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Old 01-12-2013, 06:50 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
here was another elementary school shooting in 1988 in the State of Illinois where a lone gunman, or gunwoman, Laurie Wesserman, entered Hubbard Woods Elementary School with a .357 magnum, 32 S& W and .22 LR Baretta and shot five children. One died and 4 survived.

That's a death rate of 20% and a survival rate of 80%, the exact opposite of Sandy Hook. This involved shooting children inside a building.

It should also be noted that the Illinois children in class rooms are reported to have scattered and tried to run away rather than meekly submit to being shot and killed as reported about Sandy Hook.

My basis position is that the death rate at Sandy Hook is statistically out of the norm with all other mass shootings, even mass shootings of school children who's movements were confined by being inside class rooms, as in Hubbard Woods elementary school where 80% of the victims survived.

The historically and statistically unprecedented death rate at Sandy Hook strongly suggests more than one shooter was involved. This is a morbid subject to have to research and deal with, but it has extraordinary political consequences and we cannot allow ourselves to be blinded and our ability to ask questions to be cut off because of emotion and sentimentality.
The young man spent a lot of time at the range. Anyone can blaze away semi auto and hit nothing.

There are people who actually can shoot through a coin tossed in the air and hit several clay targets released at the same time which are traveling different directions, no misses.

It seems there is yet another conspiracy theory begging to be hit on, and this is the one.

Chemtrails, anyone?
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Last edited by ilbegone; 01-12-2013 at 06:52 PM.
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