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Old 11-16-2009, 07:12 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Just my humble two cents...

Who here has heard the term divide and conquer?

Has anyone heard of the Musashi precept that if one faces multiple opponents that one should drive one against the others, with no room for counter attack?

Or, that a tactic to defeat your enemy is to provoke him into unreasoning anger and hatred, regardless if it is a street fight, warfare of any sort, corporate battle, court room moves, conflict of any kind.

To fight over Naui means that Naui and his brown racist buddies win.

So, it is my thought that if one derives pleasure from Naui's physical discomfiture, perhaps it would be better to savor the everlasting moment in privacy.

From the other side, perhaps there might be some respect for allowing privacy for the practice of "don't ask, and for sure don't ever tell". Besides, it is a lop sided war where appearances count, where a brown racist can spout all kinds of hate, but words from their opponents are twisted out of all context.

And then, move on.

There is a reason that the first incarnation of Save Our State went down the toilet, and it had, in my belief, just as much to do with judgementalism and infighting than you know who running off the help.

Just my thoughts, for whatever they are worth.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 11-16-2009 at 07:18 PM.
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