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Old 09-02-2010, 06:39 PM
tim55 tim55 is offline
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I went to DC and attended Beck's rally. Honestly, only once was politics skirted, and that was at the end of Palin's speech, and, like I said, it only skirted politics. That rally gave me goosebumps, and I found it to be quite all races. I felt the purpose of that rally was to attempt to point all Americans, regardless of color, back to the ideals of the founders. There was a heavy message of turning back to God, which I find refreshing. Also, the rally was used to garner support for Vets, particularly the children of Special Forces KIA's in order to insure that their children would be able to afford to attend college. And, contrary to popular belief, there were black folks in attendance, but few relative to white folk. On stage, though, there was more black participants than whites. The idiot media who condemn this rally wish to marginalize it by any means possible, and from my perspective, there is absolutely no way you can twist the content of the rally into anything negative. Unless it is done via lying through ones teeth. Oh, and if there there were less than 500 thousand in attendance, I would be greatly surprised.
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