officer

Citizen grand jury indicts Obama
Groups in 20 more states reviewing eligibility claims

Keyes to appeal case on Obama's eligibility
Lawyer says dismissal 'eviscerates' Constitution's rules for president

Federal criminal complaint contends Obama ineligible
Ex-officer alleges prez used 'contrivance, concealment, dissembling and deceit'

Eligibility lawyer says Homeland Security shadowing him
Reports incidents involving county, federal agents

Obama open for questions from you today
Farah urges readers ask most obvious: Where's the birth certificate?

Justice, Supremes confirm getting eligibility challenge
Taitz documents demanding proof of Obama's birthplace to be reviewed

Suggesting eligibility proof gets congressman scorned
Faces comments including, 'Take the Reynolds Wrap off your head'

Vice President Joe Biden

Biden jokes about Obama's birth certificate at dinner
Says Cheney left copy of document in vice presidential desk

Supremes read Kansas blog?
Focused on page dealing with claims of ineligibility

Taitz to FBI: Investigate 'tampering' at Supremes
'305 million Americans need to know if foreign national is usurping presidency'

Man critical of Obama case judge visited by marshals
'I told your Gestapo goons we had nothing to talk about'

Judge ripped for using blog eligibility hearsay
Obama case lawyer says he's entitled to birth certificate discovery hearing

Chief justice accepts 'eligibility' petition
Roberts agrees to read Obama docs, consider WND's 330,000 signers

U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.

Eligibility bill hits Congress
Representative files law requiring candidates show birth certificate

Court: No need for state to check prez' eligibility
Judge throws out complaint brought on behalf of Keyes

Did Supreme Court clerk torpedo eligibility cases?
Taitz submits motion for rehearing in case challenging Obama's citizenship

Why are there still questions about qualifications?
Arguments of president's defenders never actually addressed eligibility

What congressmen say about eligibility
Lawmakers' letters insist 'president was born in Hawaii'

Antonin Scalia

Scalia: You need 4 votes for Obama eligibility case
Lawyer confronts justice about prez's qualifications

Is infallible?
If website calls Obama eligible, then he must be, right?

Eligibility issue sparks 'edit war'
Wikipedia blocks users from posting criticism of Obama

Wikipedia scrubs Obama eligibility
Mention of citizenship issues deleted in minutes, 'offending' users banned

Judge James Robertson

Judge: Eligibility issue thoroughly 'twittered'
Dismisses case brought by retired military officer

Republican senator says Snopes settled 'eligibility'
Arizona's Kyl cites website that assumes Hawaiian birth

Senator: Eligibility is up to the voters
Republican Martinez implies constitutional requirement for presidency can be bypassed

U.S. soldier gagged on prez's eligibility
Military member seeking documentation silenced

More military officers demand eligibility proof
Plaintiff: 'In the worst case … it's going to be revolution in the streets'

Obama eligibility tops AOL News
Internet reports mock 'Birthers' who want constitutional proof

California used to check prez candidates' eligibility
Lawsuit seeks school records to verify citizenship status

Retired Maj. Gen. Carroll Childers

Major General says president's eligibility needs proof
'Most important, what I really want is the truth'

Eligibility lawyer argues for president's deportation
Berg seeks proper treatment for 'illegal alien'

2nd U.S. soldier in Iraq challenges eligibility
Says issue could decide if 'we are a Constitutional Republic'

Soldier questions eligibility, doubts president's authority
'As an officer, my sworn oath to support and defend our Constitution requires this'

Senator questions Obama eligibility
Shelby: 'They said he was born in Hawaii, but I haven't seen any birth certificate'

Eligibility petition hits quarter-million mark
Nearly 3,000 a day question Obama's constitutional suitability

Alan Keyes: Stop Obama or U.S. will cease to exist
Claims 'communist usurper' plunges country into chaos

States reviewing 'eligibility' challenges
Montana tables plan while Oklahoma's gets committee approval

Keyes: President 'has something to hide' about eligibility
Says Dem 'asked to be chosen, therefore must answer'

'Sanctions' sought in eligibility case
President's attorneys file motion demanding birth, college records be withheld from public

State lawmakers: Prove you're president, Mr. Obama
Case being assembled to demand eligibility documentation

Eligibility issue: McCain checked but not Obama
Lawsuit contends Congress failed to qualify Democrat for Oval Office

Congress sued to remove prez from White House
'Defendants had to ensure the Constitution is upheld'

