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Old 10-10-2013, 06:57 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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A short diversion from Saul Alinski and the road map in his book Rules for Radicals used by community organizer Obama and a whole host of far leftists and a broad spectrum of minority racists. Besides, I'm away from home and don't have the book at hand.

Today I was in in a fairly well to do community on a hill overlooking a black slum in Los Angeles. It is west of the 110 along the line of Vernon (st, ave, blvd, what have you). The houses are spacious, and are high dollar enough I couldn't afford them on dirt cheap land. There were masses of residents jogging between 7:30 and 9:00 this morning just like any upper middle class to lower wealthy class people might do, and I didn't see any apparent low life among them - there were no bandanas, tats, color flying, no drug dealers or hookers hanging out on the corner...

It was an extremely clean, well groomed, all black community.

The only white people I know who were there today were myself, a friend, and an inspector (none who could have afforded those houses), there was construction work by three groups of Mexicans . Everyone else was black.

The point?

There are so many, like socialist race baiter Maya Wiley (from the Center of Social Inclusion - a very innocuous sounding name for a race baiting organization - and Maya can make a simple issue such as a white person tunelessly whistling while driving down an empty road with an empty mind into a maliciously racist affair), carry on that white people leave the inner city taking all the businesses with them, which leaves black people in what becomes a slum with no employment (version of the spin here http://www.centerforsocialinclusion....cial-inequity/ ). However, not one person who can escape what is becoming or is currently a slum will fail to do so, doesn't matter the color of the escapee. If the ghetto below begins encroaching on the wealthy black community on the hill, those black people on the hill will pack their wagons, hitch up and get the hell out of Dodge just as fast or faster than any white flight to the suburbs.

Check out CIS

A biting 2012 opinion piece by Matthew Vadum incredibly published in the Washington Times:

A George Soros-funded pressure group is behind a new drive to teach Democratic congressmen how to smear their opponents as racist.

Last week House Democrats were tutored by the radical, left-wing, racial spoils group known as the Center for Social Inclusion. The group was brought in “to address the issue of race to defend government programs,” Joel Gehrke reported in the Washington Examiner...

...Facts don’t matter in Ms. Wiley’s estimation. “It’s emotional connection, not rational connection that we need,” she said...

...The Center for Social Inclusion is caught up in the toxic brew of Marxism coupled with identity politics. This pabulum that passes for serious thought on the nation’s university campuses holds that America is a morally depraved, structurally racist country that systematically oppresses everyone who is not Caucasian...

...The Center for Social Inclusion may also be hiding something. The group’s tax returns, which are supposed to be publicly available at the GuideStar disclosure website, are not available. This is highly irregular at least and a violation of federal law at worst [where's the IRS?]

It has long been axiomatic that when liberals are fretting about possibly losing power they scream “racist!” repeatedly at the top of their lungs as if sheer repetition of the smear will somehow make it true.

But teaching sitting representatives of the people whose salaries are paid by the taxpayers how to deploy malicious slanders to shut down open debate over government spending is surely a new low...

Full column
A much wealthier black guy (Russell Simmons) than those living on the hill above the slum who hosted one of Maya Wiley's "Race in American" events in his Beverly Hills home and who also seems to prefer that taxes are increased for everyone else in lieu of giving away his fortune to help thos in need

Russell Simmons
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


Don't drink and post.

"A nickel will get you on the subway, but garlic will get you a seat." - Old New York Yiddish Saying

"You can observe a lot just by watching." Yogi Berra

Old journeyman commenting on young apprentices - "Think about it, these are their old days"


Never, ever, wear a bright colored shirt to a stand up comedy show.

Last edited by ilbegone; 10-10-2013 at 07:51 PM.
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