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Old 12-28-2009, 03:48 PM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
Aren't there different kinds of body armor with varying levels of protection? In the huge LA shootout, it seems to me that the shooters were wearing something that allowed them to completely absorb high velocity amunition and still remain on foot. But not all armor is like that. Some of it is strictly survival oriented. If you are hit with a large caliber round with the lighter armor, you will suffer and maybe even suffer internal injury, but the round will not penetrate the armor and your survival is promoted if not guaranteed.

Reasonably, the best kind of armor, the kind that will make high velocity rounds a distraction and nothing more should be restricted to military and police applications. Not many people are going to be able to afford this kind of armor or would want to wear it in the kind of situations they hope to be able to apply it.

Some criminal who is in a witness protection program should be able to have access to personal light armor. When the police are moving such a witness, then the witness is pretty much in police custody and heavier armor could be applied without some felon having personal access to personal armor of that level of protection.
Sounds like a reasonable approach.
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