What did president tell Supreme Court?
Lawyer in eligibility case seeks records of secret discussions

Has newspaper really solved eligibility question?
Retired teacher cited as proof but she claims no first-hand knowledge

President's meeting with judges questioned
Lawyer challenging eligibility raises issue of secret conference

Eligibility battle rages on 3 fronts
Court, Congress and college challenged on constitutionality

Join 445,000 others in seeking citizenship proof
Petition demands verification of Obama's eligibility

Please check eligibility, thousands ask Supremes
Another round of urgent requests delivered to high court

Latest eligibility challenge rejected
Justices' conference results in no action on constitutional questions

Eligibility issue to follow Obama into Oval Office
Supreme Court sets 'natural born' conference to follow inauguration

Watch Obama commercial they don't want you to see
Fox, CNN, MSNBC refuse ads questioning Barack's eligibility

Supreme Court to take up eligibility question again
Conference to evaluate claims president-elect isn't qualified

FedEx Supreme Court on Obama's eligibility
WND makes it easy, cheaper to ask justices to resolve questions

AOL: Growing majority worried over eligibility
Even half in Illinois say issue should be reviewed, resolved

Berg files new challenge to eligibility
'There is nothing more important than our U.S. Constitution'

Attorney Stephen Pidgeon

Eligibility case finds 'standing'?
New suit claims unique state law enables citizens to demand proof

Most covered-up of 2008: Natural-born citizen
WND editors join with readers to determine the year's top 10

Message to Congress: Protect Constitution
Effort seeks volunteers to challenge eligibility

Eligibility remains focus of Supremes' conferences
Dispute posted on docket twice after Electoral College votes in

Supreme Court to talk about Obama 3rd time
Berg eligibility case set for conference Jan. 9

More challenges fail in Supreme Court
Kennedy turns back cases based on eligibility questions

Investigator casts doubt on Obama's birth residence
Neighbor believes family didn't live at address in newspaper announcement

Obama citizenship issue has merit, AOL poll says
Nation seeks answers to questions about president-elect's eligibility

Supreme Court refuses 2nd challenge to eligibility
Case alleges dual citizenship disqualifies Obama for office

Status report: The eligibility issue
Several cases still challenge whether senator can become president

Thousands advise electors to check eligibility
But 1 who teaches 'Marxist theory' ridicules concerns

Democrat's eligibility 'facts' knocked down
'If a guy ain't natural born, he can't be president'

Electors challenged to investigate birth dispute
'Only reasonable explanation' is he wasn't born in the U.S.

Supremes turn down request to stop Electoral vote
But Friday, high court will consider another case in flood of eligibility challenges

Keyes' lawyers invite public to 'join the fight'
High-profile eligibility lawsuit may succeed where others have failed

Eligibility question? FedEx Electoral College members
WND follows up Supreme Court letter campaign with historic 1st

Join exploding demand for citizenship documentation
230,000 already have signed petition

Eligibility dispute, Part 2, scheduled by Supremes
Court rejects claim challenging candidacy, schedules another for Friday conference

Supreme Court denies 1st eligibility challenge
Justices won’t give questions about qualifications full hearing

Demonstrators protesting Obama's eligibility and praying before the U.S. Supreme Court

Will Supremes review citizenship arguments?
Lawsuit: Even with a valid birth certificate, 'he still wouldn't be eligible to be president'

Eligibility dispute story spreads
Now National Press Club event scheduled on challenge to Oval Office occupant

More than 60,000 letters sent to U.S. Supreme Court
WND readers deliver urgent requests to review Obama citizenship

'Natural-born' requirement called 'stupidest provision'
Also 'discriminates, outdated, undemocratic and assumes birthplace a proxy for loyalty'

Pravda raises Obama eligibility issue
Other media outlets begin reporting concerns over president-elect's citizenship status

Document posted on Barack Obama's "Fight the Smears" website.

