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Old 09-09-2010, 04:02 PM
EastCoastGrannie EastCoastGrannie is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I've seen this quite often.

There are others who will charge an English speaking white American or American born Latinos twice as much as they would a Mexican national while putting on the "my friend" act.

There are others who are fairly non discriminatory concerning sales to their customer base, regardless as to how dishonest they are concerning legality or following appropriate business regulations.

I still fail to understand how someone can come to this country illegally and penniless, work for peanuts, and still somehow open a restaurant. That is one tough business needing savvy and financial means, and regulatory and other hoops to be jumped through are daunting and difficult, often for the connected as well as the newcomer total stranger in town.
Tom Tancredo says that many of their businesses are fronts for money laundering. I too have wondered how these businesse can spring up like mushrooms after a rain. These businesses are not just in the southwest but they are in places like Georgia.

You can tell that they target certain communities because people from the town of Farmingville have said that the illegals started showing up over one summer. That fall their were so many foreign kids in the schools and no one knew where they were coming from. I think that as they target certain areas, they also are funding the new businesses. Also, don't be surprised if these businesses are getting our tax money to get started and don't forget those big money liberal foundations.
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