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Old 05-19-2010, 10:22 AM
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Now Gheen is trying to cover his tracks. I don't believe anything this guy has to say. He is very unstable when it comes to dealing with people.

His latest rant:

Friends of ALIPAC,

After yesterday's e-mail notice that we are no longer supporting any rallies on the ground in Arizona in the month of June, we feel it is necessary to clarify some things and simplify things to clear up any confusion.

Item 1:

ALIPAC helped pass Arizona's SB 1070, lobbied Governor Brewer to sign SB 1070, and helped circulate SB 1070 rapidly to 13 other states that will soon consider the legislation. We remain in support of Arizona, SB 1070, and all Americans fighting illegal immigration. Our withdrawal from these rallies will in no way affect our commitment to this cause of secure borders and immigration enforcement.

Item 2:

Congressman Tom Tancredo is making a huge mistake that can have terrible consequences for our candidates, legislation, and citizen activists fighting against illegal immigration in Arizona and across America.

Tom Tancredo has put out a statement claiming he has reviewed our claims and found them to be without merit. He is mistaken.

With the illegal alien supporting La Raza groups throwing the race card at Arizona and all of us speaking out against illegal immigration, it is a big mistake to proceed with a June 5th event in Phoenix, AZ where the ADL, SPLC, National Council of La Raza, and many others have screen shots like this one.

If you use your mouse wheel to look at page 2 of this screen shot you will see that the June 5th rally organizer supported by Tom Tancredo lists the Swedish Neo Nazi rock group SAGA as his favorite band on the Facebook page being used to organize the June 5th event.

There's lots more evidence than this strong piece if you want to see it.

Tom Tancredo is making a terrible mistake trying to lead people into an event and behind his organizer Dan Smeriglio when Smeriglio has been solidly linked with skinheads and Neo Nazis.

Leading Americans, candidates, groups, and legislators into Phoenix with an organizer with links to Neo Nazis is a disaster in motion and it is very disappointing that Congressman Tom Tancredo would make and even defend such mistakes.

How does Congressman Tancredo explain his June 5th organizer advertising an overt Neo Nazi music group on his Facebook page?

Item 3:

One common misconception we hear is that people feel you can't control skinheads showing up at events and that fringe elements always show up.

This is not a case of radical groups showing up at events. This is a case of the main organizer for the June 5th rally in Phoenix being documented by both sides of this debate with distinct connections to Neo Nazis and being backed up by retired Congressman Tom Tancredo despite conclusive evidence of Neo Nazi associations.

Item 4:

"How did Dan Smeriglio end up running the June 5th event when ALIPAC had foreknowledge of existing credibility and performance problems?"

To that, we would encourage you to ask Congressman Tom Tancredo because we would have never put Smeriglio in that position based off of our recent and extensive experiences with him. We were discussing going to Arizona in a large coalition and several organizations told us they wanted an event in late June or early July.

The next thing we know, Congressman Tom Tancredo and Dan Smeriglio announce the launch of the June 5th rally without consulting any of the other leaders that were discussing such plans. Smeriglio told us that he had permits and Tancredo's full backing for the 5th.

We were asked to attend, speak, and support the June 5 event and initially agreed although we felt the date and organizer were both problematic, but we did not want to split unity in the movement.

Item 5:

"Why couldn't this all have been worked out behind the scenes instead of putting this out in public?"

We tried that and worked hard for over a week to resolve this situation in the best interest of our movement. After we notified other leaders involved, we were told by leaders in AZ that Dan Smeriglio was being fully removed from the June 5th event and that Congressman Tancredo would cease his efforts to undermine our alternate event. We found out that Smeriglio was still running the event and that Tancredo was working against our efforts to get people safely away from the Neo Nazi contamination on the 5th.

Item 6:

"Why is ALIPAC being public about this?"

With all of the false accusations of racism being used to try and stop all Americans opposed to Amnesty, we feel it is important to take swift and decisive action when one person or a few people are actually documented associating with racist groups and causes.

While some advocates think we should overlook or conceal those problems when they rarely arise, we believe they should be addressed. Yes, we can handle things behind the scenes when possible, but when someone like Congressman Tom Tancredo puts our momentum and successes at risk like this and refuses to do the right thing by removing Dan Smeriglio from the Arizona rallies, then we need to do what it takes to protect the integrity of our movement.

We just found out Dan Smeriglio has been busted on another lie as he was claiming Ted Nugent was a confirmed speaker for this event and a local organizer in Phoenix called Nugent's assistant and found out that was not true either.

We need leaders not liars.

We are still hopeful that Congressman Tom Tancredo will take a closer look at the evidence and remove Dan Smeriglio from any dealings with Arizona rallies as such actions would be in the best interests of our movement.