Hawaii hospitals: Obama not born here
Blog claims calls, visits to medical facilities reveal no birthplace of president-elect

Electoral College scam: Where dead people vote
Lawyer challenging eligibility seeks investigation of process

Democrat asks Supreme Court to halt electors
Obama lets deadline slip by without responding to petition, so attorney takes next step

Print, TV ads demand citizenship proof from Obama
Concerned Americans look to media to compel president-elect to release documents
Old 02-13-2010, 10:34 AM
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Cruisingfool Cruisingfool is offline
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Imaging guru: 'Certification' of birth time, location is fake
'It would be hard to perform as president from behind jail cell door at Leavenworth'

Obama, DNC elude citizenship lawsuit deadline
Solicitor general's office dodges questions about birth certificate complaint

FedEx the Supremes about Obama's eligibility
WND makes it easy, cheaper to ask justices to resolve questions

Chasm dividing Americans over birth certificate widens
Opinions include, 'Constitution means what we say'

Ambassador Peter Ogego

Embassy: Obama not born in Kenya
Office claims ambassador was speaking about president-elect's father in radio interview

Orders from new president to spark lawsuit every time
Lawyer lining up plaintiff groups until citizenship dispute addressed

Proofin' the prez: Who's in charge?
Constitutional lawyer says electors have duty to investigate citizenship

Prez passes on Obama's eligibility
'I don't think I have anything to say on that,' says spokesman

100,000 petitioners: If you're eligible, show us the proof!
Throngs sign online demand, reveal frustration over secrecy

Shades of Florida in 2000! Could Supremes decide '08?
'Justices free to make their own determination regarding the specifics of the general election'

Petition to see the birth certificate
Join WND to help answer eligibility question

Is he or isn't he? The debate over Obama's eligibility
New feature focuses on birth certificate, the U.S. Constitution and doubts

Supremes to review citizenship arguments
Case challenging candidacy set for 'conference' of justices

We're in 'good shape' over Obama's birthplace
Presidential spokeswoman suggests there's no controversy

Supremes to review citizenship arguments
Case challenging candidacy set for 'conference' of justices
Alan Keyes
Alan Keyes

'Constitutional crisis' looming over Obama's birth location
Alan Keyes lawsuit warns America may see 'usurper' in Oval Office

Obama camp: Lawsuits by citizens are 'garbage'
Legal challenges spring up across U.S., demand proof of eligibility for office

Will Supreme Court have say in presidency?
Schedule includes campaign response to questions on Obama birthplace

Doubts persist about Obama birth certificate
Considerable evidence still points to candidate's birth in Kenya

Supremes asked to halt Tuesday's vote
Constitutional crisis feared over Obama's 'qualifications'

Gov. Linda Lingle, R-Hawaii

Obama's birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor
Says Democratic senator must make request to obtain original document

Judge dismisses Obama birth certificate lawsuit
Rules voters don't have standing to 'police' constitutional requirements for president

Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'

Obama 'admits' Kenyan birth?
Campaign doesn't respond to claims in lawsuit over birth certificate

DNC steps in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate
Democrat suing his own party says it's 'like they're in cahoots'

Philip J. Berg, one of the first to take Obama eligibility question to court

Democrat sues Sen. Obama over 'fraudulent candidacy'
Lawsuit disputing U.S. citizenship based in part on discredited claims

2 campaigns seek 'truth' about Obama's birth
Eligibility for presidency hinges on American citizenship

Obama birth certificate: Real or phony baloney?
Authenticity of crucial document staked on Daily Kos-derived image

Blogger reveals Obama birth certificate
'All information is what we have been told before'

Is Obama's candidacy constitutional?
Secrecy over birth certificate, demand for 'natural-born' citizenship cited
Old 02-13-2010, 10:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Good question. But, when a person is hell bent on trying to do something they want more than anything, then some of the time they must stray from reality/reason. There is a time to accept reality.
Yes there is, and there is time to accept that you were naive enough to vote an illegal alien in as President!

I was not dumb enough to vote somebody into this high of office, clearly knowing nobody has ever seen his birth certificate. The only thing that has been shown is a COLB, which anybody, from anywhere could of gone to Hawaii and got one that looked just like obummers.

Old 02-13-2010, 11:31 AM
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Dear WorldNetDaily Reader:

There have been lawsuits filed all over the country challenging Barack Obama to prove he is a "natural born citizen" as required by the Constitution. The most high-profile of these cases has been prepared and argued by WND's friends at the United States Justice Foundation, a public interest law firm with high principles.

People are always asking me what they can do to further the eligibility issue. The answer? Support the groundbreaking and relentless work of the USJF!

Below, please find an important update from their Executive Director, Gary Kreep.

Joseph Farah
Joseph Farah
Editor and Chief Executive Officer

Dear Defender of the U. S. Constitution!

