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Old 04-12-2011, 08:43 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Sad to say it is getting increasingly more and more difficult to get a straight story out of DHS, CBP, ICE and BATF. They are so busy spinning, deceiving, covering up that there is little credibility.
No wonder. Department of Homeland Security (CBP, ICE) and the Treasury Department (BATF) are cabinet positions reporting directly to the Spinner in Chief.

As is the Department of Justice, which has sued Arizona for attempting to do a job Obama forbids the feds to do, which is also the employer of civil judges presiding over the greatly understaffed Immigration Court system, and oversees the Federal Unit charged with investigating Judicial and Prosecutorial misconduct within the DOJ.

Head of the Labor Department Hilda Solis has cooked up this deal between cabinet departments:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Labor Department have also come to an agreement, said Solis. ICE will suspend worksite immigration investigations for sites where the Labor Department is investigating labor disputes such as wage and hour, family and medical leave, discrimination or health and safety issues.
It's outrageous enough that such a deal was made, but undoubtedly whenever ICE would get around to doing a workplace raid and and asks Hilda if anything is going on, there will undoubtedly be a "labor investigation" being conducted at that particular site.

This is why I say that unless errant politicians and non elected government employees are tarred and feathered while permanently exiled from public office, governmental employment, and employment as lobbyists, and until employers experience serious consequences for hiring illegals nothing will change.

There's a tremendous amount of governmental ass which needs to be profoundly kicked.

If the president were serious about immigration enforcement, the UAV's would be indispensable in ferreting out and apprehending hill top look outs which are said to be as far as 200 miles north of the border.
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-12-2011 at 08:53 AM.
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