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Old 10-02-2013, 08:52 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Obamacare repercussions - disaster.

Well folks, as predicted, we have here the catastrophe now upon us.

I want to share with you how I'm affected.

I'm a senior, retired, receiving SS. I subscribed to an HMO Empire Blue Shield Blue Cross.

Yesterday I received my 2014 notices of changes, formulary's and prices.

From 2012 to 2013 my monthly premiums increased 33%. The new 2014 premiums are 50% above this years. Thus 83% increase in 2 years.

My prescription drug coverage's have several tiers for medications. I have a co-pay for a period to time and value. In 2012 I had to spend $2,700 before HMO took over and paid all. in 2013 it was raised to $4,700. The new 2014 criteria is $6,700.

Obamacare is taking bilions out of senior coverage and cutting reimbursement's to doctors and hospitals.


MY PCP visit was $10, then $20 and next specialist $25, then $35 next $45.

Hospital in patient was %=$200 first 7 days, then next $295.

__________________________________________________ ________

Other circumstances, as reported in the media, are a bankrupting explosion of costs.

Believe it when they tell you doctors will be leaving in droves and insurances will be cancelled. It's reality, it's happening now.

This communistic approach to socialized medicine will wreck the health care for the vast majority of Americans.
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Old 10-02-2013, 07:16 PM
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My own statement, posted here without endorsement by or agreement of Save Our State, this is my own opinion:

We need to remember the faces which brought us this monstrosity and work hard to see that the 2014 elections bear fruit, that the Senate is no longer a bastion of far left bullshit and that Congress has enough clout to box in Obama for his last two years by having the numbers to over ride his vetos.

Moonbeam lunatics like Reid, Pelosi, Boxer, and a whole host of others need to hit the bricks.

It is far past time the community organizer and his butt buddies are curtailed from trashing and embarrassing our nation.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Old 10-03-2013, 05:32 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Must answer these two posts..............All day yesterday I was seeing people on the street which they liked better Obama Care or Affordable Health Care. All I saw said they would take Affordable Health care (they are the same except one has Obama's name).

Must say I am a senior , pretty senior at that, I am retired, have SS and Medicare. I have no had any contact from any one and do not expect any. I am covered and do not need to make any changes.

All this fuss is to give Obama all the greif they can and has been this way since 2008.
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Old 10-03-2013, 05:33 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default More to contemplate.

We are hearing a lot about ALL Americans being forced to buy health insurance - or else. *( A $95 fine ). *( How come the illegals are never fined for crossing and violating customs and immigration laws ? )

What we are NOT hearing is how the illegal aliens will be affected. They are bankrupting our hospitals and forcing closures. 80 in California alone.

So what will happen ?

* The illegals will continue to go to the ER for treatment. And stiff the hospitals.

* There is NO system of verification for eligibility for those people registering on line. So fraud will be rampant.

I haven't exactly figure out how the system will be gamed but it is certain that it will be.

Bottom line 80% of Americans will be downgraded in care, slugged with explosive cost increases and the illegals will continue to milk the system while we go on paying.
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Old 10-03-2013, 07:49 AM
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You are wrong about hospitals going under due to illegals.

To begin with, there is a ton of built in profit to hospitals (ever hear of the $10.00 aspirin?). The hospitals are further recompensed through the tax base with "indigent care" funds, this offsets the loss from those who cannot pay. The only way for a hospital to go under is through really, REALLY bad management, blaming illegals may be a dodge for administrators to eventually be hired elsewhere after the medical ponzi scheme unravels.

Our local hospital bilked the taxpayers concerning the emergency room, said that if a special parcel tax benefiting the emergency room wasn't passed the ER doors would be shut (they resorted to fear mongering propaganda and the measure was passed). In the meantime, and ongoing today, there has been massive construction and reconstruction going on the hospital grounds while emergency room funds have been diverted for other purposes during the whole several year long project.

Not too long ago, I was billed almost $700.00 for an urgent care facility test (basic metabolic panel), which I subsequently (by another provider down the street) had a follow up test done for $28.00 (I was originally billed at $78.00 by the second provider), and later found I could have had it done across the street for $24.00 cash money. Still later I found that the base cost of that test, excluding low paid technician labor, is only THREE frickin' dollars.

I can go on with countless personal examples of how providers and insurance seem to, blindfolded, throw darts at a board marked with numbers to arrive at "negotiated" fees (of which I pay 20% after a yearly deductible), but however much it comes out to be both medical providers and insurance companies make obscene profit on patient necessity. The only difference in that regard is how much of the patient's money either entity gets to keep.

Obamacare, being an insurance bill, does little to nothing to solve that problem, and ensures that the insurance companies make out like bandits.