FEBRUARY 1, 2010, is the beginning of real freedom in America! That was the day that I, on behalf of all Americans, filed our Opening Appellants Brief (AOB) in the Appellant Court against the Defendants-Respondents: supposed president BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, Vice-president Joe Biden, Secretary of the State of California Debra BOWEN, and others.

On behalf of YOUR United States Justice Foundation (USJF), I respectfully requested a REVERSAL of the trial court judgment sustaining the Respondents’ “demurrer,” which means that the defendant in a case does not dispute the truth of the allegations in the lawsuit, but claims that there are not sufficient legal grounds to justify a court granting relief.

I know that you already admire these great Americans that I represent in this historic lawsuit: Dr. Alan KEYES (Presidential candidate for the American Independent Party in 2008), Vice-Presidential nominee for the same party in 2008, Dr. Wiley Drake, and California Elector Markham Robinson. As you know, these are all great, patriotic Americans.

At issue is the eligibility requirement of Barack Hussein Obama to serve as President of the United States!!

I’ve received hate mail. I’ve had threats made against my life. I’ve been relentlessly ridiculed by the mainstream media. But yet I continue the fight to SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH!! America deserves the truth.


Please, CLICK HERE, to send your largest possible donation to help in this legal fight for the United States Constitution. As an American citizen, YOU have a right to know if Barack Hussein Obama is, indeed, an American citizen! Not only is it your right, it is a requirement of the U. S. Constitution for him to be a “natural born citizen to serve as President! Please, give generously, and please do so TODAY! This fight is extremely expensive (Mr. Obama’s lawyers have, according to published reports, already spent over $1.7 Million just to hide the truth from us and our allies in this confrontation!!)

The mainstream media has called me every name in the book. But, like a well-trained lawyer, I answer their charges: line-upon-line, precept upon precept.

I am not mean-spirited, as depicted by the liberal media. If Mr. Obama produced a real birth certificate that proved that he was a “natural born” citizen of the United States of America, I would be the first one to “salute” him as president. HOWEVER--

As of this very moment, there has been NO GENUINE, BONAFIDE, MEANINGFUL, EVIDENCE, shown by him or by his lawyers to satisfy a court of law that he is an American citizen, must less a “natural born” citizen!! NONE!!

We’ve been at this fight for well over one year; and, now, I believe that we have a legal case that has a real “LEGAL BITE” to our contention that Barack Hussein Obama is not the President of the United States, according to our own United States Constitution!!

The issue of whether Mr. Obama is eligible to serve as President of the United States is one that has “significant political overtones,” given that it has a direct relation to the election of the most powerful political office in the United States (for the world, for that matter). But it is an issue that is a defining moment, for which the Court can make a determination, because the requirements are clearly stated in Article II, Section 1, Clause 4, of the U. S. Constitution. And courts routinely decide questions of law and of fact such as the issue in this case.

But there are many enormous forces coming against the United States Justice Foundation (USJF)! This is no ordinary case. This is like the war of the gladiators; actually more like David and Goliath! Not to be flippant, but, basically, USJF is David; and Mr. Obama is Goliath!! The supposed “forces of change” has come against us with everything that they’ve got!! As a lawyer, I shouldn’t use the word “mafia” -- but it is absolutely unbelievable what we are facing !!

And yes, “little David” is unbelievably underfunded!

CLICK HERE to assist in this legal battle to learn the truth!! YOU have a right to know that Barack Hussein Obama is an American citizen! It is a requirement of the U. S. Constitution for him to be a “natural born citizen,”to serve as President. Please, give generously, and please do so TODAY! This fight is very costly. My staff is over-worked, and we cannot match the resources of Mr. Obama’s legal “dream team.” Mr. Obama has already spent over $1.7 Million in legal fees, according to published reports, just to hide the truth from YOU!

As of the filing of our brief on Monday, Barack Hussein Obama has not allowed independent or official access to his vault (original hospital) birth records and supporting hospital records. Mr. Obama’s citizenship status has been challenged in over 20 different legal actions in various federal and state courts, which challenges cast doubt on the validity of the electoral process, regardless of the outcome.

Here is the short of what we know at this very moment: Mr. Obama entered this race for President without having met the eligibility requirements for the office of President of the United States. As a result, Dr. Alan Keyes and Dr. Drake have been injured because they did not have fair competition for the offices they sought. They were not given a fair opportunity to obtain votes for President and Vice-President of the United States! They sustained “injuries,” according to Federal Court case law.

