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Old 01-06-2010, 05:31 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 336

I don't pine for the "old days". We did a lot of good, but we had a leader that was more interested in promoting her agenda rather than leading an organization. We had a number of "End the Fed" rallies. Why? I don't know other than they played into the Ron Paul agenda of the former leader and current gubernatorial candidate.

We saw posters and active members ridiculed and eventually banned for merely voicing a dissenting opinion in the 2008 Presidential election season. This was the beginning of the end of the "old days." Instead of being a group focused on the removal of illegal aliens it became a tool to advance a political agenda.

I am glad that the management of this group has seen fit to keep political agendas quashed. If we keep the individual politics to a minimum, and focus on the task at hand, then I believe that we can rise from the ashes. If we do this, then they will be forced to deal with us. "They" meaning the Reconquistas and those groups led by people that are loyal to personalities instead of the movement.
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