The illegals may take advantage of free care in the emergency room, but they are not causing the failure of health care, and Obamacare is not going to do anything either way concerning illegals and their impact concerning the cost of health care.

Consider that a low cost General Physician concierge clinic plan, with a patient load limit of 500 patients instead of the something like (as I understand it) 2500 to 3500 patients per physician in most facilities, including unlimited visits and regardless of income (no insurance billing games, no deductibles), might cost a family of four less than $100.00 a month for basic medical care (catastrophic care is another case requiring an insurance policy with treatment elsewhere). Again, as I understand it, Obamacare for that same family earning less than $50k a year can be as high as $750.00 a month with individual yearly deductibles as high as four to six thousand dollars for that same family.

If these differences are anywhere near ballpark accurate, Obamacare is no bargain - and again, the illegals aren't the problem.
Freibier gab's gestern

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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

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Last edited by ilbegone; 10-03-2013 at 08:44 PM.
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Old 10-03-2013, 08:37 AM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
- and again, the illegals aren't the problem.
Well, they certainly aren't the solution either.
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Old 10-03-2013, 08:56 AM
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
- and again, the illegals aren't the problem.
Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Well, they certainly aren't the solution either.
No, not at all.

However, if we were to say that American employers use illegals to beat down wages, working conditions, and other benefits required by either law or contract; the American Democrat party sees them as future voters and would pander to them with free health care and a smorgasbord of social services; or that American brown supremacists encourage migration - legal or not - for demographic change and therefore presumably power at the ballot box for racially oriented legislation, those statements are all true.

However, whether related in sincere belief or not, illegals aren't collapsing the health care system - the premise that they are is just not true.
Freibier gab's gestern

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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

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Last edited by ilbegone; 10-03-2013 at 09:31 AM.
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Old 10-04-2013, 08:44 PM
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Here is one of those low cost concierge practices I referred to above, Atlas MD.

I saw one of the doctors on a television interview a few months ago during a show segment concerning the exploding cost of health care.

Seething after learning about being ripped off hundreds of dollars on a simple blood test, I looked up the practice, called, and conversed with one of the other doctors. Among much other we discussed, he told me that for only $3.00 extra (their cost for the test kit) they would have drawn blood and interpreted the Basic Metabolic Panel if I were a member of their practice.

I gave an erroneous monthly figure above for the clinic membership for a family of four as under $100.00 a month, my recollection of the monthly fees was $30.00 for adults and $10.00 for children. The actual figures are $50.00 a month for 20-44 yr old adults, $10.00 for children: $120.00 monthly.

There are other concierge physician practices which cater to the well heeled Beverly Hills gaggle, they charge Mercedes Benz prices rather than the economy car prices described here.

Of course the Atlas MD practice is advertizing services at their web site, which is close to being a sales pitch. But please read the following, there may be much food for thought for our health care system. I myself like the concept and if the majority of the services described are consistently delivered as explained (nothing is unfailingly perfect - such as a 24 hr physician who does house calls, a clingy, hypochondriac patient, and both have cell phones...) I believe it's a very good value.

Atlas MD website

We’re Here for You. All the Time.

We’re a direct primary care practice. Ultimately, that means we get to spend more time with you, whenever you need it, without having to jump through the hoops of a traditional medical practice. We love it, our current patients love it, and we think you will, too.
Fewer Patients = More Time for You

Each of the three Atlas MD physicians has around 600 patients. If that seems like a lot, compare it to the typical 2,000 or so of a traditional primary care physician. Because we limit the number of patients we see, that opens up our schedule to be available when you need us – no matter what time of the day, or part of the week.
Insurance-Free = Hassle-Free

We don’t accept insurance. But don’t let that scare you, because most of our patients actually save money as Atlas MD members. We can help you find the combination of healthcare, and health insurance that saves you money and results in better quality service. We even have someone in-house specifically for that!

A Personal Relationship with your Personal Physician

If you miss the good old days where your doctor did house calls and treated you like a respected individual…then you’ll be thrilled to join Atlas MD. We view the patient-physician relationship as a team of equals with a single focus to help you reach your health care goals.

We have noble ambitions at Atlas MD, all of which revolve around giving you the most individualized care imaginable.

We’re diligently working to change the face of family medicine to one that is uniquely focused on the patient.

We desire to see fewer patients in the name of high-end medical care. We believe the best medical treatment comes from from one-on-one interaction, so we’re eliminating the middle man and inviting you into our family.

