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Old 01-28-2010, 06:23 PM
tedd69 tedd69 is offline
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Default I was raised Mormon

I really doubt I will be allowed to profess my opinions around here, but let’s give it a whirl. I don’t think the people on this site can hang with me

I've got to tell you, like the people on this site, Mormons are very passionate about their beliefs too. I find it interesting how the immigrants of this great nation (the English, the Scottish, the Irish, the Italians, etc.) always seem to include God in their political aspirations, as if God would really give a flying Ratt's behind whether America Succeeds or not. Not to mention, was Jesus a Racist? Would Jesus tell someone to leave his country because of his or her ethnicity? You’re the ones that profess God so often. Please, do tell…How did American get so stinking arrogant? Not to mention, blind sided and ignorant about the bigger picture? We all come from the same race, are all on the same globe, all having this human experience together. Hello?

I also find it interesting how people like this Bob Keller Fellow find it so Important to say things like: "God bless America" after spouting off a bunch of lopsided non sequiturs concerning the down fall of society because of immigration.

In case you have not noticed, it is an insult in the Mexican/Latino community to be unemployed, they come here and make jobs, not to mention do a lot of jobs most people really don’t want to do. Especially all the well to do “anti-immigration people” in a city like Santa Clarita… Don’t you find it ironic that even your town has a Spanish name? The Spanish too have been heavily involved in blatant racism and murdered and plundered many Indian people (not to mention raped and procreated with many of their women). The Indians were here first people, they were here first.

Get it?

You’re the immigrants, not the Mexicans.

All your imaginary lines (borders) and imaginary superiority concerning race and ethnicity is ignorant, like the Mormons. I was raised in Utah, and I know what blatant and retarded racism is all about.

Your country was built on immigration whether you want to believe it or not…. If it was not for immigration there would be no America.

Thanks for your time,

Theo Hirsch
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Old 01-29-2010, 09:23 AM
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Maybe you should re-read history. And what does religion have to do with a Countries Sovereignty?
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Old 01-29-2010, 09:55 AM
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Okay, I'll bite....

Additionally, what does your monologue have to do with ANYTHING we stand for? Our fight and mission revolves around stopping ILLEGAL ALIENS. Our site supports LEGAL IMMIGRATION to the United States.
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Old 01-29-2010, 03:28 PM
Patriotic Army Mom Patriotic Army Mom is offline
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Well my ancestors came in the correct way, they also worked for anyone who paid their passage until the debt was paid. I'm talking about in the very early 1600's. They came and were indentured servants. Stop the crap. I'm tired of people like you saying what you say. A few of my children live on a reservation and the illegals are destroying the land and other things. Take your pipe and smoke it in another country.
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Old 02-09-2010, 12:22 AM
tedd69 tedd69 is offline
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"The Correct Way"
Sounds like a bunch of blind, ignorant, American Jargon to me. I know plenty of modern day immigrants who have paid plenty. And I'm tired of blind, patriotic Americans, who continue to fight the wrong people.

Originally Posted by Patriotic Army Mom View Post
Well my ancestors came in the correct way, they also worked for anyone who paid their passage until the debt was paid. I'm talking about in the very early 1600's. They came and were indentured servants. Stop the crap. I'm tired of people like you saying what you say. A few of my children live on a reservation and the illegals are destroying the land and other things. Take your pipe and smoke it in another country.
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Old 01-29-2010, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by tedd69 View Post
I really doubt I will be allowed to profess my opinions around here, but let’s give it a whirl. I don’t think the people on this site can hang with me

I've got to tell you, like the people on this site, Mormons are very passionate about their beliefs too. I find it interesting how the immigrants of this great nation (the English, the Scottish, the Irish, the Italians, etc.) always seem to include God in their political aspirations, as if God would really give a flying Ratt's behind whether America Succeeds or not. Not to mention, was Jesus a Racist? Would Jesus tell someone to leave his country because of his or her ethnicity? You’re the ones that profess God so often. Please, do tell…How did American get so stinking arrogant? Not to mention, blind sided and ignorant about the bigger picture? We all come from the same race, are all on the same globe, all having this human experience together. Hello?

