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Old 01-30-2010, 06:44 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 406

"It's demoralizing and distracting to see our leaders and activists always bending over backwards to prove they're not "racists." More insightful people than I see a civil war coming and when the shooting starts and the race riots and anti-American pogroms begin, Americans will finally stop caring if someone calls them a bad name and start thinking seriously about survival."

I do believe that American government has misgoverned so badly that whether some recognize it or not we are on the road to a societal meltdown brought about by our country's financial ruin.

Riots and such will occur if things remain as is. That in turn may become a civil war.

As long as there was money people complained but endured the abuse and lack of common sense that our government subjects us to.

Be prepared!!!
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