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Old 06-02-2014, 08:58 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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And this is what this whole thread concerning the dumping of illegals in Arizona will be distorted into by detractors of the movement to enforce immigration law and preserve our sovereignty...

Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post

Incidentally I read that the "white" birth rate has fallen so low now that it is below replenishment. So in a few decades the Caucasians will be in the minority - IF the trend continues.

No other nation on earth has had the tradition of law and government a thousand years before the colonization of the eastern seaboard, further formulated by the English Civil War, and distilled by largely self government in the colonies before the American revolution. The other former British colonies which had the British tradition instilled in the culture are generally ahead of the world pack, but the United States is foremost among them all - faults and blemishes notwithstanding.

There is probably a reason that Winston Churchill's work was titled A History of the English Speaking Peoples rather than A History of The Anglo Saxon People

America was founded on an idea, a belief, however it may have been managed or mismanaged, and that is the important thing. On the other hand, race is accidental to one's self and - informed or not - political belief is a choice.

However it's sliced and for whatever reason, the dumping of illegals collected in Texas into Arizona is just plain wrong.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 06-02-2014 at 10:21 PM.
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