I also find it interesting how people like this Bob Keller Fellow find it so Important to say things like: "God bless America" after spouting off a bunch of lopsided non sequiturs concerning the down fall of society because of immigration.

In case you have not noticed, it is an insult in the Mexican/Latino community to be unemployed, they come here and make jobs, not to mention do a lot of jobs most people really don’t want to do. Especially all the well to do “anti-immigration people” in a city like Santa Clarita… Don’t you find it ironic that even your town has a Spanish name? The Spanish too have been heavily involved in blatant racism and murdered and plundered many Indian people (not to mention raped and procreated with many of their women). The Indians were here first people, they were here first.

Get it?

You’re the immigrants, not the Mexicans.

All your imaginary lines (borders) and imaginary superiority concerning race and ethnicity is ignorant, like the Mormons. I was raised in Utah, and I know what blatant and retarded racism is all about.

Your country was built on immigration whether you want to believe it or not…. If it was not for immigration there would be no America.

Thanks for your time,

Theo Hirsch
How many wives do you have? Do they all share your bed at the same time or do you only have so much room for them. Why not pile them one on top of the other, you wouldn't want to discriminate by not having room for every one at the same time.

And by the way, I'm an atheist so you're description of us as a whole just doesn't fit. But I don't criticize those that want to put god first before other things. It's people like you that profess 'your god and your way of thinking is the only real god'. Go put your magic underwear on and go pray for yourself. And by the way, why won't you let anyone but your own people in your temple? Are you a racist? Or do you and your religion just discriminate against those who don't think exactly like you do. I guess there's an imaginary border line at the entrance of your temple. Talk about discrimination, your church practices it to the max.

Last edited by Jeanfromfillmore; 01-29-2010 at 04:54 PM.
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Old 01-29-2010, 05:42 PM
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Several things, Ted:

I have an understanding about Joseph Smith's beliefs concerning blacks.

I'm part Indian.

My significant other is first generation born in America with Mexican ancestry.

I'm agnostic.

You came here to bait us, just like the diminutive troll who shows up at our rallies with a camcorder, and you did get some goat.

Keller's words were twisted according to a now five decade old formula to divert attention from the real issue, plain and simple. You made the same play here.

Actually, I believe you are more likely to be an underemployed, born in America pretend Mexican with some time in an ethnic studies class.

Pocho activist and Mexican campesino? Oil and water, with the main connection being the thought of using one another to a self centered end.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Old 01-29-2010, 07:02 PM
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Mormons' Prop. 8 aid protested

Gay-rights activists criticize the church for its role in helping to pass California's ban on same-sex marriage.

November 07, 2008|Jessica Garrison and Joanna Lin, Garrison and Lin are Times staff writers.

Barbara Davidson / Los Angeles Times More than a thousand gay-rights activists gathered Thursday afternoon outside the Mormon temple in Westwood to protest the role Mormons played in passing Proposition 8, which banned same-sex marriage in California.

It was the latest in an escalating campaign directed against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for its role in marshaling millions of dollars in contributions from its members for the successful campaign to take away same-sex marriage rights.

Members of the Mormon church, who were strongly urged by church leaders to contribute to the Proposition 8 campaign, had an undeniable role in the measure's victory.

Opponents of Proposition 8 have accused the church of discriminating against homosexuals, but the backlash against the denomination has also sparked accusations of discrimination.

During the campaign, a website established by Proposition 8 opponents used campaign finance data and other public records to track Mormon political contributions to the Yes-on-8 campaign. Opponents estimated that members of the church had given more than $20 million, but the amount is difficult to confirm since the state does not track the religious affiliation of donor.

Critics of the website noted that the religious affiliations of other political donors are not generally researched.

A commercial opposing Proposition 8 also drew criticism. In it, two actors portraying Mormon missionaries forced their way into the well-kept home of a married lesbian couple.

"Hi, we're here from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," one says.

"We're here to take away your rights," says his partner.

The missionaries then rip the wedding rings from the women's fingers and ransack their house until they find the women's marriage license, which they destroy.

"Hey, we have rights," one of the women says.

"Not if we can help it," answers the missionary.

The ad was produced by an independent group not affiliated with the official No-on-8 campaign and was shown on MSNBC and Comedy Central, according to Rick Jacobs of the Courage Campaign, a progressive political group.

