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Old 12-24-2013, 04:52 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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In reality "almost" anything I write is actually taken largely from the media reports and politicians. So essentially I'm actually agreeing with some of them. Naturally my being a conservative Republican I tend to agree with Conservative Republicans. A very significant amount of what they say is actually a lot worse than most of what I produce. And it may come as a shock but there are some elements of Liberal's agenda that I can see and which may have some merit albeit limited.

As to the Mutt's pigmentation and race/ ancestry, I have addressed this numerous times. Obama is not a Negro, he is not African American. He is Bi-Racial, a mulatto, black father, white mother. Almost all of the media with almost no exceptions refer to him as Americas first black president.

I have sent a couple of E-mails to media pundits on that issue without response. It is dishonest, and racist, to ignore his mother. Why is he not referred to as Americas first WHITE President? Or Americas first bi-racial?

I also frequently referred to Kat Williams, the black comedian, with the filthiest mouth cursing out Mexicans in the audience and referring to his people as NXXXXXX and Mxxxxx Fxxxxxx. And they roar with laughter.
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