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Old 04-15-2010, 02:01 PM
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Default The tea party, civil rights and racism

The tea party, civil rights and racism
April 13, 8:23 PM Portland Civil Rights Examiner Dianna Cotter
When people think of “Civil Rights” the first thing to come to mind is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Rightly so, this man of God was a brilliant and eloquent advocate for concepts first enshrined by our Founding Fathers. His words echo through time and history. Dr. King believed in the inherent qualities of man before looking at his skin color. These are true and real beliefs held by conservatives across the nation. “I have a dream,” he cried, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
It is nothing short of staggering, that those on the left who claim to be the champions of down trodden minorities (Black and Hispanic Americans), could so viciously and unjustly accuse the right of racism as it has been doing with such astounding venom in the past year. ‘All we see are images of white tea partiers, “they must be racists!”’ is their cry. One has to wonder why such personalities as Alfonzo Rachel are not being interviewed for their beliefs on CNBC.
This is categorically false. While there are racists left in America, by and large they are not found in the tea party. Conservative Black leaders are not only welcomed, they are welcomed as kindred spirits, brothers and sisters, fellow Americans.
Indeed, the tea partiers are not waiting around for a government handout, and this seems to be their real crime against the left. Skin color has nothing to do with it. “Hey jackass, get your government off my freedom” is their blunt rallying call, and they could care less what the color of anyone’s skin is. It isn’t about race, it is about protesting a government that is taking too much from them, and giving it to those who didn’t do a damned thing to earn it.
The disgusting goad of racism is beyond untrue, it is immoral and fundamentally without any honor whatsoever. Only when the left lets go of its shameless and frankly repulsive mantra, will racism ever end, because it is they who are keeping it alive.
“Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force.” - Dr Martin Luther King Jr. August 28, 1963
The left has lost that soul force, and instead uses venom and hatred to divide us, at a time when the very fabric of our nation is unraveling. Indeed, it is their own daggers tearing the fibers apart.
It is the protesters on the left, who slip into building alcoves in Downtown Portland to urinate into baggies to throw at the police during Liberal protests. Police there to protect the businesses of shop owners whose life work and incomes, along with that of their employees, depend. The businesses whose windows are broken and upon whose doorsteps the foulest refuse of humanity are smeared must have that protection from these liberal protesters. They all endure the abuse and foul behavior of a mob out to take what they have created, and destroy it in the name of progressivism. Yet the perpetrators of these deeds simply brush this off by saying, “oh well they aren’t with us.” Yes they are with you, you are them, and you are not fooling anyone anymore. They feel entitled to their debauchery, their racism, and their government checks. They will continue to vote for the those who will make sure those checks keep getting sent, democrats.
Entrepreneurs set out to create their own destinies and are ridiculed, vilified on a daily basis. Dehumanized, deconstructed, and called racists. They struggle to succeed, even as punitive taxation forces them to layoff their employees. They attempt to look past the figurative urine and feces thrown at them by liberals of all shades who preach peace in the press, while practicing the war of taxation and socialism on the street. Attempting to see the human being beneath the filth of these words and deeds, more often than not despairing ever finding a shred of humanity with which to connect.
These are the progressives who call tea partiers racists? The same tea partiers who left the Washington D.C. mall in the same condition they found it in before nearly 2 million protesters gathered there on September 12th 2009? They showed their respect for their nation and themselves by simply cleaning up. The comparison is so stark, it is difficult to put into words. The pictures here speak louder than words.
Consider this, what was used to finally guarantee the civil rights Dr. King spoke of? What was the foundation the Black Civil Rights movement built upon? What gave it the possibility to succeed?
The Constitution of the United States of America.
It is the shortest constitution in the world. It is the longest continually in use constitution. It is just flexible enough to be amended with the will of the people, yet rigid enough to limit government running our lives. It is the single source of our civil rights, and it is the only thing that makes us Americans. It is also the very document under attack by progressivism, which is deliberately through congress and the White House, forcing unconstitutional legislation upon America.
