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Old 01-10-2011, 07:32 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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There also was a second sickness on display, and it was the swiftness and the vigor with which the left-wing blogosphere and some more mainstream Democrats immediately sought to blame Sarah Palin and right-wing "vitriol" in general for the shooting.
I must disagree with you. I would not call it a sickness, I would call it 'remembering what that person said'. Palin has said many dumb things that were to incite her followers. When she posted that congressional map with the cross hairs of her targets, I was amazed that no one of the right did not tell her to TONE IT DOWN.
Michelle Bachmann, is another inciter. Look at her eyes and her out of control manner.

I will name a few of the worst ,
1. Sara Palin
2. Michelle Backmann
3. Glenn Beck
4. Rush Limbaugh

There are many more. People should be more aware of what their words can do to an already out of touch mind.

This is not just about the GOP. Everyone is screaming about Freedon of Speech, I think they forget about being responsible.
I look at the picture of that little girl and words are beyond me.

Last edited by Rim05; 01-10-2011 at 07:35 AM.
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Old 01-10-2011, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I must disagree with you. I would not call it a sickness, I would call it 'remembering what that person said'. Palin has said many dumb things that were to incite her followers. When she posted that congressional map with the cross hairs of her targets, I was amazed that no one of the right did not tell her to TONE IT DOWN.
Michelle Bachmann, is another inciter. Look at her eyes and her out of control manner.

I will name a few of the worst ,
1. Sara Palin
2. Michelle Backmann
3. Glenn Beck
4. Rush Limbaugh

There are many more. People should be more aware of what their words can do to an already out of touch mind.

This is not just about the GOP. Everyone is screaming about Freedon of Speech, I think they forget about being responsible.
I look at the picture of that little girl and words are beyond me.
Targeting free speech as a measure to prevent tragedies like this is like targeting walking and running as the causes of blisters on your feet.
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Old 01-10-2011, 12:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I must disagree with you. I would not call it a sickness, I would call it 'remembering what that person said'. Palin has said many dumb things that were to incite her followers. When she posted that congressional map with the cross hairs of her targets, I was amazed that no one of the right did not tell her to TONE IT DOWN.
Michelle Bachmann, is another inciter. Look at her eyes and her out of control manner.

I will name a few of the worst ,
1. Sara Palin
2. Michelle Backmann
3. Glenn Beck
4. Rush Limbaugh

There are many more. People should be more aware of what their words can do to an already out of touch mind.

This is not just about the GOP. Everyone is screaming about Freedon of Speech, I think they forget about being responsible.
I look at the picture of that little girl and words are beyond me.
Rimo, the left has done the same thing in the past as this article points out.

