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Old 07-03-2011, 11:26 PM
Eagle1 Eagle1 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 406
Default Thieves and Criminals In The Anti-illegal Immigration Movement

A warning to all of you soft hearted wonderful people. There are those who mix with us and who will scam you out of your money as any criminal confidence man can. It's very simple. They need money and come to you for help accepting money that from the beginning they do not intend to pay back.

Going to court to get your money back is a difficult time consuming task.
In my experience, having loaned funds to a "reputable" high profile activist, it isn't worth your time helping out these people. Once your money is in their hands you will never see it again. I have been accused of harassment and many other things that I have not done by someone that was clearly in need but who is now holding on to every penny that belongs to me four and a half years after having helped them. The amount they hold is nearly five thousand dollars and I am sure I will not see a penny unless there is a miracle performed in court. Why was this person in need? After having checked it out it is this simple: She is not willing to work for a living.

As is said of other things...its best to keep it in your pants, money that is.
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