Since the early 1900’s the Constitution has been under attack, originally by the labor movement and machine politics because it protects the little guy - us - from the rigors of tyranny and control. It once protected us from government, labor unions, and those who would use both to enrich themselves while beggaring and enslaving all others. The Constitution created a nation where men (and of course women) could create whatever they wanted to. The people could create wealth beyond imagining as much as it allowed that same person to perhaps wallow in poverty. That poverty stricken person could then change his or her destiny and create the wealth they once lacked. Such was how John Jacob Astor created his wealth; he arrived in America with nothing other than the clothes on his back.
The New York City Library exists today because of Astor’s rise from poverty to wealth; all things were once possible because we were free. Then came the New Deal and soft socialism, the government would come to everyone's rescue, but it would come with a huge hidden price tag... Freedom and the Constitution.
Today, the government takes 30 to 50% of income from the average person who actually pays taxes. It then gives it to those who pay nothing, create nothing, and only contribute to humanity in so far as to walk to the mail box to pick up the check.
Naked wealth re-distribution, wanton destruction of the Constitution, and liberal leaders now speak openly of this insanity.
From the creators it is taken and given to the moochers… it is disgusting and hostile to the ideals of personal greatness and of mankind and what mankind can create. It is incompatible with America. Taking a loan from a neighbor makes returning that kindness a moral obligation, a real personal debt. Taking it from the government requires none of that personal responsibility, and for that reason leaves a huge moral void. There is no accountability; there is no return in kind. There is only dependency and despondency.
People once had a choice; their own destiny was an unwritten book, the pages written in the ink of their own blood, sweat and tears. There was no guarantee of success or failure and as a people, we were truly alive and free in every sense of the word. The journey that shapes the soul was once as important as the destination. The manner in which one got there, spoke of one’s own level of personal honor and integrity. The greatness of this nation is a testimony to that freedom. In order to guarantee something to everyone, we must give up the freedom both to succeed and to fail.
No wonder progressives openly speak of the United States no longer being (or even seeking to be) number one in the world. They are aiming lower, where the socialist nations live. This too is what motivates the tea partiers. They still believe in the potential greatness of America, and want to remain the leader of the free world. To the tea partier America's greatest days are ahead, not behind.
Today honor is ridiculed. Integrity has become something to be pawned off to gain control and half of the political spectrum wallows in the mire of the happy sounding phrase “if it feels good, do it! It’s ok!”
Well, it isn’t always ok. Lost is the value of personal achievement through hard work, dedication and self-sacrifice. It’s been replaced by a whiney dark and sticky demand…”gimmee gimmee gimmee”.
In throwing around accusations of racism for political gain, the left espouses the height of hypocrisy. It is the political conservative, the tea partiers and the constitutionalists where Blacks, Hispanics and minorities have shined, not for any opportunity they were given, but from what they themselves created! No one handed them anything in the name of 'afirmative action'. They earned it through their own hard work and merit, just like every other American.
This is the mark of an American, the desire to make of one’s life whatever can be dreamt up and more. Not to be hitting up the mailbox looking for the government check! Not signing away life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for health care!
For this reason, the hyphenated American is rejected by the right. For this reason those in the Tea Party movement reject it. Americans are Americans FIRST. What a man or woman chooses to do with their own life comes second and adds to the first. Race should not be on the list at all. With freedom, an American can do or be anything. All it takes is the fortitude and self responsibility to go create it, and a government that gets out of the way.
This what Dr. King dreamed of: mankind judged by the content of their character, the color of their skin irrelevant.
Progressives call this racism.
We don’t need leashes, we don’t need government checks. We don’t need this soft porn tyranny and its corrosive guile. We certainly do not need progressive racism.
The tea party is right. It is government that needs to be put back on the leash the Progressives have slipped off. They took that leash off and put it onto the citizens of this nation. Progressives demand our freedom for their social programs, health care and their government checks. The tea party is its antithesis, and that is why the left rages in helpless fury resorting to accusations of racism, nothing more than projection on a grand scale. Progressives know they are using race as a weapon, something only racists do. Perhaps this is the real source of their venom.
The tea partiers look at the quality of every man's character.
They and Americans can see the "quality of" progressive "character", and it is sorely lacking.
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Old 04-18-2010, 08:29 AM
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