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Old 10-12-2010, 08:17 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Default The Attack Of The Stroller Pushers

I did a little work and pulled out an old thread so we could re-visit this issue. Quite a few of us keep mentioning how many latinas you see pushing a stroller with one or two kids, one or two more in tow, and pregnant with yet another. You can't seem to toss a rock in California without it hitting a stroller pushing pregnant latina. I remembered this thread because while I was doing the billboard event at mexican independence day, one of the mexicans told me we don't fight; we breed. Of course this was meant to win an argument when you have no intellectual background for, but it doesn't mean it isn't true in the overall sense of things. anyway, here will be the original posters and their thoughts at the time. We'll pick it up at the end

The original poster and his title were:

'Last Great Hope'

Latina's Breeding Uncontrollably In Orange County

Big surprise, huh? Congrats to OC's #1 Mexican cesspool - Santa Ana. Solution: Crop dusters spraying birth control powder.\n\n\n\nSex Education Text a Hot Issue in Pregnancy-Prone Santa Ana\nTrustees tonight will consider a curriculum that stresses abstinence over contraception.\n\nBy Seema Mehta, Times Staff Writer\n\n\nCiting Santa Ana's high teenage pregnancy rate, some parents and others in Orange County's largest school district are questioning a proposed health curriculum that pushes abstinence and barely mentions birth control. \n\nThe Santa Ana Unified School District Board of Trustees will meet tonight to consider adopting a health textbook that doesn't include information on contraception. The book would be supplemented in class by a set of lessons the board adopted this year on HIV/AIDS prevention, including information about condoms.\n\nBut some parents, such as Steve Delgadillo, say that's insufficient and plan to oppose adoption of the textbook at the board's meeting. He said two of his daughters became pregnant as 17-year-olds.\n\n\"It's good to have the AIDS and HIV [education], but that's not enough,\" he said. \"I feel, as the parents of teenagers, and as a district, we have failed our children.\"\n\nIn 2000, the latest year for which statistics are available, there were 88.6 live births per 1,000 females ages 15 to 19 in Santa Ana. That's twice the national average. \n\nSex education in Santa Ana has historically been contentious. Two years ago, the school board narrowly rejected a health workbook that stressed marriage before sex and did not discuss contraceptives. Opponents said the book failed to provide teens with basic knowledge of alternatives to abstinence.\n\nNationally, school districts take varying approaches to the matter, with some teaching only abstinence and others providing a combination of abstinence and information on contraception.\n\nInterest groups have already emerged in Santa Ana's latest debate. Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union argue that the proposed curriculum doesn't comply with a recently approved state law requiring school districts that teach abstinence to also provide information on contraception.\n\n\"The textbook is horrible,\" said board member Sal Tinajero. \"We have to arm our children, especially our young girls, so they can make adequate decisions and choices in life.\"\n\nTinajero said he would favor the textbook only if fellow board members agreed to buy supplemental material that focuses more broadly on birth control than the currently considered supplements do. He also said the district should consider requiring students to take the health course at a younger age. Right now, high school students can take the elective at any time.\n\nDelgadillo's daughter Afton Tarin, 19, said she could have used a sex education class before her senior year, when she became pregnant with her daughter, now 20 months old. Contraceptive education, plus a requirement that she take the class earlier, could have delayed her pregnancy, she said.\n\n\"It would obviously change people's lives if they would know about it sooner on in their school years,\" she said. \"It's much more important than, say, Algebra II. Who uses that?\"\n\nPromoters of abstinence-only education argue that a curriculum covering both abstinence and birth control sends teens confusing signals. \n\n\"Contraceptive sex education assumes that young people will be sexually active, so it encourages young people to use contraception,\" said Bridget Maher, an analyst on marriage and family issues with the religiously based Family Research Council in Washington. \"But this sends kids a mixed message. It says don't have sex, but use a condom if you need to. Young people need a clear message regarding abstinence.\"\n\nSchool board member Rosemarie Avila, an ardent abstinence promoter, said schools should promote chastity until marriage.\n\n\"Children need to have a consistent message from adults: that marriage is to be honored and that's why you have sex,\" she said. \"That's the message I would like to have all teachers give the kids. I know if someone has a daughter who's sleeping around all the time, you're worried about her health and her life, [but] there are other places they can get that information. From a school standpoint, you have to teach what's really best for kids.

' It really is unbelievable. Its disastrous. Its worse than a plague. Latina-over-breeding. It is no wonder they are fleeing their own ruined countries. And now, they are inflicting the same disaster on us. As unbelievable as this sounds, in the 1960s Mexican women were averaging -- AVERAGING! -- over 6 babies for every woman in Mexico.

'Last Great Hope'
And if you ever criticize their incredibly obnoxious, reckless and irresponsible breeding habits (not to mention their bad parenting skills) you get the \"racist\" tag. Screw it, I don't care. STOP BREEDING LIKE RODENTS! YOU'RE RUINING MY COUNTRY!

Why the hell don't we just ROUND up these foreign rabbits and DEPORT them to their cubby hole! They have NO right to demand that WE pay for supporting THEIR bad habits!

If they're breeding by 14, when do they go to school?\n\nInside information tells me that the Mexican kids don't spend that much time in school during the year anyway...they're always going back to Mexico for months at a time to commune with their dead relatives or some primitive ritualistic bullshit.\n\nSo....what does it matter what they teach in Santa Ana high schools anyway? Most of the kids are illiterate, along with their parents. They don't go. \n\nWaste of money. Treat them like other mammals that are over populating. Neuter them at birth.