Arizona Massacre Prompts Political 'Cheap Shots'
When Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords collapsed outside the Safeway in Tucson Saturday morning, felled by a hail of bullets that killed six and wounded another 13 innocent people that had come to see her, some were quick to claim that the carnage was the product not merely of the tortured mind and trigger-happy fingers of the alleged shooter, 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner.
Rather, many on the American Left said the horror could be traced to the malign influence of American conservatives; members of the Tea Party; right-wing pundits Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck; former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin; and Fox News.
That was the narrative of culpability spun in the immediate aftermath of the shootings by some leading liberal commentators and Democratic politicians -- despite warnings from religious leaders, lawyers, academics, ethicists, reporters and historians that such a rush to judgment only further deepens the partisan divide in America, and further poisons its discourse.
Within minutes after the attempted assassination of Giffords -- indeed, at a point when it was still erroneously believed in many quarters that she was dead, and the identity of her shooter was not publicly known -- some commentators, absent any credible evidence, were already busily laying blame for the atrocity in political terms. Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman blogged at 3:22 p.m. ET Saturday: "We don't have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was."
Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik, a Democrat, also found a political element in Saturday's bloodshed. Dupnik argued that the "vitriol" of the country's harshly polarized political climate was partly to blame, arguing that unbalanced individuals are uniquely "susceptible" to vitriol. Dupnik added, in an interview with Fox News' Megyn Kelly: "We see one party trying to block the attempts of another party to make this a better country."
Asked by Kelly if he had any evidence Loughner was in any way influenced by political "vitriol," Dupnik offered none. "That's my opinion, period," he said.
Krugman, in his blog post on the Times website, went on to mention Giffords' presence last year on Palin's "infamous crosshairs list." This was a map, disseminated by Palin's political action committee, SarahPAC, denoting the districts of 20 vulnerable House Democrats with images of crosshairs overlaid on each. The map was accompanied by a caption saying: IT'S TIME TO TAKE A STAND. Giffords herself, during her narrow campaign victory over a Tea Party-backed opponent last year, had complained about this choice of imagery, telling MSNBC: "The way that (Palin) has it depicted, the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district ...When people do that, they've gotta realize there are consequences to that action."
Unnoted by Giffords then, or Krugman now, is the routine use of similar language and imagery by both parties in a culture obsessed with "battleground" states. Indeed, a nearly identical map, included in a Democratic Leadership Committee publication in 2004, featured nine bullseyes over regions where Republican candidates were considered vulnerable that year, and was accompanied by a caption reading: TARGETING STRATEGY. A smaller caption, beneath the bullseyes, read: BEHIND ENEMY LINES. The map illustrated an article on campaign strategy by Will Marshall of the Progressive Policy Institute.
Krugman's blog post on Saturday linked "the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc." to "the violence I fear we're going to see in the months and years ahead," and added: "Violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate." Yet in all of the grammatically hobbled writings and statements that Loughner posted on the Internet -- in which, ironically, one of his chief obsessions was others' poor grammar -- the failed student and awkward loner made not a single reference to talk-radio or the TV hosts Krugman cited, to the health care debate or the Tea Party, to Sarah Palin or Fox News.
Still, Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-N.J., found conservative lawmakers and Fox News at fault. The eight-term lawmaker told the Bergen Record Saturday: "There's an aura of hate, and elected politicians feed it; certain people on Fox News feed it."
Pascrell, for his part, has appeared as a guest on Fox News at least 159 times, dating from a January 2002 appearance on "The O’Reilly Factor" ("Honor to talk to you," Pascrell told host Bill O’Reilly, at the end of their segment) to an appearance last month on "Your World with Neil Cavuto" -- 38 days before the Tucson massacre. "The nation needs to be united right now," Pascrell told the hosts of "Fox & Friends" last Jan. 28, nearly a year before he blamed the network and GOP politicians for the attempted assassination of Giffords. "We don't do the nation any good by simply dividing amongst ourselves."
Without mentioning Palin by name, Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the number-two Democrat in the Senate, alluded on Sunday to the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee in his discussion of the causes of the violence the day before. Durbin invoked "don't retreat, reload," a phrase from a well publicized Twitter message once sent by Palin, as the kind of "violent" sentiment that can provoke incidents like Saturday's. "These sorts of things, I think, invite the kind of toxic rhetoric that can lead unstable people to believe this is an acceptable response," Durbin said on CNN’s "State on the Union" program.
Some prominent commentators objected to these comments.
"To try to place blame before an investigation has occurred is in itself inciting hatred," countered Christian missionary Franklin Graham. Reached by Fox News minutes after returning to the United States from Haiti, where he had hosted Palin on a humanitarian mission last month, Graham offered prayers for the wounded and dead, and cautioned against ascribing a political motivation or origin to the violence.
"Because we may disagree with a person from another political party, and something bad happens to that person, does that mean that we are responsible for what happens to that person? By no means. But If somebody calls for someone to go out and shoot someone in the head, then that person is just as responsible as the person who pulled the trigger."
Historian Douglas Brinkley agreed.
"We've got to be careful here that we don't use this as a censoring moment, or use this as a Democrats-beating-up-on-Republicans (moment), or using it as an opportunity to humiliate anybody who's affiliated with the Tea Party movement," Brinkley said. The author of numerous acclaimed biographies, Brinkley has edited the collected papers of the late Gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, and won the 2007 Robert F. Kennedy Book Award for "The Great Deluge: Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans, and the Mississippi Gulf Coast."
"There are definitely times when you have fallout from politics," Brinkley told Fox News in an interview from Austin, Texas, "but we don't want to lose the central point here: that this is a deranged person, that there's nobody serious in the Republican Party that would want to see such a heinous event happen at a Safeway. So we've got to be careful not to be braggadocio, not to use this, if you're a Democrat, as a weapon."
Reporter Pete Williams, who covers legal affairs and the Supreme Court for NBC News, steered his viewers away from a political explanation for the violent attack on a political figure. "The initial picture we're getting is that this is not what you would call, in the traditional sense, a politically motivated act," Williams said. "This seems to be the actions of a very disturbed individual."
That call was widely heard on Fox News.
"I don't know whether he's insane or not, but I do know that we need a reasonable discussion of what was going on with this man," said Peter Johnson, Jr., a Fox News legal analyst. "(Loughner's Internet) statements, taken together with the police conduct with regard to his known activities -- especially taken with the fact that he was rejected by the Army -- paints a disturbing picture of a mind that appears not to be intact. ... And we need to understand that the spinning wheel of recrimination at this point should be based on the facts, and not based on some rhetorical determination."
Juan Williams, the liberal Fox News analyst and historian of the civil rights movement, said Sheriff Dupnik "speaks for a lot of people" who would like to see the tenor of the American political debate dialed down a notch. "People realize that in the era of Obama, a lot of highly charged vilification of the president has been going on, particularly during the health-care debate," Williams said. "So people are alert for anything that could possibly be tied to the highly polarized political environment."
At the same time, Williams recalled the "bump" in public opinion polls President Clinton received when, in the wake of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, he attacked right-wing radio hosts. Williams urged Democrats to refrain from adopting a similar tactic today.
"Some on the left are taking cheap shots," Williams said, "to try to keep Republicans on the defensive. In all honesty, I don't see any direct connection between any Republican group and this shooter ... who is a psycho nut-job."
Peter Wehner, a senior fellow at the Ethic and Public Policy Center in Washington, called the comments by Krugman, Durbin, and other liberals "sickening."
"People were taking a terrible human tragedy and using it as a political club, and there wasn’t even a moratorium of 24 hours, or even 24 minutes," said Wehner.
A veteran of several Republican White Houses and the co-author of "City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era," Wehner said it would have been "legitimate" if the Tucson massacre had provoked a dialogue about gun control, because conservatives often seize on terrorist incidents to frame national security debates. But he also saw a double standard at work. "When (former Rep. Alan) Grayson called his opponent 'Taliban Dan' (during Grayson's losing re-election campaign last year against GOP challenger Daniel Webster)," Wehner said, "I didn’t notice the left being concerned about an atmosphere of violence."
Palin has issued a statement expressing her "sincere condolences" to those affected by Saturday’s shootings, but has not responded to suggestions that her statements, often studded with references to hunting and firearms, played some role in the Tucson massacre.

