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Old 12-24-2013, 05:31 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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So, here we are...

A discussion about the so called "affordable care act" turned into a flame war and further degenerated into a race issue...

Seems he (Obama) is not the right skin color for you.
As to the Mutt's pigmentation and race/ ancestry, I have addressed this numerous times. Obama is not a Negro, he is not African American. He is Bi-Racial, a mulatto, black father, white mother. Almost all of the media with almost no exceptions refer to him as Americas first black president.
I propose that we get back to what the thread is about, Obamacare.

I spoke with a woman yesterday who's within the insurance industry.

Her take, and she was careful to state that she wasn't representing her employer with her conversation, was that the health insurance landscape has been irreparably devastated and there will be no going back to what was. As I understand her statement, it doesn't much matter whether the law is repealed, patched, or what. Reminds me of the California deregulation of the electrical industry, which is still haunting us in Ca. Nearly broke our state, and the smug bastards in Sacramento didn't realize the consequences of their actions until the utilities spun the screwing back to them, AND THEN THE IGNORANT POLITICAL ASSHOLES PANICKED IN A VIRTUALLY FUTILE EFFORT TO SAVE THEMSELVES AND THEIR THREADBARE AGENDAS.

The middle and small insurers have been or will be forced out of business, and many of those policy holders forced out of their plans ultimately won't be picked up by other insurers, or the insurers who are left in business will go broke covering those left who don't go into medicare, and the lady said "you know who pays for that - it's you and me"...

And there's always the specter of yet another bailout covering what the new law screwed up... And just who pays for that?

Which reinforces my early gut feeling that the whole thing is designed to crash and force everyone into taxpayer funded, substandard, European Union / Canadian style government single payer healthcare.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-24-2013 at 05:41 PM.
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