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Old 04-10-2011, 08:33 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Bear Flag Republican View Post
sounds like my neighborhood. LOL.

out of respect to you, my apologies for that comment.
However, this dude needs to lay off the attacks, I don't back down from any fight. I assumed we'd all be on the side of securing the borders when I joined this site ... perhaps I've adapted to the mentality of the enemy a tad in assuming the necessity of ruthlessness in all conflict
You had best learn to correctly identify who your enemy is and understand him, or he's going to kick your ass. After all, he's been studying you for at least forty years.

And you make the perfect enemy for him to have. You make off base, inflammatory comment. The messages I have presented to you haven't been read except for maybe getting a "highlight" to twist out of context.

And your "ruthlessness" is something like two guys standing chest to chest yelling "hit me, pussy"...

You come across as someone who is totally ignorant of differences in people, that all brown people with Spanish last names are the same person - which is exactly the mentality your enemy wants you to have because it drives people with brown skins and Spanish last names who have no sympathy for illegal aliens with brown skins and Spanish last names away from your cause.

I can laugh at you for calling me a "communist" "federal agent" with an "illegal" "puta", because you're just trying to piss me off by being loud and obnoxious. It's not working.

However, if you believe a woman should be deported, a case can be made without referring to her as a "whore" whom you would be delighted to be raped by her employer. Those sentiments are exactly what your enemy wants you to express - the louder the better - because he can exploit you. You've been outwitted by someone you haven't correctly identified.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-10-2011 at 08:46 AM.
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