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Old 01-10-2011, 01:14 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Accusing public speakers of indirectly inciting incidents like this is itself incitement. It creates respectability in the minds of othes potential assassins who may seek inspiration from those public speakers. And nobody is directly inciting anyone to assassination or any other acts of violence.

Another thing to observe is that this man was not a terrorist and if anyone is being incited, it is not to terrorism. And meanwhile we are obliged to tolerate open incitement to terrorism from the Muslim community.

And so it is a "massacre". But massacres are pretty tame stuff these days when every day somebody straps on explosive and kills at least ten people in some crowd somewhere in a suicidal act. Jean is right. Hasan killed thirteen people and he regularly consumed open calls for terrorism. He wasn't an assassin, he was a terrorist.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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Old 01-10-2011, 02:36 PM
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Here is what NewsBusted is exposing as the the leftist spin on this tragedy.

Gabrielle Giffords
Arizona Shooting Coverage Is a Media Campaign to Criminalize Conservatism
By Brent Bozell | January 10, 2011 | 15:59
Managing Editor's Note: Media Research Center President Brent Bozell issued the following statement after a thorough, two-day review of how the media have covered the tragic shooting in Arizona.
Implicating a conservative tie to this heinous act of violence or to Jared Lee Loughner, who is no conservative, is nothing short of a naked campaign to criminalize conservative thought.
Sadly, those who point their finger are at the nexus of hypocrisy. Take the unidentified “veteran Democratic strategist” who told Politico that, ‘they need to deftly pin this on the tea partiers … Just like the Clinton White House deftly pinned the Oklahoma City bombing on the militia and anti-government people.’

