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Immigration Topics relating to the subject of US Immigration

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Old 11-21-2009, 08:56 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Well there is one thing in that email from Schiwk that he didn't reveal. Joe took the from someone else. Joe was not the original owner.

And I might add, that Joe walked away from the organization a long time ago. He was never very approachable even when he did show up. He had an idea of starting the organization at a time when people were starving for somewhere to vent their anger at this invasion and actively participate, especially after the illegals marched in our streets. But Joe abandoned us years ago. We, the members, invested our time and deserve to reap the goodwill we invested. To have the organization just dissolve, as Joe and Chelene would have preferred, would be a slap in the face to all who contributed their time and effort. We didn't drop the ball, those in charge did. And to cry foul now because we wouldn't stand down shows that they are more concerned with themselves than they ever were with the cause and those that stood up for it. We members are the ones who showed up and put forth the effort without the public clapping and singing our praises.
And no little bunch of groupies that can't seem to see beyond themselves are going to stop us or put us down.
AMEN! Well put Jean!
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:59 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Originally Posted by deportillegalsman View Post
I am a very passionate and patriotic supporter of all the Anti-Illegal Immigration groups...except one: alipac and William Gheen! I have supported many groups and have attended a couple of dozen rallies of various groups over the last 3 years. I recently tried to post comments on the alipac video of the patriots getting attacked by communist thugs in Ft. Lauderdale FL. I made no racist remarks, but I did post my views of how I believe many Americans are getting sick and tired of seeing Pro-Illegal Communist thugs attack people who are against Illegal Immigration, and eventually this anger is going to erupt into violence against these thugs. Every post I made was censored and deleted by alipac! I called alipac, and was treated very rudely by William Gheen. It was glaringly obvious to me that William gheen is a COMPLETE FAKE! He cares more about political correctness than actually fighting against the Illegal Alien Invasion. He obviously is a control freak and cares NOTHING of THE US CONSTITUTION or the 1st AMENDMENT! In my opinion, people like Gheen, who are supposed to be national leaders in this fight should be true believers in the US CONSTITUTION. To Me, anyone worried about political correctness is just as great an ENEMY to the American People and the US Constitution as the Illegals are. William Gheen is a complete fraud and should be exposed as such before he causes more damage. In my eyes, alipac and William Gheen have no credibility and are not a legitimate organization. I am not eloquent with my words, and I am no one important, but I am very passionate about saving our Country. I am guessing that William Gheen may have interests to run for a political office, where he could cause considerable damage. For me William Gheen has become ENEMY # 1. He pissed off the wrong ex-marine!
As an observer of the board rules here which I agreed to I will refrain from certain comments.

However, from my experience you are SPOT ON with your observations and opinions. Without going into the details I had similar experiences.

The attack on Jim Gilchrist which was brutal, slanderous and defamatory turned me off completely. I concluded that we were dealing with a Napoleonic alpha male megalomaniac. I found it the pinnacle of sanctimonious hypocrisy that "he" would ban posters for violating his own house rules on his own website but he had no compunctions about going on other peoples websites and using it not only to lambaste Gilchrist but actually try to recruit the members from other sites to join a lynch mob.

As regards your comments about - it's all about money - I made similar observations on another website a couple of years ago. Posters move around and some reported it back to Alipac.
I simply brought up the subject of accountability and transparency after the Minuteman debacle wherein Simcox's cabal plundered 85% of the contributions and pocketed it, building a phony, fake fence. Back then Alipac introduced a $25 initiation fee for becoming a member, which has since been revoked. The only website I ever heard of that assessed such a fee..

Last edited by wetibbe; 11-25-2009 at 08:54 AM.
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:18 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
Gheen is indeed a phoney and no friend of free speech.

Several years ago he was involved in some local political dispute and people were writing letters to the mayor, city council, etc. I dont' remember where it was, but I think it was in the East somewhere. Gheen comes out with a "Decree" that "white" racists are not to get involved in this campaign. (He's OK with black and brown racists, but not "white" ones.)

Who the hell is this guy to issue a "decree" to tell American citizens of whatever color whether or not they can write letters to government officials? He's very arrogant and thinks he's Napoleon or something. The upshot it that he's another coward and double talker who wants to relegate whites to a level of second class citizenship so that he can brag that he's not a "racist."

Look at the name of his group: Americans for Legal Immigration.

If he favors "legal" immigration, then why is he against amnesty. Anybody who supports "legal" immigration should also support amnesty because that way all immigration will be "legal."

How weirdly Orwellian that he takes positions completely incosistent with his group's stated purpose (i.e. promoting "legal" immigration." ) I asked this question on his web site and was promptly banned. Send in money contributions, just don't ask questions this phony can't answer.
My observation also about money! I quite agree. Prolific solicitations and "goals". Among other things I simply asked how members, supporters, contributors could know that even ONE fax had ever been sent in view, at the time, the Minuteman shell game/hand in the cookie jar was occuring and being exposed.