As a member of Atlas MD, here are a few of the benefits you’ll enjoy:

Personalized care tailored to your comfort level.
A physician who knows your story inside and out.
The choice to be seen at our office or at your home (house calls….yep we do that too!)
The knowledge that you are one of only about 500 patients each physician is giving their attention to.
Same-day scheduling with absolutely no wait and extended visits of an hour or more if you’d like.
Quality time with your doctor; ask all the questions you want…we actually want you to!
Your doctor’s cell phone number. That’s what we call around-the-clock service.
Inexpensive and direct service. We work directly with you instead of hassling with insurance.

Once you’ve become a member of AtlasMD, it will be as close to having a doctor in the family as you can be without having to wash scrubs.
A Magic Number and Everything
That Goes With It.

One of the biggest (and most important) differences you’ll find between us, a concierge medical practice, and other traditional family practices is the number of patients we see.

Most family docs in Kansas routinely include 2,500 patients or more in their practices. Others around the country are even more packed- 3,000 to 4,000 patients!

With Atlas MD, you’ll be part of an intimate family practice consisting of around only 600 patients. With this solid foundation, the advantages are inevitable, and plentiful.

As a member of Atlas MD, you’ll have access to the following:

Unlimited access to your doctor.
Literally. After hours, weekends, holidays- there’s no bad time to receive excellent medical care.

Extended, relaxed visits.
You won’t feel rushed through an appointment, and there’s never a question you won’t have time to ask. Part of the relationship you’ll build with your Doctor is based on your understanding of your care.

Same day and next-day service scheduling.
Because our Physicians have reserved their time for a select few, there will be no “squeezing you in.” You’re a priority, and you’ll feel like one.

House calls.
You can choose to come to our office, or the Doctor will come to your house at no extra cost, of course. You set the terms based on your comfort level.

Full access via technology.
You’ll be able to reach our team and other medical information via webcam, e-mail, text and more. The sky is the limit.

An annual executive physical.
This exam will be fitted to your personal medical needs. It’s all about you, and your specific goals for wellness.

Diagnostic and procedural benefits at no extra costs.

EKG, Holter Monitor, DEXA Scan, Body Fat Analysis, Spirometry, Breathing Treatments, Cryotherapy, Lesion Removal, Laceration Repair, just to name a few.

Wholesale labs and medication costs.
We’ll pass our benefits right on down to you.

Click here for answers to frequently asked questions.

Become a member of Atlas MD, and read our terms of service.

Our Fees

Here at Atlas MD, our pricing system is very straightforward- which probably isn’t what you’re used to. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us! In the meantime, take a look at our Membership Fees, browse our Frequently Asked Questions, or sign up to become a member below.
Monthly Membership Fees

Children 0-19 years olds, $10/month with at least one parent membership
At this time we are not able to provide routine vaccinations, call to discuss how we can help arrange these for you.
Adults 20-44 years old, $50/month
Adults 45-64 years old, $75/month
Adults 65+ years old, $100/month
Nursing home and home-bound patients, please call for details

Frequently Asked Questions

Sign Up Form, and Terms of Service
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


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Last edited by ilbegone; 10-04-2013 at 09:31 PM.
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Old 10-05-2013, 02:54 PM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default What !!!!

The illegals are not collapsing our hospitals ???

Jesus, mother of God I have a cornucopia of evidence that they are.

How could anyone miss that ???
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Old 10-05-2013, 07:51 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
The illegals are not collapsing our hospitals ???

Jesus, mother of God I have a cornucopia of evidence that they are.

How could anyone miss that ???
Then by Jesus, mother of God (I think that's either "Mary, mother of God" or "Jesus, son of God", but I digress), fling it out. I used to believe the same thing.

Bring out the spread sheets before they've been cooked, something beyond the Cornucopia of "But, they said it on one or another website", something beyond internet legend, something beyond soundbite allegation...

The $10.00 aspirin and other greatly inflated goods and services bilking the paying customers, the Indigent Funds and other government programs such as MediCal covering the non payers says you're wrong. Hospitals make bank off the sufferings of their patients who can pay, they'd put highway robbers to shame - and if they do go under... it's because the stockholders underwriting the hospitals picked the wrong management. The general standard is along the line of a radiologist who charges $1500.00 doing $25.00 worth of work interpreting an MRI, can't lose money on the occasional deadbeat with that kind of racket.

My local hospital is doing just fine swindling the locals through both exorbitant patient fees and manipulation of the tax base.

If they are illegal and arrived here as adults, they need to be thrown out so fricking hard their ears are plowing up pavement in Mexico, but they are not collapsing the health care system - the medical profession and the insurance companies are doing that just fine all by themselves with corporate greed, something like killing the goose that laid the golden egg.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 10-05-2013 at 08:18 PM.
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