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Old 02-16-2010, 03:45 PM
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By Linda Lambourne
Santa Clarita
Posted: Feb. 15, 2010 6:38 p.m.
POSTED Feb. 16, 2010 4:55 a.m.

I commend City Councilman Bob Kellar for bravely speaking about illegal immigration. American life as we know it could soon end under the burden of illegal immigration.

Although many say immigration is a federal issue, its effects are felt primarily at the local level. Kellar understands illegal immigration is ruining the very fabric of our culture, bankrupting our economy and eroding the moral fiber of our community.

There isn’t a more compassionate community than Santa Clarita. However, our health care system is at its breaking point, the safety of our community is at risk and the quality of our children’s education is diminishing.

If teachers spend large amounts of time helping ESL students and administrators cannot stretch the budget far enough to cover the additional costs of educating illegal immigrants, then our kids can’t obtain the high-quality education California students once received.

Am I willing to sacrifice our children’s education for that of illegal immigrants? Am I willing to bankrupt our economy supplying welfare and health care to illegal immigrants? Will I sit quietly as I hear about women being raped and people like sheriff’s Deputy David March being brutally murdered by illegal immigrants?

Absolutely not. Neither should any other American citizen.

The bottom line here is illegal immigrants are depleting our tax dollars by overrunning our schools, our hospitals and our welfare system. Let’s not allow people to use sugar-coated terms like “migrant,” “undocumented” or, as Councilman Frank Ferry says, “the disenfranchised.”

They are illegal, which means prohibited, dishonest, criminal, illegitimate or banned. Should they be welcomed into our community or our country?

Martin Luther King Jr. said: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Bob Kellar spoke out about illegal immigration and I thank him because too many people remain silent about something that matters so very much.

By Jennifer Ozuna
Santa Clarita
Posted: Feb. 13, 2010 4:43 p.m.
POSTED Feb. 14, 2010 4:55 a.m.

I'm a little upset with Sunday's front-page story ("Facing the border: A day laborer's story," Feb. 7) glorifying illegal immigration.

Why in the world would I want to read about someone who continuously breaks our laws by coming into this country illegally?

It seems that your newspaper has an agenda. It is made more clear in the way you are handling the Bob Kellar story.

Why don't you write more about the people who support him? I truly believe most of the people in Santa Clarita do support him and are sick and tired of this issue being swept under the carpet.

I don't want to read the opinion of cowardly politicians and special-interest groups who support illegal immigration.

It's time to get in touch with what the people of Santa Clarita feel.
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