I suspect that there are many who are disenchanted but haven't spoken out.
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Old 11-25-2009, 01:28 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
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Originally Posted by Borderwatch View Post
If what inappropriate to post this, I apologize

From: Jeff Schwilk <>
Subject: Patriot Warning: New "Save Our State" Group is a Fraud
Date: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 7:26 PM


Many Patriots in California received the below deceptive email this morning from independent activist Davi Rodrigues. Here are some facts you should know before you think about joining his new group which is now falsely using the SOS name.

Save Our State, the very successful activist group founded and owned by Joe Turner in 2005 shut down last month. The group had run its course. The website, also went off line.

A former member who went rogue earlier this year and was kicked out of SOS for his destructive behavior, Davi Rodrigues in Sacramento, has stolen the name of the group and is trying to say he is now in charge of SOS.

Davi has been on a personal Jihad against our popular candidate for governor, Chelene Nightingale since she announced her candidacy in July. Chelene left SOS in May to prepare for her campaign. His vicious attacks and lies against her are nothing short of treasonous. He may be working for La Raza or the GOP to smear her campaign "from the inside". He is urging his "followers" to attack and sabotage her campaign and bash her in internet forums and message boards. Warnings to him to cease and desist his vicious attacks have been ignored.

If you choose to join this group, just know that this is NOT Save Our State. It is a copy cat run by Davi and other outcasts from our mainstream movement. His group is NOT part of the - 25 united mainstream Patriot groups in SoCal.

Unfortunately, there are several leaders and personalities who have gone rogue (and not in the good Sarah Palin way) over the past few years and now spend much of their time attacking the successful mainstream groups and leaders. Whether out of jealousy or just bitterness and pettiness, they spread malicious, harmful lies and hate about good Patriots. We have created a webpage just to warn the public about these individuals. Please be very cautious when associating with these individuals who have a history of destructive behavior in our movement.
Patriot Warnings:

Beware of false and dangerous leaders in groups pretending to be part of our very successful secure borders movement. Most of them have their own selfish and money-making agendas.

- Jeff Schwilk, SDMM
I think Schwilk should mind his own business. He's never belonged to either SOS organization, and if he thinks all of the members of the new SOS are rogues and troublemakers then he definitely needs a reality check. I'm getting a little tired of these generalizations about how one anti-illegal immigration group is the real thing and everyone else is a traitor or a pretender. At any rate, Schwilk is clearly in no position to judge.

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."

Last edited by LAPhil; 11-25-2009 at 02:09 PM.
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Old 11-25-2009, 04:28 PM
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All of this infighting, back biting, finger pointing and PUBLIC accusations against leaders in this fight against illegal immigration just really needs to STOP! It's unbecoming of this organization and to others here who are trying to stay focused on the problems of illegal immigration instead of wasting time and effort reading about all of the "he said, she said," juicy gossip that rears its ugly head in EVERY ORGANIZATION. Just quit playing into it! Those who choose to do this are playing right into the hands of La Raza and the open borders crowd! They (La Raza) come here and read this crap and they're wallowing with delight in it....BET ON IT!!

Air your accusations privately, straight to the person you're having a problem with and privately to persons you feel you need to warn, but don't use a public venue to air your dirty laundry. WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM and/or else trying to be! Personality clashes are small change up against what we are ALL fighting for. If you feel a person or organization doesn't follow the kind of protocol you agree with, go to the source, discuss it maturely and if it can't be solved to your expectations, then leave. Find another place/position to fight from, but remember....we're all here for the same fight illegal immigration! When one amongst us starts slinging mud, it makes us all look dirty!

Just because Jeff Schwilk chooses to weaken the cause by putting stuff like that memo out there, doesn't mean we should all follow suit. STICK WITH THE AGENDA, keep your focus on the issue. It's not about race or who's a better leader or who within the ranks are frauds! It's about pulling together to pull this country back from the brink of certain death if it is allowed to continue on this nose dive straight down to hell.

William Gheen is out there, putting his money where his mouth is. He is facing the opponent straight on and is not hiding his face or his identity. He has experience in the political arena and I applaude his efforts at trying to unite all Americans against illegal immigration into one huge entity. It's not easy. I believe he truly does believe in free speech, our Constitution and that he loves this country, American culture and his fellow citizens. He is trying to run a legitimate, professional organization and there are some guidelines one has to follow to keep up those appearances and for the organization to have some integrity. He can't allow that to be jeapordized by allowing everyone carte blanche in venting their gut emotions openly on a public venue.

No one liked it when Nancy Pelosi did that...calling the American grass roots Tea Parties against her policies, "Astro Turf." It made her and the other Democrats in her arena look pretty unprofessional and petty. No one can ever take her seriously again. She lost a lot of credibility with just those few words sputtered into a reporter's microphone.