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Networks Tout Democratic Sheriff's Warnings That 'Climate of Political Vitriol' Created Shooting

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ABC, NBC and MSNBC on Monday all eagerly hyped the complaints by an Arizona sheriff that the "anger and bigotry" of everyday Americans contributed to Saturday's shooting. None of the journalists interviewing Clarence Dupnik identified as an elected Democratic official. (ABC's Jake Tapper did in a separate piece.)
Former Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe and lauded Dupnik: "I think in part a lot of public officials are timid. The Pima County Sheriff is not. He is speaking out, and too few others have because they're worried about retribution."
Brokaw, directly making a connection, added, "And that's something that those of us on this side of the camera also have to be thinking about and not just be feeding that. Look, Sarah Palin with "Don't Retreat; Reload," and the crosshairs on the map."

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Hillary Clinton Calls Giffords Shooter 'An Extremist'

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has weighed in on the shootings in Tucscon telling an audience in the United Arab Emirates, "We have extremists in my country" (video follows with partial transcript and commentary):

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Barbara Walters Defends Sarah Palin: Blaming Her For Giffords Shooting 'Very Unfair'

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NBC's Lee Cowan Highlights Palin Map As Possible Rationale for Attack on Gabrielle Giffords

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On Monday's Today show, NBC's Lee Cowan, inspired by Arizona Sheriff Clarence Dupnik's blaming political rhetoric for the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, highlighted Sarah Palin's Web site map featuring crosshairs on Giffords' district, as he scolded: "Not since Timothy McVeigh attacked the federal building in Oklahoma City has a crime sparked so much attention on anti-government rhetoric. That map Sarah Palin put up on Facebook last year, targeting Congresswoman Gifford's seat, made Gifford nervous, even then."
To underscore Dupnik's charge about political rhetoric, in addition to citing the Palin crosshairs map, Cowan aired clips from various health care and immigration protests, but paid close attention to those opposed to the Democratic agenda including Republican Congressman Joe Wilson, as seen in the following excerpt:

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Ex-Newsweek Editor Howard Fineman Counsels Obama on How to Spin Shooting for Political Gain
Within hours of the mass shooting in Arizona, former Newsweek editor Howard Fineman on Saturday was offering Barack Obama tips on how to manipulate the outburst of violence for his political advantage.
Making comparisons to Bill Clinton's response to the Oklahoma City bombing, he lobbied, "...Obama may be able to remind voters of what they like best about him: his sensible demeanor. Amid the din and ferocity of our political culture, he respectfully keeps his voice down, his emotions in check and his mind open."
The piece, which appeared on the left-wing Huffington Post, featured this coldly calculating follow-up: "That is the pitch, at least. The trick is to make it without seeming to be trying to make it. He will, after all, be speaking at a funeral."

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WaPo Editorial: 'Violent Metaphors' Don't Kill People, 'Guns Kill People'
While many liberal media outlets are obsessing over conservative political rhetoric they insist leads to incidents like the attempted assassination of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Arizona), the Washington Post today has opted instead to exploit the tragic shooting to push for gun control.
"The early evidence raises questions about mental illness and indiscriminate access to guns," the Post complained in the subheadline to its top January 10 editorial, "Carnage in Arizona.":
The temptation will be, as Arizona and the nation mourn the dead and hope for the recovery of the wounded, to infuse the terrible attack with broader political meaning - to blame the actions of the alleged 22-year-old gunman, Jared Lee Loughner, on a vitriolic political culture laced with violent metaphors and ugly attacks on opponents. Maybe. But metaphors don't kill people - guns kill people.
Of course the Post editorial board went on to see a broader political meaning in the tragedy, namely, the "need" for more gun control:

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Here It Comes: In Shooting's Wake, Media Gear Up to Slime Conservatives

The recent shootings in Tucson, Arizona were absolutely horrible. Because of the actions of one demented misfit, there is terrible suffering, society has been deprived of productive citizens and families will never be the same.
Jared Loughner was a volatile powder keg that was bound to explode, but the sad fact of the matter is that although there were many people who viewed him as dangerous, nobody could do anything about it.
The bare facts alone are tragic and sordid enough but I noticed that something is creeping into the reporting of the incident. Some of the more left-leaning media would like us to believe that this demented young man went on his murderous spree because he belonged to some fringe far-right organization or had sympathies toward the Tea Party’s political agenda.

