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Old 08-26-2010, 07:02 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I'm not going to hit the link designated "these children".

If someone looked long and hard enough, they would find a picture of your mother with her coochie hanging out in the most embarrassing of situations.

And don't think that women of your mother's age didn't calculate their benefits concerning "love".

So spare me the gratuitous photography or text and either engage in meaningful discussion or ignore me.

Gratuitous? Coochie? Mom?

Wow, where did that come from?

Dude, chill. I'm analyzing what you proposed, not deriding you.

Since you appear to be more than a bit sensitive about this topic (this is the second time you snapped at me in this thread), I'll keep this real short and not post anything further:

Your plan rewards families of illegal aliens for knowingly violating our laws. And a lot of the beneficiaries of the residency rights your plan doles out, don't feel a great deal of appreciation or allegiance to the U.S. Further, the people who will be saddled with the expenses and imposition of uninvited foreign nationals now permanently amongst us, that your plan results in, are American citizen taxpayers who have done nothing wrong.

Absolutely best case scenario with your plan - In a few generations all traces of loyalties to Raza separatism, allegiance to foreign nations and disrespect for America are absent from the progeny of the illegals you let stay. Further, all offspring of people your plan provided amnesty to are educated, self-sufficient and paying more than their fair share in taxes.

That's all great, assuming everything works out perfectly, except for one thing. You, me and everyone who reads this thread today will have been dead for many years.

I have an alternate proposal: Throw illegals out and permanently bar them from readmission to the United States. Then reduce legal immigration into this country from Mexico and other major violators of our nation's sovereignty, by two thirds.

Absolutely best case scenario with my proposal - The U.S. is no longer a dumping ground for the impoverished, excess population that Latin America sees fit to send our way. And perhaps most significantly, you, me and everyone reading this get to have a few years wherein we actually reside in America again and are spared from having to cohabitate, for the rest of our days, with the offspring of criminals your scheme turns into our permanent neighbors.

Have a nice day and go in peace.
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