It's William's venue, he pays for it, he maintains it and you must remember he has the right to regulate it as he sees fit. Just like if you come into my home...I'm the boss here, no matter what and you will play by my rules while you're under my roof....period. Same things go for websites.
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:02 PM
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Originally Posted by JB_Parrothead View Post
All of this infighting, back biting, finger pointing and PUBLIC accusations against leaders in this fight against illegal immigration just really needs to STOP! It's unbecoming of this organization and to others here who are trying to stay focused on the problems of illegal immigration instead of wasting time and effort reading about all of the "he said, she said," juicy gossip that rears its ugly head in EVERY ORGANIZATION. Just quit playing into it! Those who choose to do this are playing right into the hands of La Raza and the open borders crowd! They (La Raza) come here and read this crap and they're wallowing with delight in it....BET ON IT!!

Air your accusations privately, straight to the person you're having a problem with and privately to persons you feel you need to warn, but don't use a public venue to air your dirty laundry. WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM and/or else trying to be! Personality clashes are small change up against what we are ALL fighting for. If you feel a person or organization doesn't follow the kind of protocol you agree with, go to the source, discuss it maturely and if it can't be solved to your expectations, then leave. Find another place/position to fight from, but remember....we're all here for the same fight illegal immigration! When one amongst us starts slinging mud, it makes us all look dirty!

Just because Jeff Schwilk chooses to weaken the cause by putting stuff like that memo out there, doesn't mean we should all follow suit. STICK WITH THE AGENDA, keep your focus on the issue. It's not about race or who's a better leader or who within the ranks are frauds! It's about pulling together to pull this country back from the brink of certain death if it is allowed to continue on this nose dive straight down to hell.

William Gheen is out there, putting his money where his mouth is. He is facing the opponent straight on and is not hiding his face or his identity. He has experience in the political arena and I applaude his efforts at trying to unite all Americans against illegal immigration into one huge entity. It's not easy. I believe he truly does believe in free speech, our Constitution and that he loves this country, American culture and his fellow citizens. He is trying to run a legitimate, professional organization and there are some guidelines one has to follow to keep up those appearances and for the organization to have some integrity. He can't allow that to be jeapordized by allowing everyone carte blanche in venting their gut emotions openly on a public venue.

No one liked it when Nancy Pelosi did that...calling the American grass roots Tea Parties against her policies, "Astro Turf." It made her and the other Democrats in her arena look pretty unprofessional and petty. No one can ever take her seriously again. She lost a lot of credibility with just those few words sputtered into a reporter's microphone.

It's William's venue, he pays for it, he maintains it and you must remember he has the right to regulate it as he sees fit. Just like if you come into my home...I'm the boss here, no matter what and you will play by my rules while you're under my roof....period. Same things go for websites.
I just love you. Thank you. Everyone read what was written here and take it to heart. We have a big battle coming just ahead of us. That is where our energy should be focused. All the other Anti-illegal organizations are not our enemy, the open borders/pro-amnesty groups ARE. So some of you had problems with some others in the past. It's the past, and please get over it and let's move on. This is the direction we want our new SOS to go. We're working on this.
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:09 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
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JB, believe me, I couldn't agree with you more. I've been saying the same thing over and over again on this forum since the beginning, but it's like people would rather just keep on with the infighting and airing dirty laundry. There's a forum on another site where practically every post is a bashing of Chelene. I was always friends with Chelene and I refuse to participate in that or bashing any of the other popular targets here. Apparently a lot of people are holding some pretty strong grudges, but since I don't share their personal experiences I can't really judge them because I might be just as resentful if I were in their position. The only reason I bad-mouthed Schwilk is because he was doing exactly the thing I want stopped, just as you do. So far you're the first person to share my sentiments on this.

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."
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Old 11-25-2009, 05:37 PM
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Exclamation We're ALL on the same TEAM! Never forget that!

What I would really like to see is all of these leaders in separate anti-illegal immigration organizations come together in a meeting of the minds and join all of these anti-illegal immigration organizations together under ONE BANNER with a BOARD OF DIRECTORS comprised of a member from each organization.

As serious as we all are about fighting illegal immigration from a political front, we really need to go from this:


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Old 11-25-2009, 05:43 PM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
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Originally Posted by JB_Parrothead View Post
[COLOR="Blue"]What I would really like to see is all of these leaders in separate anti-illegal immigration organizations come together in a meeting of the minds and join all of these anti-illegal immigration organizations together under ONE BANNER with a BOARD OF DIRECTORS comprised of a member from each organization.
Right on! I don't know why it has to be so difficult to stop all this bickering. We hate them, they hate us, blah, blah, blah. Are we going to keep this up forever? At some point I think the aggrieved parties in all this should be able to air out their differences, face-to-face if necessary. Isn't saving the country more important than all this petty crap?

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."

Last edited by LAPhil; 11-25-2009 at 05:46 PM.
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Old 11-25-2009, 06:40 PM
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Originally Posted by LAPhil View Post
Right on! I don't know why it has to be so difficult to stop all this bickering. We hate them, they hate us, blah, blah, blah. Are we going to keep this up forever? At some point I think the aggrieved parties in all this should be able to air out their differences, face-to-face if necessary. Isn't saving the country more important than all this petty crap?
Amen! Like I said, we have something in the works.
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