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Old 06-23-2011, 04:19 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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McCain's statements angered Roberto Reveles, the founding president of the Phoenix-based Hispanic civil rights group Somos America.
"It's his constant refrain for everything that ails mankind," he told the Associated Press. "It just seems like we have an epidemic of, 'Blame it all on the illegal aliens, blame it all on the Mexicans.' It's amazing that the public doesn't rebel against this type of scapegoating."
If the reason stated seems likely, then I think is is probably true. I heard some say , the illegals could have started the fire to keep warm. I don't belive that simply because it would call attention to them.

Roberto Reveles and his Somos America group are soley to deny and protect any connection to Illegal Invaders.
Anytime illegal immigration is mentioned, everyone yells that we blame it all on Mexicans, well they seem to be the majority but not 100%.
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