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Old 01-30-2010, 08:58 AM
Don Don is offline
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ON another note, the widespread support of Kellar is astonishing. Two years ago it would have gone the other way.

In about 2000, I was listening to Geo. Putnam or Glenn Spencer( I forget now which it was) and some caller said that the tide would turn on illegal immigration when the economy tanked and Americans found themselves looking at a third world existence. I think that's happening now and it's part of the reason for the turning tide of public support in our direction.

Frankly most people don't care if you're "racist" anymore. "Racist" was never more than a verbal club to bludgeon whites into submission. More and more I hear people saying things I haven't heard since the 1950's, in hushed tones and usually behind closed doors, but also openly on blogs. But they're saying them nonetheless. (How terrible can we be if the whole world wants to come here for the better life they can't seem to ever create in their own countries?)

It's demoralizing and distracting to see our leaders and activists always bending over backwards to prove they're not "racists." More insightful people than I see a civil war coming and when the shooting starts and the race riots and anti-American pogroms begin, Americans will finally stop caring if someone calls them a bad name and start thinking seriously about survival.
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