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Old 04-23-2011, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by The Waco Kid View Post
This is not meant to be a a warning, hilarious or otherwise to illegals. It is an illustration of what is going on in Mexico. Who and what are coming over our border in droves? Mexicans is the answer so of course so you reasonably expect some of this sort of barbarism to come with them.

Not quite sure where the hilarity part comes in? I find nothing funny about it.
This is to what I refer:

is it just me or does that second one from the bottom have a nose that looks like a pig?
oink oink, migrantes y illegales. hahahaha
Yes, that is going on in Mexico. And not all Mexicans come here for the money - I spoke with one a week or so ago. She told me that the money isn't here any more, it's why she works the extra hours she didn't before.

I then referred to another conversation I had with another Mexican woman a few years ago (from Puebla), that one told me that the corruption and crime is, in her mind, why so many come here - and when I asked what the cure was, she said it would never improve in Mexico - there's no hope.

And the woman of the more recent conversation (from Nayarit) said that there are those who think they can bring it (the corruption and crime) with them from Mexico, and I believe she fears it.

It's not funny. People can talk about the blood and other stuff they claim to have seen or have been a part of, but if they enjoy seeing other people's pictorial misery involving horrible death they're either lying about having been around it or they are psychopathic pieces of shit.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-23-2011 at 09:46 PM.
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