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Old 11-24-2009, 09:57 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post

The LA Times committed suicide by spearheading the Mexican Invasion of So. Cal. Guess what? Spanish speakers don't read an English language news paper. (Even the ones who actually are literate enough to read). ...

And it should be emphasized that Spanish speakers on the average are far less literate in their own language. This means that their vocabulary and general knowledge is far below that of the native English speaker. This suggests a powerful strategy for non-Hispanics in confronting and corrupting Hispanic influence in the US. Native English speakers, especially those who have no Hispanic connections who adopt the Spanish language can use this skill against The Invasion by occupying jobs that require Spanish speaking skills. The average native English speaker who carries over their background into the Spanish language will always be functioning at a higher level than native Spanish speakers. And remember, Spanish is a European language, and so acclimating in the Spanish language can be done oriented around the country of Spain, which is an old industrialized country, even if its level of literacy is inferior to that of English speaking countries.

The lack of literacy in Spanish speaking countries is a direct consequence of the influence of the Catholic Church, which has yet to be convinced that universal literacy is in the best interests of human existance.

Learning a second language and elevating that skill to your native tongue is a tough job, but can pay off in a big way. And in confronting The Invasion, is a weapon more dangerous to them than anything that a gun collection could offer.

My obervations suggest that among all the non-English speaking immigrants, the most literate are the Chinese. Chinese language newspapers are everywhere. They are followed very closely by the Vietnamese.
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