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George Stephanopoulos Highlights AZ Sheriff Who Blames Shooting on 'Atmosphere of Hate'
ABC's George Stephanopoulos on Monday offered a platform to the Arizona sheriff who has lashed out in the wake of Saturday's state's spree shooting. Additionally, unlike colleague Jake Tapper, the GMA host failed to mention the political ideology of the sheriff, Democrat Clarence Dupnik, who has attacked those who "try to inflame the public on a daily basis."
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Old 01-10-2011, 02:38 PM
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And more from NewBusted. There is plenty more on this there that I didn't add. Go check it out.

After getting the latest information on the act of violence, Stephanopoulos observed, "You believe, you said very clearly you believe the political climate has helped create an atmosphere of hate that can touch people like Jared Loughner." He asserted that Dupnik "hasn't pulled any punches."
Tapper pointed out in a seperate story that a friend referred to Loughner as a "liberal," but Stephanopoulos ignored this information. He highlighted ties to a possible racist group instead: "But, how about the ties, that he might have had some loose ties to that white supremacist website American Renaissance project?"

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New Republic Editor: 'The Arizona Shooting Is Not a Product of Right-Wing Rage'

Although your humble correspondent has crossed swords (nanny note: "crossed swords" is strictly a metaphor) with the senior editor of the The New Republic in the past, he highly recommends Jonathan Chait's latest article in The New Republic, "The Arizona Shooting Is Not A Product Of Right-Wing Rage," as required reading for those members of the mainstream media who have blamed the "right-wing" for the shootings of Congresswoman Gabrille Giffords and others in Arizona on Saturday.
Despite the fact that most of Chait's article displayed some refreshing mental clarity I do have some caveats about it because he does revert to slamming conservatives for supposed extremism on other matters. However, those problems with the article aside for the moment, let us first take a look at Chait correctly chastising those quick to blame "right-wingers" for the Arizona shootings:

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Today Show Links Sarah Palin to Giffords Shooting

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CBS's Cordes: 'Increasingly Angry Tone in Politics' May Have Led to 'Culture of Violence'

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Wash Post Columnist Who Wanted to Bash Tea Partiers' Teeth In Trashes Boehner, Conservatives for Harsh Rhetoric

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ABC's Jake Tapper Pokes Holes in Attempts to Blame Conservatives for Arizona Shooting

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AP: Giffords Shooter 'Believed the U.S. Government Was Behind 9/11'

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Open Thread: 'The Politics of Blood Libel'

In the Wall Street Journal, law professor Glenn Reynolds, of Instapundit fame, recounts some tactics of the left's ongoing crusade to pin Saturday's tragic Tuscon, Arizona shootings on Sarah Palin. Reynolds recalls points made at NewsBusters and elsewhere, and concludes thusly:
To be clear, if you're using this event to criticize the "rhetoric" of Mrs. Palin or others with whom you disagree, then you're either: (a) asserting a connection between the "rhetoric" and the shooting, which based on evidence to date would be what we call a vicious lie; or (b) you're not, in which case you're just seizing on a tragedy to try to score unrelated political points, which is contemptible. Which is it?

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NYT: 'It's Legitimate to Blame Republicans and Their Most Virulent Supporters in the Media'

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Old 01-10-2011, 03:05 PM
Patriotic Army Mom Patriotic Army Mom is offline
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Wow Rimo, I don't agree with you. You should hear what the liberals have said, that is down right a call for war and revolution. This is very sad and any mind sick person could have done this. Before Palin ever entered the picture, this mind sick kid was doing this stuff. I'm sure his drug use helped him out. He is responsible for his actions and his drug use helped his messed up mind get more messed up. No one is responsible but this man himself.
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Old 01-10-2011, 03:17 PM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Targeting free speech as a measure to prevent tragedies like this is like targeting walking and running as the causes of blisters on your feet.
Why don't we address free responsible speech. In the past I don't think we needed to add responsible speech.

I stand by what I posted above.
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