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Old 12-01-2012, 02:04 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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I'm not sure what I should plan to do.

Right now I'm hoping the nation survives another four years of Obama and that political California will be induced to see the see the error of their ways and convince their constituencies that things have to change. You can't keep raising taxes while wasting ever more money on boondoggles and people who haven't worked for generations. It might take a bankruptcy to get back on the right track.

It has to be realized that education is about 90% of the parent's attitude towards it and spend time with those who are becoming educated while preparing those who are too lazy to learn to either work in menial occupations or go hungry.

Those who came here for the welfare benefits need to go back to wherever they came from. In eastern Riverside county there are quite a number of welfare recipients who receive their benefits in California but LIVE IN ARIZONA. Those unemployable due to drugs and alcohol need to be subjected to random drug tests and rehabilitation or be driven out of the state if rehab fails. I've known more than a few genuinely poor people and marginally employed single mothers - not a one had late model vehicles in the driveway, new furniture, or the latest in home entertainment electronics - there are more than an insignificant few who practice welfare fraud while having some sort of under the table income. For decades there have been women who time their pregnancies (any random sperm donor will do) according to how it will affect their continuing eligibility for welfare. Those abuses need to end.

The politicians have to realize there is only so much blood to be squeezed out of the stone. "Making minority neighborhoods green" (installing roof top solar in the ghetto on the taxpayer dime) or building bullet trains to nowhere can't be done with our present financial condition, and maybe not even in good times.

Hard core gang bangers and other criminals have to be effectively dealt with, driven out of the state if necesary. No kid trying to get an education needs to be presented with the choice of either getting beat up all the time or joining a gang for protection. Any prisoner who murders another prisoner in jail needs to be taken out back and capped - get rid of the problem. Jails and lengthy sentences aren't going to solve criminality nor the social and monetary costs which comes with crime.

And, those who came here illegally as adults need to go or be sent back to wherever they came from while those who were brought here illegally as children do not belong to their parent's country and need to be afforded permanent legal status with all rights just short of citizenship, their children to be citizens under the 14th amendment. There is not room on the bus for everyone who wants to come here whether it's illegally or on H1B visas. Employers need to be "educated" out of hiring illegals. If it weren't for employers beating down wages with illegal hiring and H1B entrants there would be little illegal migration. And no more SBA loans to newcomers while affording native citizens little to nothing.

If the problems our state and nation are not effectively met, I fear the meltdown will occur.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 12-01-2012 at 02:15 PM.
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