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Old 12-23-2013, 02:03 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Boy I got under your skin with those bits of truth. Then to throw the race card, how typical of you leftist cult followers. Please inform us of what I stated that wasn't true. Those pieces of truth just keep adding to the pile that is burying your god. Oh, and the "Fox" bit, that's precious. You still haven't answered the question I asked about Benghazi. Oh the hypocrisy of the liberals; lies seem to be just fine with them. It's not "mean spirited" to lie, to the left it's just creative speaking. But for anyone to question and not put up with lying, well that's "mean spirited". Oh the hypocrisy, it's overflowing.

Your entire post was bs as usual.
Now this is fun. What, no retort? Getting harder to defend the overwhelming pile of lies out of Obama's mouth, is it? Please tell us where the "bs" is. Let's break it down and let's hear what defense there can be of such things. I know MSNBC has a stockpile of talking points. But wait, even that great speaker of wisdom Chris Mathews has turned on his god Obama. Oh what to do now. Yes, it probably would be easier to just IGNORE me. You could land up on the "pants on fire list, or the Pinocchio list like Obama. Better to just let it rest.
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