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Old 04-02-2010, 07:41 PM
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Default Olbermann’s Smear of Tea Partiers Backfires

Olbermann’s Smear of Tea Partiers Backfires

AIM Report | By Roger Aronoff | April 2, 2010
Stung by the reaction to his baseless charges of racism against the Tea Party movement, MSNBC-TV host Keith Olbermann did something he rarely does-he cited on the air some of the criticism of his remarks, including from my column carried by, GOPUSA and other Internet sites. He did this without labeling his critics as being among "the worst" people in the world. But he fell far short of coming clean about why he launched his smears.
What's more, he failed to retract the bogus charges and examine the many white faces that dominate-in fact, monopolize-the political talk shows on the network that employs him.
To recap, Olbermann, a white liberal, claimed that the Tea Party movement was racist against black people. This racism accounts for Obama's failures and declining popularity, he suggested. As proof, he cited racism that he said lurked in the souls of every white person, including his own. Racism is everywhere, Olbermann said, apparently seriously.
"I think," the MSNBC host said, "having now been one [a white person] for 51 years, I am permitted to say I believe prejudice and discrimination still sit, defeated, dormant, or virulent, somewhere in the soul of each white man in this country."
This tired race card approach to politics and current events would not normally require any response or comment. It could be dismissed for what it is, coming from a questionable source who deals in vile rhetoric.
But it is fascinating and worthy of comment because of what it says not only about Olbermann but the network which pays him so much to generate the high ratings that he wants but cannot get. According to Bill Carter of the New York Times, in January CNN surpassed MSNBC for the first time in six months in the ratings, and Fox has approximately triple the ratings of either CNN or MSNBC. So maybe this particular "Special Commentary" is an attempt to see who is paying attention and actually watching the show. We at AIM plead "guilty as charged," at least in this special case. Please forgive us.
Playing into Olbermann's hands, one is tempted to tune in to the next program, if only to see whether Olbermann will take the dramatic next step of setting himself on fire in protest of something or other, real or imagined. What will happen next? Will he show up drunk? Will he turn up missing? Does anyone care?
Leading into a segment during the follow-up show, he said, "I wanted to give some equal time to those on the right who disagreed with the focus of Monday's Special Comment that there is an alarming homogeneity at the so called Tea Party events, and that this is not some kind of demographic coincidence. In other words, they are almost all white people and this is in essence a white people's party."
He then showed quotes from Michelle Malkin's blog, Hot Air, and from David Horowitz's blog, NewsReal, responding to his comments from Monday night. Then he showed a screenshot of my column, carried on the website and said, "And lastly from the GOPUSA website." He then quoted most of one line, which was that "The tired race card approach to politics and current events would not normally require any response or comment. It could be dismissed for what it is, coming from a questionable source who deals in vile rhetoric..."
At least he got the quote right, though he failed to acknowledge that the source of the column on the GOPUSA site was actually Accuracy in Media.
Following each of the three comments he cited, he said, "My response to this would be, where are the people of color at the tea parties?"
He then concluded with the following: "But this isn't rhetoric, this isn't invective. It's not about education or ranting, and is not the playing of a card. It's math. The question none of these defenders will touch because there is no answer to it, where are the people of color at the tea parties?"
Blind As A Bat
My column, in fact, did examine that issue. I cited and linked to two different YouTube videos of black men who proudly spoke at last September's Tea Party rally in Washington, D.C., and were very warmly received. How many blacks were in the audience? My colleague, Cliff Kincaid, who covered the protest and took pictures of it, saw some blacks in the crowd, although he didn't count them.
It's a safe guess that the number of blacks at the 9-12 demonstration was short of the black percentage of the general population. But what does that prove? Such a gap doesn't prove that the people who did show up were racists, or that the theme of the protest was racist in nature. In fact, the theme was anti-Big Government. And to repeat-the organizers actually did pick blacks to be speakers.
By contrast, Olbermann and the other white faces on MSNBC-TV were deliberately picked by Jeff Zucker and the other suits that run the network. They did not pick one black face to host a political talk show. Olbermann's response on the Daily Kos was that he has blacks on his show as guests. This is a variation of the "some of my best friends are black" routine. This kind of response is what adds to the perception among some conservatives that Olbermann just cannot be taken seriously. It also helps explain why his routines have become the subject of jokes on "Saturday Night Live" and "The Daily Show."
Assuming that he is serious, however, one can take a look at the home page of MSNBC-TV and find that it shows 10 white faces and no people of color who host or co-host their own shows on the network. To paraphrase Olbermann, "Where are the people of color on MSNBC-TV?"
Does that mean that the people who make those decisions at MSNBC are racist? Of course not. But based on the numbers and faces alone, there is certainly more evidence of racism on their part than on the part of the 9-12 organizers, who had no control over who came to Washington, D.C. but did pick blacks to speak to the crowd.
Speaking of the Daily Kos, its founder and publisher, Markos Moulitsas, was a guest on Olbermann's show, talking about Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement. Moulitsas referred to them four times as Teabaggers, a derogatory sexual reference that is used to demean the movement.
One has to conclude that people like Olbermann and Moulitsas are jealous and frustrated-that a spontaneous movement has arisen to counter and overwhelm the "progressive" base that helped elect Obama and was supposed to guarantee the passage and success of Obama's policies.
Where are the "grass roots" supporters of the Obama agenda? They are dispirited and disappointed. Their "leaders," such as they are, can be seen on a regular basis on Olbermann's show, spewing invective against a true grassroots movement.
We are anxiously waiting for the day when Olbermann will resign his seat at the network and open up the position for a person of color. That way, he can actually do something about racism, instead of just talking about it.