I know that all this sounds like a lot of legal terminology---but all that we simply want is the TRUTH---is Barack Obama qualified, by our own U. S. Constitution, to serve as President of the United States.

NO---I am not on some “witch hunt,” as the media has painted me. Veterans, soccer moms, businessmen, school kids, seniors, divorcees, hard workers---all they want is THE TRUTH! Especially our men serving in “harm’s way” in our military--they really need to know!!

Did you know that John McCain had a lawsuit filed against him, to force him to establish his citizenship (Hollander v. McCain) during his campaign for President! After he produced evidence and official documents, and after Congressional hearings (!), the U. S., by Senate Resolution 511, John McCain was recognized as a “natural born citizen.” If he had to go through these “hoops”---why didn’t his presidential opponent have to do the same??

Here is how our United States Constitution actually reads: “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.”

Please let us know, TODAY, if you wish to help us to get to the bottom of this critical Constitutional battle , by CLICKING HERE. Do you want to know if Barack Hussein Obama is a “natural born” American citizen! Please, give generously today!

Here is how our brief, in part, reads: “APPELLANTS allege that OBAMA is legally disabled by his birth status. Therefore, all votes cast in favor of the OBAMA/BIDEN joint and severable ticket by the California Electors should be deemed null and void, since the votes were cast for an individual ineligible to run for the office of President of the United States.”

It’s just that plain and simple!

Never in my wildest imagination would I ever think of me having to do this in the United States of America. And, despite what you may have been told by the Obama-controlled media, there are a number of legal precedents for this action.

Like former radical, Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver, who was taken off Presidential ballots , both in Utah and in California (the California removal resulted in the ACLU filing a lawsuit to put him back on the Presidential ballot that went all the way up to the United States Supreme Court—and California won that case!) for not being old enough...

Like former North Dakota Governor Thomas H. Moodie, who was duly elected to be that state’s governor; however, afterward, it was discovered that he had not resided in the state for a requisite five years before running for office, and, because of that ineligibility, he was REMOVED from office by that State’s Supreme Court in 1935.

I assure you; I am not on a personal vendetta against Barack Hussein Obama. JUST LET US KNOW THE TRUTH!! The bottom line: voters DO NOT have the power, or the right, (according to the U. S. Constitution!!) to determine the eligibility of a candidate---no matter how popular that person may be!

Here is the crux of this particular case: Ms. Bowen, the California Secretary of State, did NOT exercise her required “due diligence,” by certifying candidates to run for office without verifying that they had met all of the requirements of eligibility for office.

What proof do we need?

• An original birth certificate, showing the name of the hospital and the name and signature of the doctor who delivered the candidate

• A passport with immigration stamps, and verification from the governments where the candidate has resided, verifying that he did not, and does not, hold citizenship of these countries

• Any other documents that could certify an individual’s citizenship and/or qualification for office.

Will you help us today . . . to get to the bottom of this crisis---all we want is the TRUTH!!

PLEASE, CLICK HERE, to send your donation to help in this legal fight for the United States Constitution. As an American citizen, YOU have a right to know if Barack Hussein Obama is a “fellow” American! Please give to assist us today in this battle of David and Goliath!

I watched Mr. Obama at his first State of the Union address last week; then his revealing budget speech, shortly before I filed these pleadings in court. Amazingly, I asked myself (just like tens of millions of other inquiring Americans!!)---what in the world does Barack Hussein Obama have to hide?? With your continued help, we shall soon see what he has been hiding!! Thank you for your support and for your prayers for our success.

Please do what you can -– with a grateful heart,

Gary Kreep, Executive Director
United States Justice Foundation

P. S. We are on the brink of the real truth!! What does it take to just get a signed copy of a birth certificate? Why has Mr. Obama spent over $1.7 million, according to published reports, just to hide the truth from United States citizens? Please, assist us today...

CLICK HERE to help in this costly battle for the very soul of the United States Constitution. YOU have a right to know if Barack Hussein Obama is a “natural born” American citizen! Please, give generously to the USJF, and please do so TODAY! This fight has been going on for over one year. The costs continue to mount. Thank you for caring!

To Donate by check, please mail to:
United States Justice Foundation
National Processing Center
PO Box 131637
Dept Code 3616
Houston, TX 77219-1637

The United States Justice Foundation (USJF) is a non-profit organization, whose tax-exempt status under IRS section 501(c)(3) has been recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible. Corporate contributions may be accepted.
Old 02-13-2010, 03:12 PM
MowMyOwn MowMyOwn is offline
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Please, CLICK HERE, to send your largest possible donation to help......

