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Old 01-27-2013, 07:51 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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There has always been an insanity of one sort or another the centuries, maybe it depends on just who's ox is being gored at the moment.

The 60's and its aftermath has brought both good and bad, and I do see a lot more racial mixing, but in some ways we still have the racial consciousness of the 1950's merely turned upside down and inside out.

Was the turmoil of the 60's a reaction to ultra nationalistic McCarthyism, extreme conservatism, racial disharmony boiling over and the Korean "police action" combined with Viet Nam thrown in as well as a few hallucinogenics and general decline of public conception of morality?

How about all those single mothers now and children who might have tenuous ties to 3 or more families? I see that heart break every day, it generally wasn't that way back then.

Another difference I see is that party crashers back then would go somewhere else when refused entrance, now the place gets shot up.

It's just not the same, and I don't think we can put all the blame on illegal immigrants and minorities. Our subliminal concept of society - a notion of respect for one's self and others - has changed and not for the better.

Not quite transferable, but there is a quote to the effect that the most dangerous time for a government is when it begins to reform, is that a parallel for our society and the aftermath of the 60's?
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Last edited by ilbegone; 01-27-2013 at 07:56 AM.
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