By Cliff Kincaid
California Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chairman Ryan Sorba generated a media controversy when he was shown at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) denouncing the organizers for inviting a homosexual Republican group, GOProud, into the event as an official sponsor. In "controversial" remarks, Sorba said homosexuality was unnatural and that he welcomed more debate and discussion about the subject from his political adversaries.
But what many people didn't realize-because most of the liberal and conservative media didn't report it-is that Sorba's "outburst" was provoked by a speaker who preceded him, Alexander McCobin of Students For Liberty (SFL). McCobin went out of his way to use valuable time from the podium to thank the American Conservative Union (ACU), the main CPAC organizer, for making the controversial decision to approve GOProud's participation.
David Keene, a lobbyist, is the chairman of the ACU and personally approved GOProud's involvement in CPAC.
Sorba told AIM, "I think CPAC went overboard this year. I don't think he [Keene] should be sitting at the top of CPAC." He noted that CPAC over the last several years has also allowed groups such as the ACLU to have exhibits at the event. "What's next?" Sorba asked. "Are they going to have Republicans for Obamacare? Republicans for free abortions?"
Fake "Conservatives"
Incredibly, McCobin of SFL told me that his group "is not a conservative organization" and that "We spent this past weekend reaching out to the left and the right at both the Young Democrats of America's convention and the Conservative Political Action Conference. We are not left or right."
If they are not conservative, Sorba asked, "What are they doing at CPAC?" No stranger to controversy, Sorba is the author of the book, The Born Gay Hoax (this is a working draft) and was shouted down at Smith College by lesbian activists because of his support for traditional values.
Sorba said the negative reaction he got from some in the CPAC audience came from those in libertarian and pro-Ron Paul groups whose purpose is "to infiltrate the conservative movement and take it over from within." He said that he received strong support after the event from traditional conservatives.
Proving the point, McCobin's SFL is based at the libertarian Cato Institute, which has a conservative view on federal spending issues but promotes a U.S. military withdrawal from much of the world and very liberal social views, such as legalization of marijuana and other drugs.
Soros Funds Cato
Adding to the controversy, the Cato Institute has been funded by the ultra-liberal billionaire George Soros, a major financial benefactor of many different "progressive" organizations. The Open Society Institute of Soros has put tens of thousands of dollars into Cato for such purposes as a "lecture series" on the dangers of a war on drugs, a project to prevent a national system of identification under the immigration laws, and a "Civil Liberties and Counterterrorism Initiative" that protects the civil liberties and human rights of accused terrorists.
What's more, GOProud isn't a conservative group, either. Christopher R. Barron, chairman of GOProud, runs CapSouth Consulting, which works for "centrist Republicans" not conservatives.
So the issue isn't just why GOProud was at CPAC but why Students For Liberty, an admittedly non-conservative group, was there and had a speaking role.
"The media gave these clowns a lot of favorable coverage," noted one traditional conservative activist who was upset by the drift of CPAC this year. "We have our work cut out for us, between the media and the libertarian student movement that supports sodomy. We are going to organize a huge turnout of socially conservative youth next year, to offset the libertarian slide that CPAC has taken."
At David Horowitz's Newsreal blog, the libertarian slide was also in evidence, as Ryan Mauro wrote that Sorba's tough response to McCobin and others amounted to "condemning CPAC for allowing homosexuals who share their agenda to co-sponsor them."
In fact, GOProud's commitment to constitutionally protected homosexual sodomy (i.e., anal intercourse) is not a position that appears on the agenda of any conservative groups. Hence, using the term "gay conservative" to describe these people is either a deliberate deception or an oxymoron that doesn't stand up under scrutiny.
Mauro claimed, "I know many conservatives who do not have a problem with homosexuals openly serving in the military, and many more who find banning sodomy to be an act of big government."
Of course, the "banning" of homosexuality is not realistically possible at this stage in the United States because the Supreme Court has effectively legalized it.
But how will open homosexuals in the U.S. military be greeted on Muslim lands where homosexuality is still illegal? Mauro, who runs a website about foreign threats, may want to examine this problem.
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Old 04-03-2010, 04:12 AM
Don Don is offline
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I'm at a loss to explain the popularity, such as it is, for Keith Olbermann. I channel surf and it seems like every time I hit his show, he's attacking O'REilly or Glenn Beck and much of the time he is re-playing video from FOX. I'm not interested in hearing media types sling mud and frankly I don't think most people are. What a strange use of air time: giving exposure to your competition.

There is something weirdly pathological about Olbermann. There is a kind of rabid, mad dog viciousness about him...and most of the left for that matter. It's as though they have a form of rabies of the mind. They are the ugliest, most vicious people I've ever seen. There is a venomous streak in these people that is horrifying. They are worse than the mafia.

Thank God people are starting to wake up to these monsters.
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