CLICK HERE to assist in this legal battle to learn the truth!!....

by CLICKING HERE. Do you want to know if Barack Hussein Obama is a “natural born” American citizen!......

Please, give generously today!.....

PLEASE, CLICK HERE, to send your donation.....

Please do what you can -– with a grateful heart,.....

P. S.
CLICK HERE to help in this costly battle for the very soul.....

give generously to the USJF, and please do so TODAY!.....
I wonder how much interest "World Net Daily" has in "their friends" at the "United States Justice Foundation"
Old 02-13-2010, 04:20 PM
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Cruisingfool Cruisingfool is offline
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Some people want to know the truth, don't you? Seems how your State used to be a conservative State, but now is a liberal state, that is the going to be the very first state that goes bankrupt!
Old 02-13-2010, 04:25 PM
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Default Attorney facing penalties wants birth docs for defense

Attorney facing penalties wants birth docs for defense
'Hardship on plaintiff greatly outweighs hardship on defendant'
Posted: February 13, 2010
12:10 am Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

A California lawyer who has shepherded several of the high-profile legal challenges to Barack Obama's eligibility to be president has filed a pleading in federal court in Washington, saying she faces a $20,000 penalty and a threat to her law license and needs the president's birth documents to defend herself.

Attorney Orly Taitz told WND she submitted the pleading today to Chief Judge Royce Lamberth of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Taitz said she applied for a preliminary injunction, because her understanding of the rules of procedure for the district court shows a hearing or decision must be returned within 20 days.

Among the cases she has handled have been one in California on behalf of presidential candidate Alan Keyes which now is on appeal, another in Georgia on behalf of Maj. Stefan Cook and yet another in Georgia on behalf of Capt. Connie Rhodes.

WND has reported efforts to raise the question of Obama's eligibility at the state and national levels since before the 2008 election.

Numerous lawsuits have been filed alleging Obama did not meet the U.S. Constitution's requirement that a president be a "natural born citizen." The lawsuits have asserted he either was not born in Hawaii as he claims or was a dual citizen because of his father's British citizenship at the time of his birth.

The Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, states, "No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Demand the truth by joining the petition campaign to make President Obama reveal his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate!

However, none of the cases filed to date has been successful in reaching the plateau of legal discovery so that information about Obama's birth could be obtained. Most have been dismissed at the lower court level based on judges' decisions that the plaintiffs did not have "standing" – or the prospect of a personal injury in the cases.

Taitz' filing in Washington argues she's facing a $20,000 penalty imposed by Judge Clay D. Land in the Rhodes case and possible action by the California Bar Association, to which Land forwarded his highly critical order.

"Plaintiff is seeking a preliminary injunction … to obtain the vital records of the defendant prior to the February 26 deadline for document and response submission of the response by the plaintiff to the [California] bar," she wrote. "Plaintiff is seeking a preliminary injunction within 20 days, as prescribed by LCvR 65.1 (d) to be scheduled by the court prior to March 1."

She said the U.S. Supreme Court has concluded, in a previous case, a sitting president "has no immunity from civil law litigation against him from acts done before office and not related to the office."

Taitz stated she has "a unique standing to bring this case as she suffered unique damages and she was … harmed by the actions of the defendant."

Her "Defend Our Freedoms Foundation" has been under repeated hacker attacks. She operates through a mailing address of 29839 Santa Margarita Parkway, Suite 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., 92688.

"Obama has refused to unseal any of his original vital records," she said. "No one was allowed to see his original birth certificate, college application records, financial aid forms or his medical records," she argues. "The only record Obama presented was a short version Certification of Live Birth issued in 2007 which didn't provide the name of the hospital, name of the doctor in attendance or signatures of any witnesses.

"In light of the fact that the state of HI statute 338-17 allowed foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to get Hawaiian birth certificates and statute 338-5 allowed birth certificates to be obtained without any corroborating documents from any hospitals, there is no verifiable prima facia evidence of Obama's birth in Hawaii," she argues.

"Plaintiff is seeking an order by this honorable court directing the defendant to release by February 26, 2010, his original birth certificate, which was allegedly obtained based on the defendant's birth in Kapi'olani hospital in Hawaii [in 1961]," she seeks.

She's also asking for school and university records as well as passport records.

