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Old 04-30-2011, 02:45 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
I'm fine with royal weddings; just don't see why Americans are so enthralled with it. Royalty is not an admirable concept if you are a subject
Every time it took over the news on TV, I had to change the channel. On occasion I had an overwhelming desire to throw a brick at the screen.

I enjoy history, I enjoy learning about other peoples. However, the media attention to the upcoming event as it was coming over the screen seemed to have "chick thing" clinging all over it it. It seemed as gay to me as a request to change the channel from the Super Bowl to River Dance.

When I see what is coming across our border and where it is coming from, and what it is doing to our country, I get sick. All men are created equal ??? I don't think so. I suppose that was intended to apply to equal treatment in a democracy but not, in my way of thinking, to my opinions and attitude as regards social and cultural acceptance.

Personally I don't see any reason to vilify and castigate someone who has distaste for a certain class, or group, of humans. Racism, absent overt acts of violence, shouldn't be considered as a crime against humanity. Disliking, or rejecting, some group, gang, race, or individual, due to personal preferences should be understood and tolerated. It's perfectly natural and normal to humans.
What you see coming over the border, for the most part, are the least educated; the most ignorant; the lower class; the representation of the abject failure of a nation; the least able to make it in an impoverished, corrupt nation; illegal aliens who violate our immigration laws along with unscrupulous American employers aided by scumbag American politicians.

Their presence in such large numbers have been harmful to this nation, and the majority of everyone who has ever been an illegal entrant should be deported in my mind.

Race does not indicate culture, or any other learned attributes.

There is nothing wrong with

Disliking, or rejecting, some group, gang, race, or individual,
so long as it has to do with learned behavior of individuals who may make up a group which is harmful, indecent, objectionable etc.

Dislike or other rejection based on race is wrong, and it doesn't matter which race the rejectionist belongs, it flies in the face of what the founders - themselves flawed human beings like the rest of us who were the product of their times and subject to not always living up to their vision - sought for our nation.

Everyone is prejudiced about something, it what one does with it that counts. With Mexican nationals, I have a weird thing in my head which all at the same time I love them and hate them all, something that a "Latino activist" wouldn't admit to but will fully understand the sentiment. And, like them, I am also well aware of the great difference between a Mexican National and an American with Mexican ancestors. I try to treat everyone as an individual, there are decent people and abject assholes everywhere.

All men within mankind are indeed created equal
Freibier gab's gestern

Hay burros en el maiz


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Last edited by ilbegone; 04-30-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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