We are pleased to announce that not one single ALIPAC contributor requested a refund although we offered them in our e-mail to all of our national supporters.

We did lose a few die hard Tancredo fans and got some nasty e-mails from skinheads too. Yet, over 100 new supporters signed up with ALIPAC yesterday.

We appreciate your understanding and continued support during this tough decision.

We certainly want our Arizona supporters to know we are not backing out on you and not abandoning you in this struggle.

If anyone has needs any further clarification on this situation before we move on to getting the illegal aliens out of our nation, please write or call our toll free line at (866) 703-0864


William Gheen and the ALIPAC Team
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Old 05-19-2010, 10:28 AM
usa today usa today is offline
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The thing about alipac is that if you don't toe the line and kiss up to Gheen they boot you in a second

He can pound sand on his "fee"

There are plenty of free forums every other one on the web
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Old 05-19-2010, 10:50 AM
LAPhil LAPhil is offline
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Originally Posted by usa today View Post
The thing about alipac is that if you don't toe the line and kiss up to Gheen they boot you in a second

He can pound sand on his "fee"

There are plenty of free forums every other one on the web
I've never been charged a fee, but Gheen did call me and try to hit me up for a donation once.

Ich Bin Ein Arizonan!

"I entirely reject the concept, however, of "anchor babies." If parents are found to be here illegally, then the whole family, children as well, should be sent back to the parents' country of origin."
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Old 05-20-2010, 02:06 PM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default I'm from congress

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Old 05-22-2010, 04:44 PM
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Arizona immigration law rally loses group due to neo-Nazi links
Legal-immigration PAC to skip event for SB 1070

A national anti-illegal-immigration group has pulled out of a planned June 5 rally in Phoenix to support Arizona's immigration law because of a key organizer's alleged links to neo-Nazis.
The website for the "Phoenix Rising" Arizona Rally and Freedom March event scheduled for Wesley Bolin Plaza lists as "confirmed" speakers former Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo., Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, state Sen. and Senate Bill 1070 sponsor Russell Pearce, R-Mesa, and GOP Senate challenger J.D. Hayworth, although a spokesman said Hayworth won't be participating.
The rally intends to show support for the statute, Gov. Jan Brewer and other Arizona lawmakers who supported the legislation. The law makes it a state crime to be in the country illegally. It states that an officer engaged in a lawful stop, detention or arrest shall, when practicable, ask about a person's legal status when reasonable suspicion exists that the person is in the U.S. illegally.
As of late Friday, the event's Facebook page had 3,688 members.
But William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee, or ALIPAC, is distancing his group from event organizer
Daniel Smeriglio of Hazleton, Pa., over Facebook connections to White supremacists and a European neo-Nazi musical act.
"We have worked diligently behind the scenes to try to resolve this situation with the knowledge that our political opposition does have strong evidence of neo-Nazi supporters being involved with the event still going forward on the 5th," ALIPAC said Thursday in a written statement. "We feel it is completely unacceptable that Dan Smeriglio and Tom Tancredo or anyone else would put the brave activists, lawmakers, candidates, and citizens of Arizona at risk by proceeding with an event that our opponents can use to harm our cause of stopping and reversing illegal immigration."
Smeriglio, whose group is called Voice of The People USA, could not be reached for comment but defended himself in a lengthy written statement on his website. He strenuously denied being a racist.
"Out of the 2,200 friends on my Facebook page, two apparently had or have some association with groups that do NOT represent my beliefs, particularly regarding illegal immigration," Smeriglio wrote. "When this was brought to my attention I immediately removed and blocked the two individuals in question, because I stand against illegal immigration with no hatred in my heart for any person, race or religion."
Smeriglio said he never listened to the lyrics of Saga, a White nationalist singer from Sweden.
"I do not have the ability to do a background check on every person or band out of thousands that I come into contact with on Facebook," he said. "To link me with this band is absurd and was done with malicious intent."
Tancredo, who while in Congress was perhaps Capitol Hill's best-known border hard-liner, also defended Smeriglio on the Phoenix rally's website.
"The allegations against one of the rally's organizers, Daniel Smeriglio, have been examined and are not only without merit, they are the worst kind of character assassination that no decent person in politics, left, right or center, should condone," Tancredo said in the statement.
Mark Sanders, a spokesman for Hayworth, on Friday said Hayworth won't be appearing at the Phoenix rally. Hayworth, a former Arizona congressman, is running against Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the Aug. 24 GOP primary and has been endorsed by ALIPAC.
"We have a conflict," Sanders said.
On Friday, Gheen said he wasn't interested in talking further about the June 5 rally, saying that ALIPAC activists are putting their emphasis on spreading Arizona's immigration law to other states.

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