"When one compares the weight of hardships on both parties, the hardship on the plaintiff greatly outweighs the hardship on the defendant," she said.

She argued that the U.S. attorney's office should not handle Obama's defense.

"In case the U.S. attorney's office is not recused and it is found that the defendant has committed federal criminal offenses, the same U.S. attorney's office will be prosecuting him, which will deny him fair trail."

WND has reported lawmakers in a number of states have responded to the Obama controversy by proposing eligibility requirements, including Oklahoma, Arizona, Georgia, Indiana, Virginia and New York.

The proposals essentially are moving the same direction as a federal measure proposed by Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla.

Posey's H.R. 1503 states:

"To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to require the principal campaign committee of a candidate for election to the office of President to include with the committee's statement of organization a copy of the candidate's birth certificate, together with such other documentation as may be necessary to establish that the candidate meets the qualifications for eligibility to the Office of President under the Constitution."

The bill also provides:

"Congress finds that under … the Constitution of the United States, in order to be eligible to serve as President, an individual must be a natural born citizen of the United States who has attained the age of 35 years and has been a resident within the United States for at least 14 years."

The sponsors' goal is for the bill to become effective for the 2012 presidential election. The legislation now is pending in a House committee and has more than a dozen co-sponsors.

Key to the arguments over Obama's eligibility is the fact that his original long-form birth certificate never has been released. A second significant factor is the multitude of documents that Obama has kept from the public.

Besides his actual birth documentation, the still-concealed documentation includes kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.

Thirdly, another significant factor is the estimated $1.7 million Obama has spent on court cases to prevent any of the documentation of his life to be revealed to the public.

"Where's The Birth Certificate?" billboard helps light up the night at the Mandalay Bay resort on the Las Vegas Strip.

Because of the dearth of information about Obama's eligibility, WND founder Joseph Farah has launched a campaign to raise contributions to post billboards asking a simple question: "Where's the birth certificate?"

The campaign followed a petition that has collected more than 490,000 signatures demanding proof of his eligibility, the availability of yard signs raising the question and the production of permanent, detachable magnetic bumper stickers asking the question.

The "certification of live birth" posted online and widely touted as "Obama's birth certificate" does not in any way prove he was born in Hawaii, since the same "short-form" document is easily obtainable for children not born in Hawaii. The true "long-form" birth certificate – which includes information such as the name of the birth hospital and attending physician – is the only document that can prove Obama was born in Hawaii, but to date he has not permitted its release for public or press scrutiny.

Oddly, though congressional hearings were held to determine whether Sen. John McCain was constitutionally eligible to be president as a "natural born citizen," no controlling legal authority ever sought to verify Obama's claim to a Hawaiian birth.

Your donation – from as little as $5 to as much as $1,000 – can be made online at the WND SuperStore. (Donations are not tax-deductible. Donations of amounts greater than $1,000 can be arranged by calling either 541-474-1776 or 1-800-4WND.COM. If you would prefer to mail in your contributions, they should be directed to WND, P.O. Box 1627, Medford, Oregon, 97501. Be sure to specify the purpose of the donation by writing "billboard" on the check. In addition, donations of billboard space will be accepted, as will significant contributions specifically targeted for geographic locations.)

If you are a member of the media and would like to interview Joseph Farah about this campaign, e-mail WND.
Old 02-13-2010, 07:56 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Originally Posted by Cruisingfool View Post
Wouldn't you consider a person in this Country, serving as President, that has every item of his History sealed, and his Grandmother is on video in Mombasa, Kenya clearly stating she witnessed her grandturd being born in Mombasa, Kenya, as an illegal alien?
I am quite satisfied with the documents I have seen. This is a rabbit hole that was invented by people that dislike the President for reasons other than his politics, IMHO.
I think, therefore I love the Dodgers!
Old 02-14-2010, 06:29 AM
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You are definitely have your right to your own opinion. I'm totally convinced he is hiding something of interest, as we have never had a President with 100 % of his background documents sealed.
Old 02-14-2010, 07:19 AM is offline
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First off, his grandmother is on video saying she was a witness in Mobassa, Kenya, in the village where he was born. So I'm not sure where you come up with Hawaiia-born child. If he really was born in Hawaii there wouldn't be a problem with his mothers age.

Thank you for the answer, but you mentioned the President's mother being married to a British citizen, as well. How would that impact the citizenship of an American-born child?

Last edited by; 02-14-2010 at 07:22 AM.
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