Jeff Flint, strategist for Yes on 8, called the ad "despicable" and said it "crossed every line of decency."

"I am appalled at the level of Mormon-bashing that went on during the Proposition 8 campaign and continues to this day," he said. "If this activity were directed against any other church, if someone put up a website that targeted Jews or Catholics in a similar fashion for the mere act of participating in a political campaign, it would be widely and rightfully condemned."
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
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Old 01-29-2010, 07:58 PM
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You have to read what he's saying.

The guy's not pushing Mormonism.

Here's the bait that equates US with his interpretation of Mormons, throws in the continent without borders BS, while suggesting that we are white supremacists:

(Beginning of post)

I was raised Mormon

I've got to tell you, like the people on this site, Mormons are very passionate about their beliefs too...

(just before conclusion)

...All your imaginary lines (borders) and imaginary superiority concerning race and ethnicity is ignorant, like the Mormons. I was raised in Utah, and I know what blatant and retarded racism is all about.
Here is where he puts down Mormons and other religions for implied rigidity and includes us while implying hypocrisy, bigotry, and hard heartedness as well as putting forth the "What would Jesus do?" argument:

I find it interesting how the immigrants of this great nation (the English, the Scottish, the Irish, the Italians, etc.) always seem to include God in their political aspirations, as if God would really give a flying Ratt's behind whether America Succeeds or not.

Not to mention, was Jesus a Racist? Would Jesus tell someone to leave his country because of his or her ethnicity? You’re the ones that profess God so often. Please, do tell…How did American get so stinking arrogant?

Not to mention, blind sided and ignorant about the bigger picture?

We all come from the same race, are all on the same globe, all having this human experience together. Hello?
More bait:

I also find it interesting how people like this Bob Keller Fellow find it so Important to say things like: "God bless America" after spouting off a bunch of lopsided non sequiturs concerning the down fall of society because of immigration.
The insertion of race and the tired, backhanded insinuation that white Americans are terminally lazy bastards who don't want to work:

In case you have not noticed, it is an insult in the Mexican/Latino community to be unemployed, they come here and make jobs, not to mention do a lot of jobs most people really don’t want to do.
Now lazy white people with money who live in an area quite possibly named by white pre - 1848 criollo Spaniards, the Californios, as well as a hint of "we didn't cross the border, the border crossed us". I'm surprised he didn't thrown in the tripe about Mexicans mowing lawns and Mexican nannies.

Of course we are treated to a slant on the classic Chicano class "Spanish father - rapist who slapped you and left you alone".

Especially all the well to do “anti-immigration people” in a city like Santa Clarita… Don’t you find it ironic that even your town has a Spanish name?

The Spanish too have been heavily involved in blatant racism and murdered and plundered many Indian people (not to mention raped and procreated with many of their women).

The Indians were here first people, they were here first.

Get it?

You’re the immigrants, not the Mexicans.
In case the rest of it didn't hook you, here is the last diversion from the issue zinger:

Your country was built on immigration whether you want to believe it or not…. If it was not for immigration there would be no America.
He couldn't work in some crap about how he was raised as an "Indigenous" Mormon, although other trolls might have tried.

Somewhere, whoever wrote this is laughing his ass off because it was so easy to get angry responses putting down Mormans just as he did - essentially agreeing with him and suggesting the material wasn't fully read and comprehended leading to knee jerk responses which can be exploited.

I believe the guy isn't what he claims to be, he possibly got his material from a book suggesting that everything in America today was accomplished through centuries of white racism. I forget the name of the book - I read it some years ago.

There is always print to be had authored by lunatic brown racists which sounds similar to the rhetoric.

If anyone writes similar posts, think of Naui with a keyboard rather than a camcorder. It's the same exact thing - except you can't see the little gnat.

And think back about DEE DEE and her religion thread. She cut and pasted mass commentary to her Latino Republic site and laughed loudly with her following about how she sandbagged the posters and how could they possibly be Christians.

It's a sort of two for the price of one crap.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 01-29-2010 at 10:00 PM.
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Old 01-30-2010, 08:21 AM
Patriotic Army Mom Patriotic Army Mom is offline
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I'll pray for you. That may help you.
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