Yeah, I have teachers in the family in an heavily invaded area, and they say that they'll take off for a month or longer at a time, and then don't want to make up work. They \"lose\" their books. Or if a report is assigned over a month in advance, the day it's due they'll say that they couldn't do it 'cause they had to their cousin's quincenera or sister's wedding or something over the weekend. Of course, these family events have likely been planned months in advance. Naturally the prudent thing would be to work on it beforehand so it could still be turned in, but not these students. \n\nA teacher in my area wrote a LTE about the money spent on after school tutoring programs where the big activity is doodling that evening's graffiti designs in their notebooks.

'Last Great Hope',
The stupidity of this culture is stifling. Economics a baboon can understand completely baffles these people. Let's take a look at Chicano mathematics in this example:\n\nPedro's annual income is $14,000 (all paid under the table of course). His illegal alien wife, Guadalupe, has a part time job selling Churros on the street. Her income is $600 per year. If Pedro and Guada combine their incomes and Pedro also gets foodstamps, which he sells for an additional $130 a year, how many children should they have?\n\nA ) 9\nB ) 7\nC ) 11\nD ) 4 (two from another woman)\nE ) All of the above\n\nNow, of course most rational, moderately intelligent people can figure out that Pedro and Lupita should have NO children until their economic situation is stable and should go home to Mexico to do it BUT, if you follow Aztlan Economics 101 your answer would be E in this above example!\n\nOh goodness, am I being a racist or a REALIST?? \n\n
The WORST thing is not only that these greedy turd-world breeders demand OUR money to LIVE on, WE are STUPID enough to GO ALONG with this dastardly nonsense! Time to CRACK DOWN--ENOUGH ALREADY!!!

\"It's much more important than, say, Algebra II. Who uses that?\"
\n\nA female sleeps with a number of males X times. Solve for Z, the number of offspring, when the number of males, Y, is infinite, the IQ of the female is < that of an eggplant and parental responsibility is null.\n\nWho says no one uses Algebra?\n\n\n\n

'USA today',
Brillant example Miss \n\n we just did some physics equations expoundin the birthrate and how it compares to that of cockroaches , \n Unless someone acts quickly we are going to be drowning in a sea of anchor babys real soon .......with them breeding at 14 and younger it won't take many years to completely turn this country into a suburb of mexico , Is that what we want ? \n\n Most Americans that have no opinion on illegal immigration haven't a clue \non the numbers involved and what and how fast it is happening \n\n I want a T shirt with a big fat pragnent latina in a circle with a line through it ,

'Soul man',
ANSWER - What they do is E. \n\nWhat do I win? :P

Joazinha has a point. If these Mexicans are so dumb, WE'RE the ones paying THEM. WE'RE the ones paying for THEIR babies. So who's the dumb one here? We need to stop obsessing on whats wrong with Mexicans and Mexican cultures (we're all probably in general ageement on those criticisms) and start looking at whats wrong with US. The good ole United States of America. How did we as a people get so stupid, so lame-brained, so decadent, so apathetic, so utterly lost, so utterly without sense?

The \"anchor babies\" are created because of a fatal flaw in the 14th amendment in the constitution, it needs to be amended to say that persons born here, who parents broke the law and entered the U.S. illegally, will be the citizens of the country where there illegal alien parents came from. \n\nI can see the illegal aliens plan though, they are not going to win the U.S. by war, they will win by breeding Americans out and extending Mexico's border by \"latinizing\" the southern states first and foremost. It will take a few generations; but this was the first year that the majority of births for the United States were of hispanic descent. I can take a guess that the large amount of anchor babies have a major role to play in that. \n\nI work at a local hospital and the youngest girl I have seen come through the birthcare center that was pregnant was 12 years old, and yes she was mexican that did not speak english and did not have a social security number, but did have a Medi-cal card. When that kid was born, it is likely that the child will be on all available socialist programs, medi-cal, welfare, food stamps, WIC, etc... from cradle to the grave. \n\nWe reward illegal aliens our tax money while legal citizens get the bill!
'Cat Patrol'
How did we as a people get so stupid, so lame-brained, so decadent, so apathetic, so utterly lost, so utterly without sense?
\n\nThe United States has been so wealthy and its people so spoiled and arrogant, that we cannot even see a threat when it is directly under our noses.
'Last Great Hope',
This is a breeding crisis of epic proportions and must be stopped. Extreme circumstances require extreme forms of action.\n\nThe Feds are complicit in this nonsense. They'll allow this madness to continue until it brings down the whole ship.\n\nMassive deportation is the only logical way to put a stop to this. They can breed all they want in their rightful, third world shanty

Originally posted by 1inchgroup@Oct 5 2005, 01:44 PM\n\n\nInside information tells me that the Mexican kids don't spend that much time in school during the year anyway...they're always going back to Mexico for months at a time to commune with their dead relatives or some primitive ritualistic bullshit.\n\n
\nThere was a report I posted a month or so ago, by the World Economic Development agency which stated that Mexico is the ONLY nation in Central and South America in which educational achievement continues to decline and drop-out rate rises. All others, even the little Central American banana countries, show improvement but Mexico continues down the tubes. So, the drop-out rate is just something they bring with them as part of the Mestizo culture. Those American schools that suddenly (like in the last 10-15 years) and \"mysteriously\" develop these sky-high dropout rates actually still have normal rates for all other groups except Mexican nationals. But you won't hear it differentiated that way in the media! You'd think that all the white and asian kids were dropping out too....

Originally posted by Last Great Hope@Oct 5 2005, 05:59 PM\n This is a breeding crisis of epic proportions and must be stopped. Extreme circumstances require extreme forms of action.\n\nThe Feds are complicit in this nonsense. They'll allow this madness to continue until it brings down the whole ship.\n\nMassive deportation is the only logical way to put a stop to this. They can breed all they want in their rightful, third world shanty.
\n Yeah indeed, it is like something directly out of a horror movie.
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