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Old 01-17-2010, 03:55 AM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
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I will not speculate as to why Coe has taken this stand, at least not on a forum. the old SOS was really great when I joined but it became what I believed was all political. Remember how we never had protests any more? That was the most compelling reason I joined, I COULD GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING. Sitting behind a key board is not exactly what I call active if you are able to do more.
Politics are a part of everything these days but there is still ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and neither party seems to be willing to curb it. I will also never allow any forum to tell me what political party I should belong to.
For my part I would not let that bit of news deter us from what we are about. There are so many who are trying to destroy another group that I never know if it is really the person who it is supposed to be the thorn or not. There is not time to fight on the play ground. We all need to be on the battle field.
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